Slack Critical Path PERT
Slack Critical Path PERT
Slack Critical Path PERT
Critical path:
A sequence of activities that take the longest time to complete
The length of the critical path(s) defines how long your project will
take to complete.
If a task is only on the critical path when delaying that task will
delay the project.
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Example of project schedule showing critical path
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In the above example, the test preparation tasks are not on the
critical path.
In this case, that would require nine weeks (Thin bars to the
right of test preparation tasks).
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Dependency Diagrams / Task network chart
Dependency diagrams consist of 3 elements
Event (also called milestone): A significant occurrence in the life of a project.
Activity: Work required to move from one event to the next.
Span time ( also called duration or elapsed time): The actual calendar time
required to complete an activity.
Span time parameters: people’s availability, parallelizability of the activity,
availability of nonpersonnel resources, ….
Dependency Diagram are drawn as a connected graph of nodes and arrows.
2 commonly used diagram notations to display dependency diagrams:
1) Activity-on-the-arrow (Mealy automaton)
2) Activity-in-the-node (Moore automaton)
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Why Dependency Diagrams?
You are assigned a project consisting of 10 activities which take one
week each to be completed.
How long does the project take?
When projects have more than 15-20 activities, one cannot to
compute the schedule in the head any more.
Dependency Diagrams are a formal notation to help in the
construction and analysis of complex schedules
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1) Activity-on-the-arrow Diagram Notation
Event (Milestone
Span Time Event (Milestone
or Deliverable)
or Deliverable)
System Design
T1 = 4 weeks
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2) Activity-in-the-node Diagram Notation
A Node is either an event or an activity.
Distinction: Events have span time 0
tA = 0 tB = 0 tC = 0
System Design
available available
t = 2 weeks
t=0 t=0
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Example of an Activity-in -the -Node Diagram
Activity 1 Activity 2
t1 = 5 t2 = 1
t=0 End
Activity 4 Activity5
Activity 3
t3 = 1 t4 = 3 5= 2
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What do we do with these diagrams?
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Definitions: Critical Path and Slack Time4
Critical path:
A sequence of activities that take the longest time to complete
The length of the critical path(s) defines how long your project will
take to complete.
Noncritical path:
A sequence of activities that you can delay and still finish the
project in the shortest time possible.
Slack time:
The maximum amount of time that you can delay an activity and
still finish your project in the shortest time possible.
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Example of a critical path
Activity 1 Activity 2
t1 = 5 t2 = 1
t=0 End
Activity 4 Activity5
Activity 3
t3 = 1 t4 = 3 t55 = 2
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2 Ways to Analyze Dependency Diagrams
Forward pass: Goal is the determination of critical paths
Compute earliest start and finish dates for each activity
Start at the beginning of the project and determine how fast you can
complete the activites along each path until you reach the final
project milestone.
Backward pass: Goal the determination of slack times
Compute latest start and finish dates activity
Start at the end of your project, figure out for each activity how late
it can be started so that you still finish the project at the earliest
possible date.
To compute start and finish times, we apply 2 rules
Rule 1: After a node is finished, we can proceed to the next node(s)
that is reachable via a transition from the current node.
Rule 2: To start a node all nodes must be complete from which
transitions to that node are possible.
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Activity Schedule
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Activity 1
Forward Path Example t1 = 5
Activity 2
t2 = 1
Project Duration = 7
Activity 4 Activity5
Activity 3
EF= ES+t tA4 = 3 t5 = 2
tA3 = 1
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Activity 1
Backward Path Example t1 = 5
Activity 2
t2 = 1
Project Duration = 7
LS=LF-t Activity 4 Activity5
Activity 3
LF=LS of the successor tA3 = 1 tA4 = 3 t5 = 2
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Computation of slack times
Slack time ST of an activity A:
Subtract the earliest start date from the latest start date for each activity
Example: STA4 = 3 - 2 = 1
Slack times on the same path influence each other.
Example: When Activity 3 is delayed by one week, activity 4
slack time becomes zero weeks.
Activity 1 Activity 2
Activity 2
Activity Slack time
t1 = 5 tt22 =
A1 0 t=0
A2 1 t=0
A3 1
A4 1 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity5
A5 0 tA = 1 tA4 = 3 t5 = 2
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