1 Intro World Reg Geog 05
1 Intro World Reg Geog 05
1 Intro World Reg Geog 05
Regional Geography
Study of Geography
Evolution of Geography
Contributions of the Greeks/Romans
– geo (the earth) graphos (to write about/describe)
– Herodotus-”Father of Geography” who explained the
physical and human geography of his day
– Aristotle- explained processes of the earth, influence of
temperature, wind, soils and vulcanism
– Eratosthenes- measured circumference of the earth
from angle of the sun at two points
– Construction of earth grids- longitude and latitude
– Established the science of cartography
– Ptolemy-Greek astronomer who designed early map of the
– Strabo- description of Roman World, spatial perspective of
the known world
Middle Ages
– Geography falls into disrepute in Middle Ages
– Golden Age of Islamic Civilization
– Arabs were outstanding geographers, continued tradition of
– Ibn Batuta travels throughout Middle East, observations of
peoples and lands
– Avicenna’s understanding of physical geography, creation
of mountains
– Ibn Khaldun’s Muqaddimah provides an account of the
influence of man’ physical environment on social and political
– observations are model of scientific research on history and
– traveled extensively throughout North Africa and Middle East
– importance of cities and urbanization on the level of civilization.
Ptolemy's World Map, circa 150 A.D.
Ibn Battuta’s Travels 1300 AD
Ibn Battuta’s travels 1300 A.D.
Renaissance and Age of Discovery
– Resurgence of geography as a science
– Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal, new more
accurate maps
– Early explores question old concepts in light of discovery
– Scientific travelers, Alexander von Humbolt’s description
of the earth
– Karl Ritter- understanding of the human dimension of the
– Geography is respected branch of knowledge in European
university, particularly in Germany
– Importance of the National Geographic Society in US
founded in 1888
– Chinese contributions to geography
World Regional Geography
– Different fields of Geography
(11) Australia;
cultural features
social and economic factors
– agriculture
– industry
– environmental problems
Basic Geographical Factors
– Climatic differences are result of differences in the
processes by which earth’s atmosphere is heated and
– Radiation and absorption of heat energy determine
climatic variations
– Lower the latitude, the more solar energy received
– Sun’s rays strike earth at vertical angles in lower
– heat dissipated by air currents and ocean currents
– Higher the elevation, the less dense is air and less the
air can hold water vapor. Air temps decrease 3.6
degrees F per 1000 feet of elevation
– What causes rainfall? Physical process of how air is
cooled is the cause of rainfall
– When water vapor in atmosphere is cooled to point that
it condenses, it changes from a gaseous state to liquid
– Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air
– Types of precipitation
Convectional precipitation- equatorial latitudes
with land mass warming, as hot air rises it precipates
1 billion in 1850 AD
2 billion in 1950 AD
– Stage IV
rates and death rates very low
population growth stabilizes or grows very slowly
Japan=25 years
Demographic Transition
Demographic Transition
MDC’s vs. LDC’s
Human Cultural Hearths
– Most cultural hearths established from 5,000BC to
1,000 BC
– Primary cultural hearths
Middle East (Tigris, Euphrates and Nile Rivers)
Indus Valley (Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa)