Introduction To ICT Comp 201.: Click To Add Text
Introduction To ICT Comp 201.: Click To Add Text
Introduction To ICT Comp 201.: Click To Add Text
ICT Comp 201.
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To define computer
To identify functions of computers, computer
science vs. information technology
To define data and information
To learn a development of computer
produces output-Output
stores results-Storage
include texts and numbers, sounds, images,
and videos that you input into the computer
for processing.
a computer must be connected to other
computers especially through the Internet
using the Internet, people can share and
access data from all over the world.
• Speed
• Accuracy
• Capacity
• Reliability
• Durability
• Versatility
Accuracy: -
•The degree of accuracy of computer is very high and
every calculation is performed with the same accuracy.
•The accuracy level is 7.
•determined on the basis of design of computer.
•The errors in computer are due to human and inaccurate
Diligence: -
•A computer is free from tiredness, lack of
concentration, fatigue, etc.
•It can work for hours without creating any error.
•If millions of calculations are to be performed, a
computer will perform every calculation with the
same accuracy.
• Due to this capability it overpowers human being
in routine type of work.
Versatility: -
•It means the capacity to perform completely
different type of work.
• You may use your computer to prepare payroll
•Next moment you may use it for inventory
management or to prepare electric bills.
No IQ: -
• Computer is a dumb machine and it
cannot do any work without instruction from
the user.
•It performs the instructions at tremendous
speed and with accuracy.
•It is you to decide what you want to do and
in what sequence. So a computer cannot
take its own decision as you can.
Storage: -
•The Computer has an in-built memory
where it can store a large amount of data.
•You can also store data in
secondary storage devices such as floppies,
which can be kept outside your computer
and can be carried to other computers.
• Information
– Information is data with context. Therefore, information is context
– Information is data that has been given a meaning by way of
relational connection
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Data and Information
• All computer processing requires data, which is a collection of
raw facts, figures and symbols, such as numbers, words,
images, video and sound, given to the computer during the input
• Computers manipulate data to create information. Information
is data that is organized, meaningful, and useful.
• During the output Phase, the information that has been created
is put into some form, such as a printed report.
• The information can also be put in computer storage for future
Types of Computers
– Portable PCs
• Can be moved easily from place to place
• Weight may varies
• Small PCs are popular known as laptop
• Widely used by students, scientist, reporters, etc
Subnotebook Palmtop
• Word Processing
• Home entertainment
• Home banking
• Printing
• Surfing the internet
• etc
• Characteristics
– Bigger size than PCs
– Expensive than PCs
– Multi-User
– Difficult to use
– More computing power than PCs
– Used by medium sized business organizations,
colleges, libraries and banks.
• Known as enterprise
• Occupies entire rooms or
• Used for centralized
• Serve distributed users and
small servers in a computing
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Main Frame
• Large, fast and expensive computer
• Cost millions of dollar
– e.g. IBM3091, ICL39, etc
• Characteristics:
– Bigger in size than minicomputers
– Very expensive
– Support a few hundred users simultaneously (Multi-Users)
– Difficult to use
– More computing power than minicomputers
– Have to be kept in a special air-conditioned room
– Used in big business organizations and government
• Advantage
– Speed
• Disadvantage
– Generate a large
amount of heat
during operation