Summary Writing: Subtitle
Summary Writing: Subtitle
Summary Writing: Subtitle
A summary involves shortening a long text for its MAIN IDEAS AND DETAILS.
Underline with summarising in • Read the article again for a better understanding of the text
• As you read, underline the major details that support the thesis statement
mind • Underline the transition elements which show how parts are linked
• Be accurate
Revise your summary • Check that your summary makes the same point as the original text
• Have you omitted any important points?
• Does your summary read smoothly with all the points tied clearly?
Check your
Proofread your Write out your
Delete any relevant summary again for
summary for any summary in one
ideas a smooth flow of
grammatical errors paragraph
Main points are usually found at the beginning or the end of a paragraph.
*Do not write in point form.
Identify the main points
in the following
Example 1:
Mariessa started to feel queasy and she clutched her churning stomach.
Beads of cols sweat began to trickle down her forehead as she ran to
the nearest washroom in the shopping mall. The minute she reached
the washroom, she vomited and felt weak. Suddenly, images of the
new restaurant floated in her vision. The flies, the dirty floor, the
unkempt waiting staff: it dawned upon Mariessa that she was suffering
from food poisoning.
Example 2:
Mariessa started to feel queasy and she clutched her churning stomach.
Beads of cols sweat began to trickle down her forehead as she ran to the
nearest washroom in the shopping mall. The minute she reached the
washroom, she vomited and felt weak. Suddenly, images of the new
restaurant floated in her vision. The flies, the dirty floor, the unkempt
waiting staff: it dawned upon Mariessa that she was suffering from food
The crowd of people pushed and shoved their way into the cinema.
The crowd of people pushed and shoved their way into the cinema.
Read the title of stimuli or passage X Be influenced by own views or opinion
Take note of the source X Spend too much time on one question
Underline the main ideas or keywords X Worry too much about the time given
Take note of linking words X Be misled by partial true statements
Use a variety of sentence structure
Write within the word limit.