Data Envelopment Analysis For Performance Measurement
Data Envelopment Analysis For Performance Measurement
Data Envelopment Analysis For Performance Measurement
Performance Measurement
In evaluating the performance of a business the owners or the managers
would typically like to know:
Tornqvist index
Now take a closer look at the input aggregator function
When the inputs L and K are aggregated through a production function, the
total factor productivity of a firm also becomes its technical efficiency index.
The production function defines the maximum quantity of output that can be
produced from a given input bundle. Thus,
Stochastic Frontier Models
• Motivation:
• Factors not under control of the firm
• Measurement error
• Differential rates of adoption of technology
• Frontier is randomly placed by the whole collection of
stochastic elements which might enter the model outside the
control of the firm.
• Aigner, Lovell, Schmidt (1977), Meeusen, van den Broeck
(1977), Battese, Corra (1977)
The Stochastic Frontier Model
yi = f (xi )TE i e v i
ln y i = + xi + vi ui
= + xi + i .