Assignment Brief 2019
Assignment Brief 2019
Assignment Brief 2019
You are required to submit the individual report via Moodle (Turnitin)
by no later than 12.00 noon on the date of submission. The report is to
be max. 2.500 words in length and must contain a bibliography of all
sources referred.
The Scenario
You are the manager of a UK-headquartered company of your choice.
The company seeks growth opportunities and considers expanding
further into the global marketplace. A first screening of international
markets led to a short list of potential target country markets. The
board of your company is asking you to develop a global marketing
plan for one of those countries. Your plan will help the board to make
a final decision about which country to target.
Your Task - Develop a Global Marketing Plan
• Decide on an actually existing company that is headquartered in the UK and that is successfully
operating in the UK domestic market. The company might or might not have collected
experiences with international markets.
• Choose one country from the list (see next slide). The company that you chose should not already
be operating in the country that you are selecting.
• Assess the market attractiveness of the one country that you have chosen for your company and
offer strategic and tactical suggestions of how to best enter this market. Follow the 5-Step Global
Marketing Plan Framework described in this slide deck (slides 11-21). The report should include
information on the company; information on the potential target markets’ macro and micro
environments; recommendations on the market entry strategy and target customer;
recommendations on how to adapt (or not adapt) the marketing mix for this country market. It
should also include an invest – not invest recommendation. Do not consider costs/budgets.
Country List to Choose from:
Developed Economies Emerging Economies
• United States - China
• Canada - India
• Australia - Russia
• Germany - Brazil
• France - South Africa
• Sweden - Poland
Suggested Form of the Final Report
1. Title page naming the company and the one international country market
2. Executive summary (ca. 150-200 words, included in the word count)
3. Introduction
4. Internal Analysis: overview of the company, its domestic marketing mix, company goals (UK and Global), domestic target
customer, industry
5. External Analysis of the International Market: conducting an external macro and micro analysis of the international target
6. Global Market Strategy: market entry strategy, target customer segmentation
7. Global Marketing Programme: standardization versus adaptation of the marketing mix
8. Conclusion: Invest – Not Invest Recommendation
9. Bibliography
10. Appendix
Useful Information Sources
• The World Bank
• The United Nations
• Department for International Development
• The Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) and the American Marketing Association
• Chamber of commerce
• Embassies
• Trade Associations
• Export Councils
• The World Trade Organization
• Euro Monitor
• Google and Google Scholar
Tips for the Final Report
• The report is an exercise in conducting secondary research and evaluating opportunities in global marketing.
• You are expected to use secondary sources both industrial and academic such as the business press, online industry reports, global
databases and journal articles to investigate the market attractiveness of the potential international target market and to suggest a
marketing strategy/programme for entering the international market.
• The word count is short: Use visuals, tables, graphics; make it a visually-attractive report
• Indication of word count distribution: 50% analysis (step 1 + step 2), 50% marketing strategy development (step 3 + step 4 + step 5)
• Use a range of Marketing frameworks, concepts, and theories that we discussed in class.
Marking Criteria of The Final Report
1. Strength of Executive Summary (10%)
2. Analytic Depth and Intellectual Quality (30%)
Analytic Depth and Comprehensiveness of the Internal Company Analysis as well as the External (Macro/Micro)
Analysis of the International Market
Analytic Depth and Comprehensiveness in the Development of the Global Marketing Strategy/Programme
3. Structure and Organisation of the Argument (20%)
Logical and consistent application of the Global Marketing Plan Framework
Effective Argumentation and Comprehensiveness of how the Analysis translates into the Global Marketing
Effective Argumentation and Comprehensiveness of how the Analysis and the Development of a Global
Marketing Strategy/Programme translate into the Invest – Not Invest Recommendation
4. Level of Reading and Use of Academic and Industry Data (20%)
5. Reference Style (10%)
6. Writing Style (10%)
• The final report is individually written, submitted and assessed.
Formative assessment, however, is partly provided based on a report
plan that is produced by groups of 2-3 of students. See more
information on formative assessment on slides 22-31.
• The final report is not a power point presentation. It is written as a
“normal” report in a word document. Power point slides are only
used in the formative assessment (report plan).
Global Marketing Plan Framework
Evaluating and Entering an International Market
Global Marketing Plan Framework
Step 1
Conducting an Internal Company Analysis Conducting an in-
depth analysis of the
Step 2 company’s marketing
Conducting an External Macro and Micro environment
Analysis of the International Target Market
Step 3
Developing a Global Marketing Strategy
- Entry Strategies
- Target Customers
Based on the
Step 4
analysis, suggest a
Designing a Global Marketing Programme
marketing strategy
- Standardization and Adaption of the
for the new
Marketing Mix
international market
Step 5
Invest - Not Invest Recommendation
Step 1: Internal Analysis of Company
Analyse the internal environment: Insights from this analysis will help you to evaluate the fit
between the company’s current marketing operations and the potentially new ones in the
international market under investigation. The analysis will also provide insights of how the company
should/could enter the new market.
• Relevant variables:
• Type of business
• Type and nature of industry
• The domestic marketing mix
• The domestic target customer (segmentation variables: demographic, psychographic, geographic, etc.)
• Size/amount of resources
• Degree of International knowledge/experience
• Existing international networks
• Internationalization objectives (growth opportunities)
Step 2a: External Macro Analysis of the International Target Market
Analyse the macro-environmental factors of the international target market: Take into consideration political, legal, economic
and socio-cultural forces of the (target) country. Insights from this analysis will help you to evaluate the attractiveness of this
market for the company. The analysis will also provide insights of how the company should/could enter the new market.
Political Forces
• Political risk/stability (indicators are e.g. number of riots, political executions, bureaucratic delays, soldier civilian ratio)
• Market prohibitive conditions (tariff/non-tariff barriers, important restrictions)
• Political/legal barriers between the countries
• Bribery, corruption
• Government support programmes
• Government regulations (import restrictions, local content laws, price control, labour restrictions)
• Tax controls/reliefs
• Relationship between home and host country
Step 2a: External Macro Analysis of International Target Market (cont.)
Economic forces
• Economic stability
• Economic development (national production: GNP, GDP, GDP per capita)
• Income and wealth (to determine people’s purchasing power) (income growth rate, personal or household disposable income, purchasing power
parity (PPP); income distribution)
• Infrastructure: transportation, education, health care
• Economic integration (free trade areas)
Socio-cultural forces
• Values, belief systems, tastes
• Religion
• Language
• Education
• Trends
• Rituals and routines
• Classifying culture to formulate cultural differences and similarities
• High and low context cultures
• Hofstede’s culture dimensions
• Market similarity/Psychic distance (from home base to foreign market)
Step 2b: External Micro Analysis of International Target Market
Analyse the micro-environmental factors of the international target market: Take into consideration the industry structure of the
potential target market. Insights from this analysis will help you to evaluate the attractiveness of this market for the company. The
analysis will also provide insights of how the company should/could enter the new market.
• Market size
• Market growth rate
• Market potential
• Availability of customer segment (segmentation variables: demographic, psychographic, geographic, etc.)
• Buying power of consumers
• Level of competition
• Ability to create competitive advantage
• Ease of Market access/entry regulations
• Average industry margin
• Market similarity
• Product/business model compatibility (to what extent is adaption of marketing mix required)
• Strategic importance of the market (first mover advantage, must win market)
Step 3: Developing a Global Marketing Strategy
Recommendations should be informed by, and in line with, the internal company analysis
and the external country analysis conducted in the first part.
Step 4: Designing a Global Marketing Programme
Recommendations should be informed by, and in line with, the internal company
analysis and the external country analysis conducted in the first part.
Analysis of the Standardization-Adaptation Approach for Johnny Walker Using a Dot Plot Table
Marketing Mix Subcategories of the
Marketing Mix Standardization Adaptation
Product Policy Chemical, functional
Price Policy Consumer Prices
Physical Distribution
Media Selection
Marketing Mix Variables that you might want to consider in your Analysis and Dot Plot Table
Marketing Mix Subcategories of the Marketing Mix
Product Policy Core Product Benefits
Product Attributes
Support Services
Chemical, functional criteria
Aesthetics, Packaging
Product Sizes
Close the report with a clear enter-not enter/invest-not invest recommendation. Reflect on, and
take into consideration, the general market attractiveness of the international market for your
company. What are the opportunities and threats associated with entering this market. Draw from
the key insights from your analysis to build up the argument. Consider, for example, variables such
- Political stability
- Cultural similarity
- State of economy
- Extent of adaptions to marketing mix necessary
- Complexity of market entry
- Strategic importance of market
- Availability/accessibility of the target customer
- Growth opportunities
- Etc.
Formative Assessment
Opportunities to Receive Feedback Prior to Submission of the Final Report
Opportunities for Feedback
Formative Assessment
1. Report Plan (2-3 students + 6-8 Power Point Slides + 350 words): 14/02/2019
2-3 Students + 6-8 Power Point Slides + 350 Words Of course this is not the in-depth analysis
that is required in the final report; but I
want you to collect first data and ideas for
How to do it? the final report together with peers.
Group of 2: Design 6 Power Point Slides (not more and not less!)
Groups of 3: Design 6-8 Power Point Slides. You can add two more slides for the external (macro-micro) analysis.
Slide 1:
- State the UK-based company that you have selected, the related industry
- State the two/three country markets that you have selected from the list (make sure the that the company is not already operating in these markets)
- State who is working on which country (indicate by student number)
Slide 2:
- State key figures of the UK-based company and add a graphic in which you illustrate the domestic marketing mix
Slide 3:
- State macro-environmental variables for the international markets
Slide 4:
- State micro-environmental variables for the international markets
Slide 5:
- State potentially interesting marketing entry strategies for the international markets
Slide 6:
- Make some first suggestions of how you could adapt the domestic marketing mix in each of the two/three countries
Report Plan (not marked)
2-3 Students + 6-8 Power Point Slides + 350 Words
How to do it? (cont.)
• As a group write a max. 350 words report plan in which you outline what you plan to do
in the final report step by step. Do this is in a word document.
• After the 350 words paragraph, copy paste the power point slides as pictures into the
word document. One slide per page. Do not copy paste the slides in a landscape format
(horizontally) since I cannot turn pages in Turnitin. The Power Point slides are the
appendix to the 350 words paragraph.
• In your 350 words report plan, refer to the slides that you have created. The slides are
meant to support the report plan and provide first evidence of data collection/ideas.
Explain the slides. What do the slides show? Why do they show what they?
Note 1
Change of Company-Country Combination after Report Plan
- Ideally you do not change the company-country combination after
having submitted, and received feedback on, the report plan.
- But if you feel strongly about changing, you need to
- Make sure that you do not chose the same company-country combination
that one of your group members from the report plan is working on.
- Make sure that the company-country combination meets the general criteria
- Choose an existing company that is headquartered in the UK and that is successfully
operating in the UK domestic market
- Choose a country from the list provided
- Make sure that the company is not already operating in the country that you selected
Note 2
Choice of Company-Country Combination
General selection criteria:
1. Choose an existing company that is headquartered in the UK and that is successfully operating
in the UK domestic market
2. Choose a country from the list provided
3. Make sure that the company is not already operating in the country that you selected
I realize that the terms “headquartered in the UK” and “operating in a country” give some room for
interpretation. Sometimes UK companies have merged with foreign companies but this is not
obvious at first sight; or they offer “worldwide/international delivery” but they do not have brick
and mortar stores in the countries that you seek to enter. These are a grey zone. Ideally you meet
the criteria. But note that ‘little’ deviations into these grey zones will not negatively affect your
Report Plan Feedback and Mind-Mapping Exercise
Workshop 5: 01/03/2019
In workshop 5, the workshop leaders will provide feedback on the report plan. The idea of this
workshop is to intensively reflect on the feedback. To do so, each group should print the report plan
that they have submitted and bring it to class. We will do a mind-mapping exercise during the
You do not need to present the report plan. We will just discuss it.
After this workshop, you should have received a lot of feedback (from tutors and peers). You should
be ready to work on your final report individually.
Individual Coaching Session
Workshop 9: 29/03/2019
The final workshop of this course is a dedicated report coaching session. Students should have
started to individually develop their global marketing plans. Please use this session to check with
your tutor whether you are on track. Prepare questions and discuss them individually with your
tutor or in class with your peers.