Pasion, Kaye Lianne G. Relos, Yella Mae P. Santos, Monica Sophia L
Pasion, Kaye Lianne G. Relos, Yella Mae P. Santos, Monica Sophia L
Pasion, Kaye Lianne G. Relos, Yella Mae P. Santos, Monica Sophia L
Typical Features:
Programmed Development – Programmers and end users can create application to access
the database
Backup and Recovery – Periodically makes backup copies of the physical database
Database usage reporting – Captures statistics on database usage (who,when,what)
Database Access – Authorized user to access the section of the database
Data Definition Language (DDL) – Programming
language used to define the database to the system. It identifies the name
and the relationship of all data elements, records, and files that constitute
the database.
Database Views
Internal View/Physical View – Describes structures of data records,
linkage between files and physical arrangement and sequence of
records in a file.
Conceptual view/Logical View – Describes the entire database logically
and abstractly rather than physically.
External View – Portion of database each user can view.
2. Data Manipulation Language
(DML) – is the proprietary programming language
that a particular DBMS uses to retrieve, process, and
store data to/from the database.
Data Organization
The organization of a file refers to the way records are physically arranged on
the secondary storage device.
An entity is a database representation of an
individual resource, event, or agent about which
we choose to collect data.
The relational model portrays data in the form of two-dimensional tables. Figure 4.13 presents an
example of a database table called Customer. Across the top of the table are attributes (data fields)
forming columns. Intersecting the columns to form rows in the table are tuples. A tuple is a
normalized array of data that is similar, but not precisely equivalent, to a record in a flat-file
system. Properly designed tables possess the following four characteristics:
1. All occurrences at the intersection of a row and a column are a single value. No multiple values
are allowed.
2. The attribute values in any column must all be of the same class.
3. Each column in a given table must be uniquely named. However, different tables may contain
columns with the same name.
4. Each row in the table must be unique in at least one attribute. This attribute is the primary key.
The user view or subschema - a subset of the total database that defines the user’s
datadomain and provides access to the database.
Biometric devices - the ultimate in user authentication procedures is the use of
biometric devices, which measure various personal characteristics, such as
fingerprints, voice prints, retina prints,or signature characteristics.
User-Defined Procedures - allows the user to create a personal security program
or routine to provide more positive user identification than a single password.
Biometric Controls. The auditor should evaluate the costs and benefits of
biometric controls. Generally, these would be most appropriate where highly
sensitive data are accessed by a very limited number of users.
Inference Controls. The auditor should verify that database query controls exist to
prevent unauthorized access via inference. The auditor can test controls by
simulating access bya sample of users and attempting to retrieve unauthorized
data via inference queries.
Encryption Controls. The auditor should verify that sensitive data, such as
passwords, are properly encrypted. Printing the file contents to hard copy can do
• Verify that backup controls in place are effective in
protecting data files from physical damage, loss, accidental
erasure, and data corruption through system failures and
program errors.
• Sequential File (GPC) Backup. The auditor should select a sample of systems and
determine from the system documentation that the number of GPC backup files
specified for each system is adequate. If insufficient backup versions exist, recovery
from some types of failures may be impossible.
• Backup Transaction Files. The auditor should verify through physical observation that
transaction files used to reconstruct the master files are also retained. Without
corresponding transaction files, reconstruction is impossible.
• Direct Access File Backup. The auditor should select a sample of applications and
identify the direct access files being updated in each system. From system
documentation and through observation, the auditor can verify that each of them was
copied to tape or disk before being updated.
• Off-Site Storage. The auditor should verify the existence and adequacy of off-site
storage. This audit procedure may be performed as part of the review of the disaster
recovery plan or computer center operations controls.
Backup. The backup feature makes a periodic backup of the entire database. This
is an automatic procedure that should be performed at least once a day. The
backup copy should then be stored in a secure remote area.
Transaction Log (Journal). The transaction log feature provides an audit trail of
all processed transactions. It lists transactions in a transaction log file and records
the resulting changes to the database in a separate database change log.
Checkpoint Feature. The checkpoint facility suspends all data processing while
the system reconciles the transaction log and the database change log against the
database. At this point, the system is in a quiet state. Checkpoints occur
automatically several times an hour. If a failure occurs, it is usually possible to
restart the processing from the last checkpoint. Thus, only a few minutes of
transaction processing must be repeated.
Recovery Module. The recovery module uses the logs and backup files to restart
the system after a failure.
•Verify that controls over the data resource are
sufficient to preserve the integrity and physical
security of the database.
• The auditor should verify that backup is performed routinely and frequently to
facilitate the recovery of lost, destroyed, or corrupted data without excessive
• The auditor should verify that automatic backup procedures are in place and
functioning, and that copies of the database are stored off-site for further security.