Orofacial Pain: Clin A/Prof Robert Delcanho
Orofacial Pain: Clin A/Prof Robert Delcanho
Orofacial Pain: Clin A/Prof Robert Delcanho
o Head
-skull & scalp
-trigeminal (V)
-C2-3 (GON/LON)
o Orofacial
-TMJ, ear
-teeth, nerves
o Tumour
o Temporal arteritis
o Intracranial pressure
o Infection
o Neurovascular
o Trigeminal
o Trauma
Red Flag Case Presentation
Female 16 years
Hx of constant deep aching TMJ/jaw pain worse
with chewing, extending to occiput.
Initially treated with Occlusal Splint/Physio.
Headaches on exertion - paroxysmal with “fainting”.
Parents noted subtle personality changes.
MRI - Arnold Chiari formation- surgery.
Intracranial Pathology
Diagnostic Clues
Ear symptoms eg discomfort, fullness
Occlusal discomfort or change
Mandibular dyskinesia
Intermittent facial swelling
4. Osteoarthritis
5. Systemic (poly)arthritis
Masticatory Muscle Disorders
Painful Traumatic Trigeminal Neuropathy
Post Herpetic Neuralgia
Persistent Idiopathic Facial Pain (PIFP)
Persistent Dento-alveolar Pain (PADP)
Burning Mouth Syndrome
Case Presentation
40 yo female
Complains of 3 years continuous dull aching pain
in lower left quadrant. Occasional sharp pains.
Problem commenced after periodontal surgery and
surgical extraction of third molar.
Since had RCT of 1st and 2nd molars w/o effect
Aggravated by eating on that side and brushing
Persistent Dento-Alveolar Pain
Disorder (PDAP)
(Atypical Odontalgia, Phantom tooth pain)
Anxiety Disorders
Personality Traits
Okeson, 2003
Other Conditions
Axis I Axis II
Somatoform Disorders
Somatoform Disorder
Mood Disorders
Depressive Disorder
Conversion Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Pain Disorder
Mood Disorder due to
a Medical Condition
Chronic Regional
Classification of Orofacial Pains
Metabolic Polyneuropathies
Entrapment Neuropathy
Episodic Pain
Arteritis Pain
Vascular Pain
Pulpal Pain
Ligamentous Pain
Deep Pain
Visceral Pain
Visceral Mucosal Pain
Retrodiscal Pain
Musculoskeletal Pain Glandular, ENT Pain
Capsular Pain
Somatic Pain
Arthritic Pain
Periodontal Pain
Superficial Pain
Protective Co-Contraction
Mucogingival Pain
Connect. Tissue Pain
Local Muscle Soreness
Cutaneous Pain Osseous Pain Myofascial Pain
TMJ Pain Myospasm
Muscle Pain Central Mediated Myalgia