Explicit Teaching
Explicit Teaching
Explicit Teaching
In the field of English teaching, grammar
teaching has always been a controversial topic. In
the 1960s, due to the popularity of the grammar
translation method, grammar is quite seriously. In
recent years, more and more domestic scholars
begin to explore the grammar teaching method that
are suitable for the situation of China and think
about the status of grammar teaching in college
English teaching and the best combining site of
language teaching theory with practice.
Background of the Study
The status of English grammar teaching in English
teaching has weakened and even once disappeared in
part English class until the late 1980s, foreign English
teachers had a consistent view of the importance of
grammar teaching. In recent years, more and more
domestic scholars begin to think about the situation of
China and explore the grammar teaching method.
Conceptual Framework
Research Design
Comparative descriptive method design will be used since
the study.