Semiology of The Intestine
Semiology of The Intestine
Semiology of The Intestine
Disease history
Onset: recent, sudden: intestinal occlusion, intestinal perforation,
intestinal infarction, acute appendicitis
Insidious onset: tumors, chronic enterocolitis
Evolution - proggressive: cancer
Semiology of the intestine
Local symptoms
1. Intestinal pain
2. Intestinal transit disorders
3. Intestinal gas content disorders
4. Intestinal hemorrhage
Semiology of the intestine
Local symptoms
1. Intestinal pain
Intestinal colic: apendicular, occlusion, perforation
Characteristics: - intense pain
- caused by muscle spasms or distensy
Local symptoms
1. Intestinal pain
- appendicular colic
- intestinal occlusion
- intestinal perforation
- Vascular pain
- rectal tenesma
- defecation pain
- acute enterocolitis
Semiology of the intestine
Local symptoms
2. Intestinal transit disorders
- diarrhea
- constipation; - ileus (dynamic or mechanic)
Semiology of the intestine
Local symptoms
3. Intestine gas content disorders
- meteorism: gas content of the intestine with fullness feeling
- flatulence: frequent and repeated gas elimination through the
4. Intestinal hemorrhage
Semiology of the intestine
Objective exam
II. Local
Inspection a) abdomen volume alterations: total, localized
bulging, abdominal excavation
b) peristaltic movements
Semiology of the intestine
Objective exam
II. Local
Palpation a) superficial: muscular contraction, cutaneous
hyperestesia, “damp cloth” feeling
b) profound: - mesenteric, apendicular, sigmoidian
- “colic chord”
- cecum (relaxed)
- împăstarea
- hard formation
*inflammatory diarrhea
*caused by absorption disorders, electrolithical secretion,
inflammation mediators, vascular damage.
Diarrhea through enterocitar
alterations or damage and
a) Light/moderate inflammation: infectious (bacterial, viral,
parasitary), cytostatics, radiotherapy, food allergies, auto-
immune (microscopic colitis)
b) Moderate/severe inflammation: infection (Shigella, Salmonella),
auto-immune (Crohn’s dis., ulcerative colitis), through
hypersensibility mechanism (coeliac disease)
Diarrhea through motility
Diarrheic syndrome
1. acute:
- 3 stools/day, deformed
- < 2-3 weeks
- ± fever
2. chronic:
- > 3 weeks
- clinical: steatorrhea, watery, inflammatory
Diarrheic syndrome
Paraclinical exploration
- coprologic exam
- abdominal Rx on empty stomach or Ba passage
- endoscopy (colonoscopy, gastroduodenoscopy)
- doudenal, jejunal, colonic mucosa biopsy
- loading tests
- pancreas and hepato-billiary exploration
Recto-sigmoid syndrome
- tenesma
- recto-sigmoid colic
- defecation pain
- constipation/diarrhea
- pathological elements in stool
Recto-sigmoid syndrome
- rectitis, anitis, recto-sigmoiditis
- anal, perianal fissure,
- perianal abscess,
- complicated hemorrhoids
- tumors
Recto-sigmoid syndrome
Diagnosis, etiological
* symptoms + exam (anal inspection, rectal digital exam) + stool
exam (pathological elements) + Recto-sigmoidoscopy
Constipation syndrome
- usual constipation (primary, idiopathic)
- secondary symptomatic constipation
Constipation syndrome
Secondary constipation
- melena
- Rectoragy (Haematochezia)
Inferior digestive hemorrhage (IDH)
Clinical picture
a) Rectoragy (20% from the upper digestive tract)
- Bright red with clots (rectum)
- Brown-red (right colon, transverse)
b) Melena
- Small intestine
- Proximal colon
(slow transit, microbial flora action)
Inferior digestive hemorrhage (IDH)
-Anal fissures
-Rectal or colon cancer
-Crohn's Disease
- Haemorrhagic rectocolitis
-Infectious colitis
Inferior digestive hemorrhage (IDH)
- Anuscopy / rectosigmoidoscopy