Chapter 1: Managers, Profits, and Markets: Ninth Edition
Chapter 1: Managers, Profits, and Markets: Ninth Edition
Chapter 1: Managers, Profits, and Markets: Ninth Edition
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2011 by theby
McGraw-Hill Companies,Companies,
Inc. All rights reserved.
Managerial Economics, 9e Copyright © 2008 the McGraw-Hill Inc. All rights reserved.
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
• ■ Can the choices that people make in the pursuit of their own self-interest
also promote the broader social interest?
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
• Land The “gifts of nature” that we use to produce goods and services
are called land. In economics, land is what in everyday language we call
natural resources.
Managerial Economics
• Labor : The work time and work effort that people devote to producing
goods and services is called labor. Labor includes the physical and mental
efforts of all the people who work on farms and construction sites and in
factories, shops, and offices. The quality of labor depends on human
capital, which is the knowledge and skill that people obtain from
education, on-the-job training, and work experience.
Managerial Economics
• For Whom? Who consumes the goods and services that are produced
depends on the incomes that people earn. People with large incomes can
buy a wide range of goods and services. People with small incomes have
fewer options and can afford a smaller range of goods and services.
Managerial Economics
Can the Pursuit of Self-Interest Promote the
Social Interest?
Managerial Economics
• Profit maximization refers to how much dollar profit the company makes. It is a
short term approach and a myopic person or business is mostly concerned about
short term benefits.
• Wealth maximization is long term process. It refers the value of the company
generally expressed in the value of the stock.
• To make your decisions, you compare marginal benefit and marginal cost. If
the marginal benefit from an extra night of study exceeds its marginal cost,
you study the extra night. If the marginal cost exceeds the marginal benefit,
you don’t study the extra night.
Managerial Economics
• For a business, it is not necessary that profit should be the only objective; it
may concentrate on various other aspects like increasing sales, capturing
more market share, return on capital etc, which will take care of
profitability. So, we can say that profit maximization is a subset of wealth
and being a subset, it will facilitate wealth creation.
Managerial Economics
• Profit max ignores timing, cash flows, and risk, but in wealth maximizing
those are the key decisions variables.
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
• Value of a firm =
p1 p2 pT T
+ + ... + =�
(1 + r ) (1 + r ) 2
(1 + r )T
t =1 (1 + r )
Managerial Economics
Economic Profits
• Economic profits are not accounting profits
• Economic profits are equal to revenues minus economic costs
• All economic costs are measured in terms of opportunity costs
– Choices represent foregone opportunities
Managerial Economics
E x p lic it C o s ts
M a r k e t -S u p p lie d R e s o u r c e s
T h e m o n e ta ry p a y m e n ts to
re s o u rc e o w n e rs
Im p lic it C o s ts
O w n e r -S u p p lie d R e s o u r c e s
T h e r e tu r n s fo r g o n e b y n o t ta k in g
th e o w n e r s ’ re s o u r c e s to m a rk e t
T o ta l E c o n o m ic C o s t
= T h e to ta l o p p o r tu n ity c o s ts o f
b o th k in d s o f re s o u r c e s
Managerial Economics
• Accounting profit does not subtract implicit costs from total revenue
• Firm owners must cover all costs of all resources used by the firm
– Objective is to maximize economic profit
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Based on his profit in 2007, did Terry Brady increase his wealth by
quitting his job at Mattoon High and opening Brady Advantage?
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Present Value and the Discount Rate
Economic Profit
Discount rate 0% 16% 10%
1 $700,000 $ 603,448 $ 636,364
2 $800,000 $ 594,530 $ 661,157
3 $500,000 $ 320,329 $ 375,657
Total $2,000,000 $1,518,307 $1,673,178
Chapter 2
McGraw-Hill/Irwin 1-33
Managerial Economics, 9e Copyright © 2008 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Managerial Economics
Theory of Demand
Managerial Economics
• Demand: The amount of a particular economic good or service that a
consumer or group of consumers will want to purchase at a given price
over a given period of time.
Managerial Economics
Essentials of Demand
1. An Effective Need: There are three basics of an effective need:
• a. The individual should have a need to acquire a specific product.
• b. He should have sufficient funds to pay for that product.
Managerial Economics
Demand schedule
C 1.00 6
D 0.65 7
E 0.40 8
Managerial Economics
• In the curve the price and the quantity are inversely related.
That is, Q goes up when P goes down.
Managerial Economics
Demand curve
Demand curve
A 2.00 2
B 1.50 4
C 1.00 6
D 0.65 7
E 0.40 8
Managerial Economics
Law of Demand
• “The demand for a commodity increases with a fall in its price and
decreases with a rise in its price, other things remaining the same”.
• The law of demand thus merely states that the price and demand of a
commodity are inversely related, provided all other things remain
unchanged or as economists put it ceteris paribus.
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Demand Function
• The functional relationship between the demand for a commodity and its
various determinants may be expressed mathematically in terms of a
demand function, thus:
• Qd = f ( P, M , PR , , Pe , N )
• where
– Price of good or service (P)
– Incomes of consumers (M)
– Prices of related goods & services (PR)
– Taste patterns of consumers (T)
– Expected future price of product (Pe)
– Number of consumers in market (N
Managerial Economics
Demand Function
• The above-stated demand function is a complicated one. Again, factors like
tastes are not quantifiable. Economists, therefore, adopt a very simple
statement of demand function, assuming all other variables, except price,
to be constant.
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Theory of Supply
Managerial Economics
• The amount of a particular economic good or service that a producer or
group of producers will want to produce and supply at a given price over a
given period of time.
Managerial Economics
E 0.40 2
Managerial Economics
Supply curve
Law of supply
• The higher the price of a product, the higher the quantity of products
producers are willing to supply considering other things equal.
• The lower the price of a product, the lower the quantity of products
producers are willing to sell considering other things equal.
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
supply function
The functional relationship between the supply of a commodity and its
various determinants may be expressed mathematically in terms of a
supply function, thus:
Qs = f ( P, PI , Pr , T , Pe , F )
•Price of good or service (P)
•Input prices (PI )
•Prices of goods related in production (Pr)
•Technological advances (T)
•Expected future price of product (Pe)
•Number of firms producing product (F)
Managerial Economics
Supply Function
• Supply function, or supply, shows relation between P & Qs when all other
variables are held constant
• Qs = f (P)
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Deficit D
Managerial Economics