This document discusses key aspects of quality leadership and management in libraries. It outlines principles of total quality such as focusing on users, participation, empowerment, and continuous improvement. It describes theories of quality gurus like Juran, Kaizen, Deming, and process reengineering. The document also discusses requirements for effective leadership like being proficient, motivating staff, and creating confidence. Top management strategies to achieve quality include adopting new philosophies, instituting training, and following continuous preventive action.
This document discusses key aspects of quality leadership and management in libraries. It outlines principles of total quality such as focusing on users, participation, empowerment, and continuous improvement. It describes theories of quality gurus like Juran, Kaizen, Deming, and process reengineering. The document also discusses requirements for effective leadership like being proficient, motivating staff, and creating confidence. Top management strategies to achieve quality include adopting new philosophies, instituting training, and following continuous preventive action.
This document discusses key aspects of quality leadership and management in libraries. It outlines principles of total quality such as focusing on users, participation, empowerment, and continuous improvement. It describes theories of quality gurus like Juran, Kaizen, Deming, and process reengineering. The document also discusses requirements for effective leadership like being proficient, motivating staff, and creating confidence. Top management strategies to achieve quality include adopting new philosophies, instituting training, and following continuous preventive action.
This document discusses key aspects of quality leadership and management in libraries. It outlines principles of total quality such as focusing on users, participation, empowerment, and continuous improvement. It describes theories of quality gurus like Juran, Kaizen, Deming, and process reengineering. The document also discusses requirements for effective leadership like being proficient, motivating staff, and creating confidence. Top management strategies to achieve quality include adopting new philosophies, instituting training, and following continuous preventive action.
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• Those who aim high reach high
1.Quality • Quality can be described as doing the right thing, in right way on right time as well as doing it right the first time and doing it right every time. • In the context of Library, it can be described as Q – Quest for excellence of knowledge U – Understanding the user’s need A – Actions to achieve user’s demand L – Leadership quality for Librarian I – Involving all staff T – Team spirit for achieving common goal Y – Yard stick to measure progress What is Total Quality?
• Total Quality involves a continuous improvement
effort by everyone, top to bottom of the organization to meet or exceed the users’ satisfaction. It includes systems, methods and tools
• Basic principals of Total Quality
1. Focus on the user: Meeting or exceeding user’s needs
2. Participation and Teamwork: Participation through team work to get maximum output. 3. Employee involvement and Empowerment: Empowering employees with some authority and responsibility to make them a vital force for achieving quality target. 4. Continuous Improvement and Learning: Improvement and learning is never ending process.
5. Senior Management Commitment: Librarian must be
personally involved in activities such as planning, implementation of policies , reviewing quality performance and interacting with users etc.
6. Process Identity: Identifying the process and sub
process, interrelating and sequencing them in proper way.
7. Continuous Process Improvement
• Reduce Resources • Reduce Errors • Meet or exceed the user’s requirement. • Make the process safer • Make the process more satisfying to the person doing 8. System approach:-Operation should be defined by a system followed by sub-system. 9. Self Assessment:-To know the strength and weakness. 10. Prevention rather than defecting errors:-By various tools and techniques such as statistical process control. 11. Strategic planning:-It reveals “who are our users? What is their expectations? How do we achieve this goal? What workforce, machine and money is required? etc 12. Quality measurement:- “To know what is our current quality level? And what quality level we aspire to achieve? IMPLEMENT THE FOLLOWING THEORIES OF QUALITY GURUS • Juran’s Triology: continuous improvement by planning , control and improvement. • Kaizen: No capital investment but improvement by maintaining and improving the existing process. • Japanese 5s (Five S: Housekeeping) • SEIRI: Separate all unnecessary items • SEITON: Arrange the essential things in order so that they can be easily accessed • SEISO: Cleaning workplace & dusting items • SEIKETSU: Standardize cleanliness • SHITSUKE: Do the previous four steps daily • EDWARD DEMING THEORY PLAN : What is to be done? DO : Execute the plan. STUDY: Study the results. ACT : Decide the required process • Process re-engineering Focuses on dramatic improvement of quality and speed of work to reduce its cost by fundamentally changing the process by following methods. Study the best practices strategic re-design of process involve the right team of people logical and skilful use of Information technology change management style continuous improvement of process 2. LEADERSHIP • “A leader is one who guides and directs other people” • Old concept:- Leaders are born. • New concept:- Good leaders are made not born. • Requirements for effective leadership He must have technically proficient. He must be initiative. He must motivate employees and understand human nature. He must provide guidance to sub-ordinates. He must seek responsibility and take responsibility. He must create confidence in sub-ordinates. He must keep staff well informed. He must take sound and timely decision. • Six new skills for librarians Creative insight:-Ask right questions and frame right answer. Sensibility:- Be sensitive to a culture created by people in the organization. Vision:- Have a vision about future. Versatility:- Adopt to change comfortably, pursue difficult skills to be versatile. Focus:- on available resources. Patience:- Living in the long term. • Adopt and institute Leadership not Managership.
Manager Leader (Librarian)
Reactive proactive Finds faults Coaches Doesn’t care to understand Understand process Sits in his chair Moves around Maintains process Improves process Communicates rarely Communicates frequently Asks questions Seeks suggestions Gives lip service to quality Exemplary quality Performs R&D Innovates products and services Maintains status quo Continuous improvement 3.TOP MANAGEMENT • Cross by Phillip says – “senior management is 100% responsible for the problem of quality and its continuance”. • We must try to understand that people prefer the status quo to the unknown, they are often reluctant to undertake any type of change in their daily environment. • Librarian must follow these strategies of Top management to achieve quality. Adapt new philosophy Cease dependence on mass inspection. Institute training. Drive out fear. Breakdown barrier between staff areas. Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the workforce. Eliminate Numerical quota for the workforce Remove barriers that rob people’s pride of workmanship. Encourage education and self improvement for everyone. Follow proactive management (Foresee what will happen in future?) Take adventurous and bold steps. Do it right first time itself. Follow continuous preventive action. Care for little things and accumulate gain. Ensure economic performance. Management by walking around. Follow plan-Do-Study-Act to measure success. Adopt benchmarking. Never rest on past laurels, Continue to improve (Bill Gates of Microsoft never rested on his past success of MS-DOS but kept updating it by his innovation. Now he is computer wizard) “Those who aim high reach high”