Psychology: Unit - I
Psychology: Unit - I
Psychology: Unit - I
• History and origin of science of psychology
• Definition & scope of psychology
• Relevance to nursing
• Methods of psychology
History and origin of th science of
Psychology as ascience branched out from philosophy.The
ancient civilizations of egypt,Greece,China and India
exhibited philosophical intrest in the mind and in
behaviour.While early philoshophers relied on methods
such as observations and logic,psychology today uss
scientific methodologies to study behaviour.during
mild-1800s,psychologists developed scientific
explanations for sensations and showed how scientific
methods could be applied to the understanding of
human behaviour and mental process.
In 1879,Wilhelm Wundt established the first
psychological laboratory at Leipzig and applied
scientific methods to study internal mental process.
• Structuralism is an early school of thought that
emphasized the at all human mental experience
can be understood as a combination of simple
elements of events that can be analyzed through.
• Functionalism: the perspective on mind and
behaviour that focusses on the functions of human
consciousness and an organism’s active adaption
to its environment.
• Psychoanalysis :is a theory of personality and a
form of therapy developed by frued,which
emphasises unconcious motivations and conflicts.
Definitions Of Psychology
• Psychology is “the science of behaviour” (taking into account the
human as well as animal behaviour).
(JB Watson)
• Psychology is the science of human behaviour.
(Walter bowers pillsbury-1911)
• Psychology is a science which aims to give us better understanding and
control of the behaviour of the organism as a whole.
(William Mc Doughall-1949)
• Psychology is the investigation of human and animal behaviour and
of the mental and physiological processes associated with the
• Psychology is a science and the property trained psychologist is a
scientist, or at least a practioner,who uses scientific methods or
information resulting from scientific investigation.
(N L Munn-1976)
• Psychology Uses Scientific Method: Almost all the methods of
psychology are more or less scientific in nature. out of these the
experimental method is the most exact. Modern psychology widely used
this method in all its branches.
• Psychology is factual: Psychology studies the facts of behaviour.the
psychologist is objective in the observations and experiments.
• The laws of psychology are universal: At all times and places the laws of
psychology have been found to be same under similar conditions.
• The laws of psychology are verifiable: By verification psychological
principles have been found to be true everywhere. They can be verified by
any one.
• Psychology discovers the cause-effect relationship in human
behaviour: Psychology not only observes behavior ,but also finds out
cause-effect relationship in it.
• Psychology predicts human behaviour: By discovering the cause –effect
relationship, psychologists also predict human behaviour and these
predictions are generally correct.
Scope Of Psychology
• The Scope Of A Subject Can Usually Be Discussed Under The Following
Two Headings:
The limits of its operations and applications
The branches, topics and subject matter with which it deals.
• The field of operation and applications of the subject psychology is
too vast.
• It studies, describes and explains the behaviour of living organisms.
• It describes all types of life activities and experiences-whether
conative,cognitive or affective, implicit or explicit,concious,
unconscious and subconscious.
• It studies not only human behaviour but also human experience,
language and other forms of communication.
• It employs to all the living creatures created by the almighty
irrespective of their species, caster ,color, age ,sex, mental or
physical state.
• It also studies the behaviour of the animals,insect,birds and plant
Scope Of Psychology
1. More information about the subject can be obtained in greater depth. The
interviewer can obtain a perfect idea about the subject through other means of
assessing. As the person is directly accessible he can use other means of
communication to assess the individual.
2. First hand information can be collected about the subject’s background,
economic and educational considerations.
3. The overall personal aspect of an individual can also be assessed.
• G. Survey Method:
• This method involves in asking large numbers of
individuals to complete the given questionnaires or
through interviews by interviewing people directly
about their experiences, attitudes or opinions.
• That is for example, survey on healthcare reform, or
economic reform, voting preferences prior to elections,
consumer reactions to various products, health
practices, public opinion and complaints with safety
regulations and so on. Surveys are often repeated over
long period of time in order to trace the shifts in public
opinion. Surveys can provide highly accurate prediction
when conducted carefully.
• H. Testing Method:
• This method makes use of carefully devised and
standardized tests for measuring attitudes,
interest, achievement, intelligence and personality
traits. Intelligence tests measure the intellectual
capacity of an individual and achievement tests
through light on achievement of student in various
subjects they are studying.
• So by adopting all these methods, psychology
collects information about behaviour, which helps
us to study the behaviour systematically. There
are the different methods used in psychology to
study the behaviour.