Illustrative Example: A Blending Process: An Unsteady-State Mass Balance For The Blending System
Illustrative Example: A Blending Process: An Unsteady-State Mass Balance For The Blending System
Illustrative Example: A Blending Process: An Unsteady-State Mass Balance For The Blending System
d Vρx
w1x1 w2 x2 wx (2-3)
General Modeling Principles
• The model equations are at best an approximation to the real
• Adage: “All models are wrong, but some are useful.”
• Modeling inherently involves a compromise between model
Chapter 2
accuracy and complexity on one hand, and the cost and effort
required to develop the model, on the other hand.
• Process modeling is both an art and a science. Creativity is
required to make simplifying assumptions that result in an
appropriate model.
• Dynamic models of chemical processes consist of ordinary
differential equations (ODE) and/or partial differential equations
(PDE), plus related algebraic equations.
Table 2.1. A Systematic Approach for
Developing Dynamic Models
1. State the modeling objectives and the end use of the model.
They determine the required levels of model detail and model
Chapter 2
Table 2.2. Degrees of Freedom Analysis
1. List all quantities in the model that are known constants (or
parameters that can be specified) on the basis of equipment
dimensions, known physical properties, etc.
Chapter 2
Conservation of Mass
rate of mass rate of mass rate of mass
Chapter 2
Conservation of Component i
rate of component i rate of component i
accumulation in
For the processes and examples considered in this book, it
is appropriate to make two assumptions:
where H is the enthalpy per mole and w is the molar flow rate.
Chapter 2
V x w1x1 w2 x2 wx (2-15)
dt dt
Substitution of the mass balance in (2-12) for dV/dt in (2-15)
V x w1 w2 w w1x1 w2 x2 wx (2-16)
After canceling common terms and rearranging (2-12) and (2-16),
a more convenient model form is obtained:
dV 1
w1 w2 w (2-17)
dx w1 w2
x1 x x2 x (2-18)
dt V V 11
Chapter 2 Stirred-Tank Heating Process
Model Development - I
For a pure liquid at low or moderate pressures, the internal energy
is approximately equal to the enthalpy, Uint H, and H depends
only on temperature. Consequently, in the subsequent
development, we assume that Uint = H and Uˆ int Hˆ where the
Chapter 2
Note that this term appears in the general energy balance of Eq. 2-
Suppose that the liquid in the tank is at a temperature T and has an
enthalpy, Ĥ . Integrating Eq. 2-29 from a reference temperature
Tref to T gives,
Hˆ Hˆ C T T ref (2-32)
where Hˆ ref is the value of Ĥ at Tref. Without loss of generality, we
assume that Hˆ ref 0 (see Appendix B). Thus, (2-32) can be
written as:
Hˆ C T T ref (2-33)
Model Development - III
For the inlet stream
Hˆ i C Ti Tref (2-34)
Chapter 2
wHˆ w C Ti Tref w C T Tref
Degrees of Freedom Analysis for the Stirred-Tank
3 parameters: V , ,C
4 variables: T , Ti , w, Q
1 equation: Eq. 2-36
Chapter 2
• Are typically performed in a batch or fed-batch reactor.
• Fed-batch is a synonym for semi-batch.
• Fed-batch reactors are widely used in the pharmaceutical
Chapter 2
Monod Equation
Chapter 2
rg X (2-93)
Modeling Assumptions
Modeling Assumptions (continued)
7. The rate of product formation per unit volume rp can be
expressed as
rp YP / X rg (2-95)
Chapter 2
d ( XV )
Cells: V rg (2-98)
d PV
Chapter 2
Product: (2-99)
d( SV ) 1 1
Substrate: F Sf V rg V rP (2-100)
dt YX / S YP / S