Employees Testing & Selection
Employees Testing & Selection
Employees Testing & Selection
Basic Testing Concepts
• Test Validity:
The accuracy with which a test, interview, and so on
measures what it purpose to measure or fulfills the
function it was designed to fill.
• Types of Validity
– Criterion Validity:
A type of validity based on showing that sources on the test
(predictors) are related to job performance (Criterion).
– Content Validity:
A test that is content valid is one that contains a fair sample of the
tasks and skills actually needed for job in question.
How to validate a Test:
The Validation Process
1. Analyze the Job: The first step is to analyze the job and write job
descriptions and job specifications. Here, you need to specify the
human traits and skills you believe are required for adequate job
2. Choose the Tests:
Next choose tests that you think measure the attributes (predictors)
important for job success. Employees usually base this choice on
experience, previous research, and “best guesses.”
Types of Tests:
i. We can conveniently classify tests according to whether they measure.
ii. Cognitive (mental) abilities.
iii. Motor and Physical abilities.
Iv. Personality and interests, or achievement.
Types of Cognitive Abilities
Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities
To measure motor abilities, such as finger dexterity, manual
dexterity, and reaction time.
Measuring Personality and Interests…
• The “Big Five”
1. Extraversion
– The tendency to be sociable, assertive, active, and to experience
positive effects, such as energy and zeal.
2. Emotional stability/neuroticism
– The tendency to exhibit poor emotional adjustment and
experience negative effects, such as anxiety, insecurity, and
3. Openness to experience
– The disposition to be imaginative, nonconforming, unconventional,
and autonomous.
4. Agreeableness
– The tendency to be trusting, compliant, caring, and gentle.
5. Conscientiousness
– Is comprised of two related facets: achievement and
Work Samples & Simulation
Typical Simulated exercises
• The in basket
• Leaderless group discussion
• Management games
• Individual presentations
• The Interview
Video – Based Situational Testing
Background Investigation &
Reference checks
There are two main reasons to conduct pre-
employment background investigations and/or
reference checks – to verify factual information
previously provided by the applicants, and to
uncover the damaging information such as
criminal records & suspended drivers’ licenses.
Employment Reference Check Form
To be Completed by Employer:
Employed From __________To____________
Position (s) Held
Reason for Separation: _____Quit_____Laid-off____Discharged
Other _______________
As an employee, was this person:
Trustworthy? __________YES________NO Dependable (Attendance)?
Eligible for rehire? ________YES_____NO
A positive customer service representative? (if applies)
Please comment briefly on “NO” responses:_____
Additional comments from supervisor, if possible
Signature of person filling out form:___________ 16
Physical Examination
There are several reasons for pre-employment medical exams.
One is to verify that the applicants meets the physical
requirements of the position, and discover any medical
limitations you should take into account in placing the applicants.