2 Foundations of Morallity Students Reviewer
2 Foundations of Morallity Students Reviewer
2 Foundations of Morallity Students Reviewer
•Our sense of morality as
Filipinos seems to be influenced
by two factors :
1.What we believe, based on our
religious inclinations, and
2.Our perception of how others
judge us.
• The Filipino people are part of a nation
with strong religious inclinations.
Although there exist in our country
diverse religious beliefs, monotheism
or the belief in one God is dominant in
these religions. With this in mind, we
could say that our view of morality and
what we value is strongly linked to our
religious beliefs.
• Our religions have tenets,
doctrines, and dogmas based on
the Holy Scriptures and the
interpretations of our religious
leaders. We are conscientious of
religious rites, obligations and
practices. We abide by them
because we consider ourselves
• Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J (1960), a Catholic
priest and a professor of Human
Behavior, coined the term “split level”
Christians for this inconsistent behavior.
For Filipinos, there seem to be a big
disparity between what we ought to do
and what we are doing . There might be a
crisis in faith because most of us are
failing to emulate the true values of our
religious inclination.
Perception of
How Others Judge Us
Perception of How Others Judge Us
• According to Fr. Vitaliano Gorospe S.J
(1996) The Filipino conscience seems
more external than it is internal. That our
judgment of good and bad, right and
wrong is strongly impressed on us by our
social environment or the presence of
others and not by what we cognitively
believe to be good or bad, right or
Perception of How Others Judge Us