Dr. Emanuel Cummings Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry: School of Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences University of Guyana
Dr. Emanuel Cummings Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry: School of Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences University of Guyana
Dr. Emanuel Cummings Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry: School of Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences University of Guyana
Emanuel Cummings
Senior lecturer in Biochemistry
School of Medicine
Faculty of Health
University of Guyana
Biochemistry of Cancer
Transformation of normal cells to
cancer cells
Proliferative Quiescent
The total number of cells in a tissue depends
upon the proportion of cells in these 3 states.
Genomic changes
1920 x rays and Radioactive substances
workers developed cancer on their fingers and
2. Chemicals
1775 Percival Pott in London found a high
incidence of cancer of the scrotum among
chimney sweeps.
1920 Japanese workers painted extract of soot
on mice resulted in skin cancer.
1929. Kennaway isolated from soot the first pure
chemical carcinogen- Dibenzanthracene
Other Chemicals (Polycylic
aromatic hydrocarbons / Aromatic
3 Methylcholanthrene
7,12 Dimethylbenzanthracene
2,3 Dimethyl-4 amino azobenzene
N,N Dimethyl-4amino azobenzene
2 Naphthylamine.
Cigarette smoking was noted as a prime cause of lung cancer .
Analysis of the smoke and tar demonstrated benzopyrene.
Aromatic amines-Bladder (Manufactures of dyes and rubber)
2 Acetylaminofluorene and N- methyl 4 aminobenzene
Nitrosamines Several sites including liver- (Workers of Salted food and
leather workers, manufacturers of herbicides
Dimethylnirosamine and diethylnitrosamine.
Various Drugs
Diethylstlbestrol and Fulcin (Griseofulcin
Naturally. Occurring compounds
Dactinomycin Aflotoxin B1 from Aspergillus flavus (Diet)
Inorganic compounds
Arsenic, asbestos, cadium, chromium, berylium
Incomplete Combustions of fossils fuels- Polycyclic hydrocarbons
How do chemical carcinogens enter
the body
CH2 =CH-Cl
+O CH2-CH-Cl
Vinyl chloride Epoxide
N-N=O +O H2O + CH 3 + + N2
CH3 Dimethylnitrosamine
Several steps
Vinyl chloride- epoxide
Dimethylnitrosamine- very reactive free methyl radical
Nitrosamines- methyl radical
Polycyclic hydrocarbons-epoxide