PPHN Edit 17-Feb
PPHN Edit 17-Feb
PPHN Edit 17-Feb
*Cabral JEB, et al. Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn: recent advances in pathophysiology treatment. J Perdiatr. 2013; 89(3):226-242.
• Sharma V, et al. Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Maternal Health Neonatal Perinatol 2015; 1:14.
• Pulmonary Blood Flow (PBF) ↑
(e.g., VSD, ASD)
• Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
(PVR) ↑
• Pulmonary Capillary Wedge
Pressure (PCWP) ↑
KU : Sesak
Nadi : dbn Respirasi : takipnea S : dbn Sp02 : <94%
Kepala : PCH (+), POC (+)
Leher : retraksi suprasternal
Thorax : B/P simetris
: Cor : BJM, regular, S2 >S1, murmur sistolik rendah
Abdomen: Cembung,soepel, BU(+)
Ext : akral hangat, sianosis sentral
Diagnosis : Identify the underlying
• Chest x-ray and arterial blood gas
Echocardiography: gold • Difference PO2 20 mmHg
standard diagnostic tool in
PPHN patent foramen • Chest radiography
• underlying parenchymal disease, such as RDS and
ovale and/or PDA MAS; distinguish the idiopathic PPHN
• Measuring pre-ductal (right extremity) and post-
BNP as a biomarker in ductal (either lower extremity) arterial
PPHN to assess efficacy of oxygenation
treatment and to predict • Oxygen Saturation 5-10%
rebound of PPHN • Labile hypoxemia
•Ventilation •Hypothermia
•Oxygenation •Acidosis
•Maintaining Systemic Blood •Polycythaemia corrected
Pressure •Hypoglycaemia
•Maintaining Homeostasis •Hypocalcaemia
•Minimal handling and judicious
•Antimicrobial therapy
* Ostrea EM Jr, Odell GB. The influence of bicarbonate administration on blood pH in a "closed system": clinical implications. J Pediatr 1972; 80:671.
*S Afr J Child Health 2016;10(4):194-198. DOI:10.7196/SAJCH.2016.v10i4.1145
• OI ≥ 25 should receive care in a center where high-frequency
oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), iNO and ECMO are readily available
in addition to general supportive care.
* Kinsella JP, Truog WE, Walsh WF, et al. Randomized, multicenter trial of inhaled nitric oxide and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in severe,
persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. J Pediatr 1997; 131:55.
Mechanical Ventilation and
• No randomized studies comparing different PaO2 levels in the
management of PPHN in a term infant.
• Brief exposure to 100% oxygen in newborn lambs increased
contractility of pulmonary arteries, reduces response to iNO and
increases the potential for oxidative stress
• Maintaining preductal oxygen saturations in low to mid-90s with
PaO2 levels between 55 and 80 mmHg
*Nair J, et al. Update On PPHN: Mechanisms and Treatment. Semin Perinatol. 2014 Mar;38(2):78-91
**Jain A, et al. Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology. 20151:14
Mechanical ventilation and
• Maintain PaCO2of 40-60 mmHg(5.3–8.0kPa) and PaO2 of 60 – 90
mmHg (8 - 12 kPa) by using gentle ventilation to optimise lung
*S Afr J Child Health 2016;10(4):194-198.
* Sharma BM, et al. Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn : a review. MJAFI . 2016.doi: 10.1016/S0377-
Pulmonary Vasodilator
*Nair J, Lakshminrusimha S. Update on PPHN:
mechanism and treatment
in Seminar Perinatology 38.
Elsevier: 2014.
Inhalation Nitric oxide
• Mainstay of PPHN treatment*
• A meta-analysis of seven
randomized trials of iNO use in
newborns with PPHN also
revealed that 58% of hypoxic
near-term and term infants
responded to iNO within 30 to
60 minutes**
MgSO4 at a loading
dose of 200 mg/kg
infused over 30
minutes, followed by
maintenance dose of
20 - 50 mg/kg/hr
*Nair J, et al. Update On PPHN: Mechanisms and Treatment. Semin Perinatol. 2014 Mar;38(2):78-91
• PPHN is a neonatal emergency with a high mortality rate
• Principe therapy including
• Optimize lung recruitment
• Effective pulmonary vasodilatation
• Achieve normal cardiac output and blood pressure
• In term and preterm infants with a GA > 34 weeks severe PPHN,
defined as an OI ≥25, iNO be administered at a dose of 20 ppm is
recommended (Grade 1B).
• Oral sildenafil and Inhale iloprost in the treatment of PPHN has
significant potential especially in resource limited settings
Thank you