The Conceptual Framework For Financial Reporting
The Conceptual Framework For Financial Reporting
The Conceptual Framework For Financial Reporting
The information needs of the first 3 users are given more emphasis by the conceptual
framework because they do not have the power to require reporting entities to provide
information directly to them
Users of financial statements
Three groups of primary users:
1. investors,
Existing and potential
Interested in the performance, ability to pay dividends
Need information to determine whether they should buy, sell or their
2. lenders,
Who actively lent to the entity
Interested to know if the entity is solvent and liquid to repay the
borrowings and interest on borrowings
3. other creditors
Those who have supplied goods and services on credit to the entity
Interested in the ability to settle the amounts due to them; growth and
Qualitative characteristics of useful
financial information
Faithful representation
Faithfully represent the actual situation
Should be complete, neutral and free from error
Application of fundamental qualitative
Step 1:
To identify the economic phenomena that could be useful.
Step 2:
To identify the information about the phenomena that would be most relevant
Step 3:
To determine whether that information is available and can be faithfully
Four Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics:
1. Comparability
May enable comparisons between periods (current year and
previous year), between companies in the same industry
(Maybank and Public Bank), between companies from different
industries (Petronas and Digi) or between companies from
different countries (Malaysia Airlines and Singapore Airlines)
Can be achieved by using same methods consistently and
referring to the same accounting standards
2. Verifiability
4. Understandability
Classifying, characterising and presenting information clearly and
concisely to make it understandable
Users of financial information is assumed to be knowledgeable users
Underlying assumption
An asset is
a resource controlled by the entity
as a result of past events and
from which future economic benefits are expected to
flow to the entity.
Underlying assumption;
Measurement bases Specific criteria Specific criteria on useful Specific criteria on useful
on valuation lives, depreciation life, amortisation
1. Categorise each of the items below according to the category of elements in the
financial statements:
Loss on sale of machinery
Retained earnings
Rental revenue
Prepaid insurance
Advanced payment by customers
Share premium
Trade payables
Gain on sale of marketable securities
2. When should asset be recognised?
On 1 June 2015, Wawasan Sdn Bhd ordered a van to be used for delivery of
goods to customer. Wawasan paid RM60,000 for the van on 7 June 2015 and
took delivery of the van on 15 June, 2015. When should Wawasan recognise
the van as an asset? Show the relevant journal entries.