Bilirubin Metabolism: Hd. - Msc. (Biochemistry)
Bilirubin Metabolism: Hd. - Msc. (Biochemistry)
Bilirubin Metabolism: Hd. - Msc. (Biochemistry)
iron Iron pool
2. Conjugation process:
In liver: Bilirubin is conjugated with Glucouronic acid to
produce bilirubin diglucuronides, which is water soluble and
readily transported to bile.
Total bilirubin = D+ ID
• Types of Jaundice:
• according to the cause of jaundice
it is classified to three main types:
Pre-hepatic jaundice
Hepatic jaundice
Post-hepatic .
haemolytic jaundice hepato-cellular jaundice obstructive jaundice
Pre-hepatic jaundice Hepatic jaundice Post-hepatic jaundice
Type of Bil. ID.Bil > D.Bil D.Bil, ID.Bil, T.Bil all (High) D.Bil (High)
Conformationa K+ ( High)
ALT, AST (High) ALP, GGT ( High)
l test CBC (low Hb)
• High bilirubin levels is common in newborns after age (2-3 days).
• Due to breaking down the excess RBCs and, the newborn’s liver is
not fully mature. This situation usually resolves within a few days.
• is treated by phototherapy which breakdown bilirubin (ID D) and
convert it to the photo isomer form which is more water soluble.
TYPE I :Is due to a severe deficiency of glucuronyl tranferase.ID>20, .
Death usually in the first year with kernicterus.
TYPE II : Is due to a moderate deficiency of glucuronyl transferase,
Patients develop normally but some may suffer bilirubin encephalopathy,
Heredatory conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
• Is a chronic benign jaundice without pruritus or elevation
of serum ALP nor histological evidence of cholestasis. The
hepatocytes contain an abundance of coarse dark-brown
pgiment similar to melanin . The liver is black but normal.
S. bilirubin ranges between 2 and 20mg/dl.
• is a condition similar to Dubin-Johnson. There is
intermittent jaundice, similar clinical course, excellent
prognosis but no pigment in the liver tissue.
Why Bilirubin Test is Performed
1. Jaundice is the most common reason .
2. Most newborns have some jaundice.
3. liver or gallbladder problems.
Kit components
Sulfanalic acid reagent
Methanol reagent