Seismic Hazard Analysis
Seismic Hazard Analysis
Seismic Hazard Analysis
• Defined as a natural phenomenon (such as ground
shaking, fault rupture, or soil liquefaction) that is
generated by an earthquake, although there are
examples of these phenomena also being produced
by human activities.
• Strong ground motions produced by earthquakes that
could affect engineered structures.
The seismic hazard can be expressed in different
ways: from simple observed macroseismic fields, to
seismostatistical calculations for analyzing earthquake
occurrences in time and space and assessing their
dynamic effects in a certain site or region, to
sophisticated seismogeological approaches for
evaluating the maximum expected earthquake effects
on the Earth's surface.
• It involve the quantitative estimation of ground-
shaking hazards at a particular site.
• Estimation of earthquake-induced ground motions
having specific probabilities over a given time period.
• Describes the potential for dangerous, earthquake-
related natural phenomena such as ground shaking,
fault rupture, or soil liquefaction.
• To evaluate seismic hazards for a particular site or
region, all possible sources of seismic activity must be
identified and their potential for generating future
strong ground motion evaluated.
Earthquake Sources may be identified on the
basis of the following:
1. Geologic
2. Tectonic
3. Historical
4. Instrumental Evidence
1. Geologic Evidence
• The theory of plate tectonics assures us that the
occurrence of earthquakes is written in the geologic
record, primarily in the form of offset, or relative
displacement of various strata.
• Paleoseismology – study of the geologic record of
past earthquake activity.
1. Geologic Evidence
• Search for geologic evidence of earthquake sources
centers on the identification of faults.
• Tools and techniques used by geologist in identifying
• Review of published literature
• Interpretation of air photos and remote sensing
• Field reconnaissance
• Test pits and boring
Identification of fault
1. Directly Observable fractures surfaces.
2. Geologically Mappable indicators
4. Secondary geologic features. Includes abrupt
changes in groundwater levels, gradients, and chemical
composition, alignment of springs or volcanic vents
and the presence of hot springs.
5. Lineaments on remote sensing imagery.
6. Geophysical indicators of subsurface faulting.
7. Geodetic indicators. Include fault movement
appearing in geodetic surveys as tilting and changes in
the distance between fixed points.
Fault Activity
•Presence of fault does not indicate the
likelihood of future earthquakes.
•Formal definitions of fault activity are
important because they often trigger legal
requirements for special investigations or
special design provisions.
Fault Activity
•The Specification of fault activity by specific
time intervals is not very realistic(Cluff et al,.
1972; Cluff and Cluff, 1984);
•Faults do not suddenly become inactive on
th th
the 10,000 or 35,000 anniversary of their
last movement.
Active Fault
• California Division of Mines and Geology: one that
produced surface displacement within Holecene time
(approximately the past 10,000 years)
• U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: time period of 35,000
• U.S. Bureau of Reclamations: 100,000 years
• U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Used the term
Capable Fault
Active Fault lines in the Philippines
Fault Lines Affected Areas
Central Philippine Fault Entire Ilocos Norte, Aurora, Quezon, Masbate, Eastren
Leyte, Southern Leyte, Agusan del Norte, Agusan del
Sur, Davao del Norte.
Marikina Valley Fault Montalban, San Mateo, Marikina, Pasig, Taguig,
Muntinlupa, San Pedro, Binan, Carmona, Santa Rosa,
Calamba, Tagaytay, Oriental Mindoro
Western Philippine Fault Luzon Sea, Mindoro Strait, Panay Gulf, Sulu Sea
is the mean annual rate of exceedance of
magnitude m.
10𝑎 is the mean yearly number of earthquake of
magnitude greater than or equal to zero.
b is describes the relative likelihood of large or small
Earthquake Source Characterization
Size Uncertainty Bounded Gutenburg – Richter Recurrence Law
M is local magnitude
R is the closest distance to the fault rupture in Kilometers
Schematic illustration of conditional probability of exceeding F is zero for strike slip and normal faulting; and 1 for reverse, reverse-
a particular value of a ground motion parameter for a given oblique, and trust faulting.
magnitude and distance.
𝑆𝑆𝑅 = 1 for soft-rock site
𝑆𝐻𝑅 = 1for hard-rock site
𝑆𝑆𝑅 = 𝑆𝐻𝑅 = 0 for alluvium site
• To calculate the probabilities of various hazards
occurring in a given time period, the distribution of
earthquake occurrence with respect to time must be
• The assumption of random occurrence allows the use
of simple probability models, but is inconsistent with
the implications of elastic rebound theory
Poisson Model
The Poisson model provides a simple frame work
for evaluating probabilities of events that follow a
Poisson process, one that yields values of a random
variable describing the number of occurrences of a
particular event during it given time interval or in a
specified spatial region.
Since PSHAs deal with temporal uncertainty, the spatial
applications of the Poisson model will not be considered further.
Poisson processes possess the following properties:
EQ. 3
When the event of interest is the
exceedance of a particular
earthquake magnitude, the
Poisson model can be combined
with a suitable recurrence law to
predict the probability of at least
EQ.4 one exceedance in a period of t
years by the expression (EQ. 4)
Other Models
Elastic rebound theory suggests that the occurrence of
earthquakes on a particular fault or fault segment should
not be independent of past seismicity. If earthquakes occur
to release strain energy that builds up over extended
periods of time, the occurrence of a large earthquake
should substantially reduce the chances of another
independent, large earthquake (from the same source)
occurring shortly thereafter. If earthquakes are triggered
when the stress on a fault reaches some limiting value, the
chances of occurrence should depend on the times, sizes,
and locations of preceding events.
A number of models that account for prior seismicity
have been proposed :
giving Vtotal= 4.515. For each source zone, the probability that the magnitude
will be within an interval between a lower bound ml and an upper bound mu is
given by
Where fM(m) is given in equation (4.12). If NM= 10, the lowest magnitude
interval for source zone I will be from M= 4.0 to M= 4.33. The probability that
the magnitude would fall within that interval would be:
The probabilities of various magnitudes for each source zone are as shown in
Figure 2.d-f.
• (3) To compare the results of this PSHA with those from the DSHA
example, we will use the same predictive relationship: that is, the
Cornell et al. (1979) relationship
•Then the probability that the peak acceleration is greater than a.01g, using
Table 4-2, is
• Annual rate of exceedance of a peak acceleration of 0.01 an
earthquake of magnitude 4.165 at a distance of 27.04 km on source
zone 1 (given that an earthquake of M>m0 occurs on source zone 1)
will be :
• From the total seismic hazard curve of Figure 4.18, that acceleration level
would be approximately 0.63g.
• These types of analyses have been
performed for a variety of seismically
active areas within the United States.
As the exposure time, T, increases, the
probability of exceeding a particular
ground motion parameter value also
increases. Similarly, the value of a
ground motion parameter with a
particular probability of exceedance
increases with increasing exposure
time. Figure 4.1 illustrates the peak
acceleration with a 10% probability of
exceedance for a number of
metropolitan areas within the United
States. Seismic hazard maps, such as
Figure 4.1. Peak horizontal bedrock accelerations that shown in Figure 4.2, have been
with 10% probability of exceedance over various developed to express the relative
exposure times for 14 areas in North America. seismicity of different regions in
(After NEHRP,1993.) building codes
• The PSHA procedures described in the preceding sections allow computation
of the mean annual rate of exceedance at a particular site based on the
aggregate risk from potential earthquakes of many different magnitudes
occurring at many different source-site distances. The rate of exceedance
computed in a PSHA, therefore, is not associated with any particular
earthquake magnitude or source-site distance.
• In some cases, however, it may be useful to estimate the most likely
earthquake magnitude and/or the most likely source-site distance. These
quantities may be used, for example, to select existing ground motion records
(recorded in earthquakes of similar magnitude at similar source-site distance)
for response analyses
• This process of deaggregation requires that the mean annual rate of
exceedance be expressed as a function of magnitude and/or distance.
Computationally, this simply involves the removal of terms from the
summations of Equation . For example, the mean annual rate of
exceedance can be expressed as a function of magnitude by