This document discusses the Bridge design pattern, which allows the abstraction of an object to be separated from its implementation so that they can vary independently. It describes the key elements of the pattern, including abstraction, refined abstraction, implementer and concrete implementation. An example of using the bridge pattern for vehicle production is provided. The document also discusses when to use the bridge pattern and its advantages in decoupling an abstraction from its implementation.
This document discusses the Bridge design pattern, which allows the abstraction of an object to be separated from its implementation so that they can vary independently. It describes the key elements of the pattern, including abstraction, refined abstraction, implementer and concrete implementation. An example of using the bridge pattern for vehicle production is provided. The document also discusses when to use the bridge pattern and its advantages in decoupling an abstraction from its implementation.
Original Description:
Software design patterns - Object oriented analysis and design.
This document discusses the Bridge design pattern, which allows the abstraction of an object to be separated from its implementation so that they can vary independently. It describes the key elements of the pattern, including abstraction, refined abstraction, implementer and concrete implementation. An example of using the bridge pattern for vehicle production is provided. The document also discusses when to use the bridge pattern and its advantages in decoupling an abstraction from its implementation.
This document discusses the Bridge design pattern, which allows the abstraction of an object to be separated from its implementation so that they can vary independently. It describes the key elements of the pattern, including abstraction, refined abstraction, implementer and concrete implementation. An example of using the bridge pattern for vehicle production is provided. The document also discusses when to use the bridge pattern and its advantages in decoupling an abstraction from its implementation.
This is a design mechanism that encapsulates an implementation class inside of
an interface class. The bridge pattern allows the Abstraction and the Implementation to be developed independently and the client code can access only the Abstraction part without being concerned about the Implementation part. The abstraction is an interface or abstract class and the implementer is also an interface or abstract class. The abstraction contains a reference to the implementer. Children of the abstraction are referred to as refined abstractions, and children of the implementer are concrete implementers. Since we can change the reference to the implementer in the abstraction, we are able to change the abstraction’s implementer at run-time. Changes to the implementer do not affect client code. It increases the loose coupling between class abstraction and it’s implementation. UML Diagram of Bridge Design pattern Elements of Bridge Design Pattern
Abstraction – core of the bridge design pattern and defines the
crux. Contains a reference to the implementer. Refined Abstraction – Extends the abstraction takes the finer detail one level below. Hides the finer elements from implementers. Implementer – It defines the interface for implementation classes. This interface does not need to correspond directly to abstraction interface and can be very different. Abstraction imp provides an implementation in terms of operations provided by Implementer interface. Concrete Implementation – Implements the above implementer by providing concrete implementation. Example of Bridge design pattern Here we’re producing and assembling the two different vehicles using Bridge design pattern. In the first diagram we will see the elements and their relationships when we don’t use Object bridge pattern. In the Second diagram we will see the elements and their relationships when we use the Object bridge pattern. When we need bridge design pattern:- The Bridge pattern is an application of the old advice, “prefer composition over inheritance”. It becomes handy when you must subclass different times in ways that are orthogonal with one another. Without Bridge Design Pattern Consider the below design pattern :
But above solution has a problem. If you want to change Bus
class, then you may end up changing ProduceBus and AssembleBus as well and if the change is workshop specific then you may need to change Bike class as well. With Bridge Design Pattern
We can solve above problem by decoupling the Vehicle and
Workshop interfaces in below manner. Advantages
Bridge pattern decouple an abstraction from its implementation so
that the two can vary independently. It is used mainly for implementing platform independence feature. It adds one more method level redirection to achieve the objective. Publish abstraction interface in separate inheritance hierarchy, and put implementation in its own inheritance hierarchy. Use bridge pattern to run-time binding of the implementation. Use bridge pattern to map orthogonal class hierarchies Bridge is designed up-front to let the abstraction and the implementation vary independently. Implementation of thread scheduling – problem definition Let us consider the domain of thread scheduling
There are two types of thread schedulers, and two types of
operating systems or "platforms". Implementation of thread scheduling – simple solution Given this approach to specialization, we have to define a class for each permutation of these two dimensions. If we add a new platform (say ... Java's Virtual Machine), what would our hierarchy look like? Implementation of thread scheduling – Solution: object Bridge The number of classes we would have to define would increase with the number of scheduling schemes and the number of platforms. If we apply the Bridge design pattern we get two orthogonal hierarchies – one for platform-independent abstractions, and the other for platform-dependent implementations. Discussion of solution
Decompose the component's interface and implementation into
orthogonal class hierarchies. The interface class contains a pointer to the abstract implementation class. This pointer is initialized with an instance of a concrete implementation class, but all subsequent interaction from the interface class to the implementation class is limited to the abstraction maintained in the implementation base class. The client interacts with the interface class, and it in turn "delegates" all requests to the implementation class. The interface object is the "handle" known and used by the client; while the implementation object, or "body", is safely encapsulated to ensure that it may continue to evolve, or be entirely replaced (or shared at run-time. Discussion – when to use object bridge Use the Bridge pattern when: you want run-time binding of the implementation, you have a proliferation of classes resulting from a coupled interface and numerous implementations, you want to share an implementation among multiple objects, you need to map orthogonal class hierarchies. Consequences include: decoupling the object's interface, improved extensibility (you can extend (i.e. subclass) the abstraction and implementation hierarchies independently), hiding details from clients. Conclusion
Bridge is a synonym for the "handle/body" idiom.
This is a design mechanism that encapsulates an implementation class inside of an interface class. The former is the body, and the latter is the handle. The handle is viewed by the user as the actual class, but the work is done in the body. "The handle/body class idiom may be used to decompose a complex abstraction into smaller, more manageable classes. The idiom may reflect the sharing of a single resource by multiple classes that control access to it (e.g. reference counting)." Check List:
Decide if two orthogonal dimensions exist in the domain.
These independent concepts could be: abstraction/platform, or domain/infrastructure, or front-end/back-end, or interface/implementation. Design the separation of concerns: what does the client want, and what do the platforms provide. Design a platform-oriented interface that is minimal, necessary, and sufficient. Its goal is to decouple the abstraction from the platform. Define a derived class of that interface for each platform. Create the abstraction base class that "has a" platform object and delegates the platform-oriented functionality to it. Define specializations of the abstraction class if desired. Rules of thumb Adapter makes things work after they're designed; Bridge makes them work before they are. Bridge is designed up-front to let the abstraction and the implementation vary independently. Adapter is retrofitted to make unrelated classes work together. State, Strategy, Bridge (and to some degree Adapter) have similar solution structures. They all share elements of the "handle/body" idiom. They differ in intent - that is, they solve different problems. The structure of State and Bridge are identical (except that Bridge admits hierarchies of envelope classes, whereas State allows only one). The two patterns use the same structure to solve different problems: State allows an object's behavior to change along with its state, while Bridge's intent is to decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently. If interface classes delegate the creation of their implementation classes (instead of creating/coupling themselves directly), then the design usually uses the Abstract Factory pattern to create the implementation objects.
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