The document describes the procedures for a Code Blue response in a hospital setting. It discusses:
1. Code Blue is rapidly activated when a patient experiences cardiac or respiratory arrest. A Code Blue team provides immediate resuscitation and stabilization.
2. The Code Blue team consists of doctors and trained medical staff who rush to the patient with life-saving equipment. They perform CPR and other emergency procedures to resuscitate the patient.
3. The procedures outline the roles of staff members in responding to a Code Blue, activating the Code Blue team, and the team's responsibilities in treating and transferring the patient as needed.
The document describes the procedures for a Code Blue response in a hospital setting. It discusses:
1. Code Blue is rapidly activated when a patient experiences cardiac or respiratory arrest. A Code Blue team provides immediate resuscitation and stabilization.
2. The Code Blue team consists of doctors and trained medical staff who rush to the patient with life-saving equipment. They perform CPR and other emergency procedures to resuscitate the patient.
3. The procedures outline the roles of staff members in responding to a Code Blue, activating the Code Blue team, and the team's responsibilities in treating and transferring the patient as needed.
The document describes the procedures for a Code Blue response in a hospital setting. It discusses:
1. Code Blue is rapidly activated when a patient experiences cardiac or respiratory arrest. A Code Blue team provides immediate resuscitation and stabilization.
2. The Code Blue team consists of doctors and trained medical staff who rush to the patient with life-saving equipment. They perform CPR and other emergency procedures to resuscitate the patient.
3. The procedures outline the roles of staff members in responding to a Code Blue, activating the Code Blue team, and the team's responsibilities in treating and transferring the patient as needed.
The document describes the procedures for a Code Blue response in a hospital setting. It discusses:
1. Code Blue is rapidly activated when a patient experiences cardiac or respiratory arrest. A Code Blue team provides immediate resuscitation and stabilization.
2. The Code Blue team consists of doctors and trained medical staff who rush to the patient with life-saving equipment. They perform CPR and other emergency procedures to resuscitate the patient.
3. The procedures outline the roles of staff members in responding to a Code Blue, activating the Code Blue team, and the team's responsibilities in treating and transferring the patient as needed.
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Dr Andri Julianto SpAn Kic
Code Blue • Code Blue is a rapid response system for emergency resuscitation and stabilization of medical emergency situations that happen within the hospital area. These medical emergencies require immediate attention. • A Code Blue is to be initiated immediately whenever a person is found in cardiac or respiratory arrest (unresponsive, pulseless, or not breathing) i.e. the patient needs cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Code Blue • Code Blue Rapid Response System is established to ensure that all critical medical emergencies are provided with resuscitation and stabilization ALMOST immediately. The Response System is in 2 phases. i) The initial response (first responder) should always be from the hospital personnel who are at the vicinity; where Basic Life Support (BLS) service should be provided. ii) The second response (second responder) will be from a specialized and well trained team from a department identified by hospital authorities. Code Blue • The response system is being conducted with a specific response time based upon the service quality standards which have been determined by the hospital authorities. To enable the proper establishment of such system, the following is essential: i) All personnel in the hospital should be trained with BLS skills to enable the initiation of critical basic life support at the incident site. ii) Basic Life Support equipment should be placed in all strategic locations within the hospital grounds, for example hospital lobby, waiting areas in polyclinics and other high risk areas; where the equipment is portable or mobile to enable rapid response. Code Blue • Once there is a Code Blue, a team of doctors and paramedics (medical assistants and staff nurses), often a designated "code-team", will rush to the patient taking life- saving measures. The team uses a ‘crash cart’, wheelchair/stretcher, which contains important aids such as a defibrillator, intubation equipment, suction, oxygen, ambubag, resuscitation drugs (adrenaline, atropine, lignocaine) and an I.V. setup to stabilize the patient. The team will utilize BLS and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) skills to resuscitate patients. Code Blue • 1. To provide rapid (almost immediate) resuscitation and stabilization for victims of medical emergencies or cardio- respiratory arrest within the hospital grounds. 2. To establish well-trained and equipped medical emergency (code blue) teams that can be deployed rapidly from pre-determined departments to the medical emergency site. • 3. To initiate training in BLS skills and use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for all hospital staff whether clinical or non clinical based. 4. To initiate placement of BLS equipment in various strategic locations within the hospital grounds to facilitate a rapid response for medical emergencies. • 5. To make the hospital safe for emergency. Code Blue • CPR FACTS • In a hospital setting, survival is >20% if the arrest occurs between the hours of 7 am and 11 pm but only 15% if the arrest occurs between 11 pm and 7 am. • There is significant variability with regard to location, with 9% survival at night in unmonitored settings compared with nearly 37% survival in operating room/post anesthesia care unit locations during the day. • Code blue merupakan salah satu kode prosedur emergensi yang harus segera diaktifkan jika ditemukan seseorang dalam kondisi cardiaerespiratory arrest di dalam area rumah sakit. • Code blue response team atau tim code blue adalah suatu tim yang dibentuk oleh rumah sakit yang bertugas merespon kondisi code blue didalam area rumah sakit. Tim ini terdiri dari dokter dan perawat yang sudah terlatih dalam penanganan kondisi cardiac respiratory arrest. Prosedur code blue • Jika didapatkan seseorang atau pasien dalam kondisi cardiac respiratory arrest maka perawat ruangan (I) atau first responder berperan dalam tahap pertolongan, yaitu: – Segera melakukan penilaian dini kesadaran korban. – Pastikan lingkungan penderita aman untuk dilakukan pertolongan. – Lakukan cek respon penderita dengan memanggil nama atau menepuk bahu. – Meminta bantuan pertolongan perawat lain (II) atau petugas yang ditemui di lokasi untuk mengaktifkan code blue. • Prosedur code blue – Lakukan Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP) sampai dengan tim code blue Perawat ruangan yang lain (II) atau penolong kedua, – segera menghubungi operator telepon xxxx” untuk mengaktifkan code blue, dengan prosedur sebagai berikut: Perkenalkan diri. Sampaikan informasi untuk mengaktifkan code blue. Sebutkan nama lokasi terjadinya cardiac respiratory arrest dengan lengkap dan jelas, yaitu: area ….. (area satu/dua/tiga/empat), nama lokasi atau ruangan. Jika lokasi kejadian di ruangan rawat inap maka informasikan : “ nama ruangan ….. nomor …. “. • Prosedur Code blue – Waktu respon operator menerima telepon xxxx adalah harus secepatnya diterima, kurang dari 3 kali deringan telepon. Jika lokasi kejadian berada di area ruang rawat inap ataupun rawat jalan, setelah menghubungi operator, perawat ruangan II segera membawa troli emergensi (emergency trolley) ke lokasi dan membantu perawat ruangan I melakukan resusitasi sampai dengan tim Code Blue datang. Operator menggunakan alat telekomunikasi Handy Talky (HT) atau pengeras suara mengatakan code blue dengan prosedur sebagai berikut: “Code Blue, Code Blue, Code Blue, di area …..(satu/dua/tiga/empat), nama lokasi atau ruangan…..”. • Prosedur Code Blue – Jika lokasi kejadian diruangan rawat inap maka informasikan: “Code Blue, Code Blue, Code Blue, nama ruangan ….. nomor kamar …..”. Setelah tim code blue menerima informasi tentang aktivasi code blue, mereka segera menghentikan tugasnya masing-masing, mengambil resusitasi kit dan menuju lokasi terjadinya cardiac respiratory arrest. Waktu respon dari aktivasi code blue sampai dengan kedatangan tim code blue di lokasi terjadinya cardiac respiratory arrest adalah 5 menit. – Sekitar 5 menit kemudian, operator menghubungi tim code blue untuk memastikan bahwa tim code blue sudah menuju lokasi terjadinya cardiac respiratory arrest • Prosedur Code Blue – Jika lokasi terjadinya cardiac respiratory arrest adalah lokasi yang padat manusia (public area) maka petugas keamanan (security) segera menuju lokasi terjadinya untuk mengamankan lokasi tersebut sehingga tim code blue dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan aman dan sesuai prosedur. Tim code blue melakukan tugasnya sampai dengan diputuskannya bahwa resusitasi dihentikan oleh ketua tim code blue • Prosedur Code Blue – Untuk pelaksanaan code blue di area empat, Tim code blue memberikan bantuan hidup dasar kepada pasien kemudian segera ditransfer ke Instalasi Gawat Darurat. Ketua tim code blue memutuskan tindak lanjut pasca resusitasi, yaitu: Jika resusitasi berhasil dan pasien stabil maka dipindahkan secepatnya ke Instalasi Perawatan Intensif untuk mendapatkan perawatan lebih lanjut jika keluarga pasien setuju. Jika keluarga pasien tidak setuju atau jika Instalasi Perawatan Intensif penuh maka pasien di rujuk ke rumah sakit yang mempunyai fasilitas Jika keluarga pasien menolak dirujuk dan meminta dirawat di ruang perawatan biasa, maka keluarga pasien menandatangani surat penolakan. Jika resusitasi tidak berhasil dan pasien meninggal, maka lakukan koordinasi dengan bagian bina rohani, kemudian pasien dipindahkan ke kamar jenazah. • Prosedur Code Blue – Ketua tim code blue melakukan koordinasi dengan DPJP. Ketua tim code blue memberikan informasi dan edukasi kepada keluarga pasien. Perawat ruangan mendokumentasikan semua kegiatan dalam rekam medis pasien dan melakukan koordinasi dengan ruangan pasca resusitasi. Pengorganisasian Tim Code Blue • Tim code blue di Rumah Sakit terbagi atas: – Tim code blue satu yaitu tim Code Blue yang bertanggung jawab terhadap area satu. – Tim code blue dua yaitu tim Code Blue yang bertanggung jawab terhadap area dua. – Tim code blue tiga yaitu tim Code Blue yang bertanggung jawab terhadap area tiga. Pengorganisasian Tim Code Blue • Tim code blue terdiri dari: – Ketua tim code blue yaitu satu orang dokter umum. – Anggota tim code blue yang terdiri dari satu orang perawat senior (supervisi) dan satu orang perawat. Terima Kasih