"In Situ" Hybridization Techniques
"In Situ" Hybridization Techniques
"In Situ" Hybridization Techniques
“ In Situ ”
Associate Professor Dr.
Özhan Eyigör
Uludag University College of Medicine
Department of Histology & Embryology
• Hybridization:
In solution – in vitro
On cell preparations or tissue sections – in situ
On nitrocellulose membranes
• Southern Blotting: DNA
• Northern Blotting: RNA
What is In Situ Hybridization
• Developmental biology
• Cell biology
• Histology
• Genetics
• Microbiology
• Pathology
Types of In situ Hybridization
• Hybridization.
B) Asetilation
Commonly used for RNA/RNA hybridization.
The aim of the asetilation is to neutralize the
positive charges on the tissue. This
prevents the non-specific binding of the
E) Prehybridization fixation
P32, P33, S35
Detection of Hybridization
1. Film Autoradiography :
Hybridization slides are put on a specific rontgen film.
This film must be sensitive to the radioactive label
used for hybridization.
The film should be exposed for a certain time.
After developing the hybridization signal is seen as
dark areas on the film.
Film Autoradiography
Detection of Hybridization
2. Autoradiography on slides:
After hybridization the slides are covered with a
photographic emulsion.
Exposed for a certain time.
After development the hybridization signal is seen as
black dots on the section.
When analyzed with a dark field condenser the signal
is seen as white shiny dots over a dark background.
GluR7 Exression in the Median Eminence
GluR7 GluR7
GluR7 GluR6
Mapping of the Distribution of Glutamate
Receptor mRNA’s in the Hypothalamus
GnRH mRNA Expression in
Dual in situ Hybridization – GnRH and GluR5
FISH: Fluorecence in
situ Hybridization
Antisense Method – (Antisense treatment)
•Southern and Northern Blotting
Southern blotting determines the presence of a particular gene
or DNA sequence within thousands of base pairs in a DNA
molecule. It is widely used for the molecular biology and
recombinant DNA technology studies.
Not easy to use radioactivity
It is dangerous
Non-Radioactive Labeling
1. Digoxigenin-anti-digoxigenin system,
3. Biotin-streptavidin system
The technique: