continuous improvement
1. Acceptance stage – usually involving a trained Lean facilitator to lead the change and build buy in for the
continuous improvement system.
2. Technical stage – involving an event such as a process mapping to identify wastes and opportunities for
3. Sustainment stage – involving the communication, training and integration of the changed process into the
workplace culture, the way things are done.
Implement Control
The second variation of the Toyota production System (TPS) is Six Sigma. While the driving principle of Lean
is reducing waste, the key principle of Six Sigma is measurement. Both methodologies, however, are ultimately
directed at achieving customer value. The Six Sigma methodology concentrates on measuring and improving
those outputs that are critical to the customer.
Six Sigma follows the DMAIC methodology and has the following key
Everything we do is a process. Each process has inputs and outputs and substantially changes the inputs to add value for the
Every process has measurable characteristics.
Measurements follow a frequency distribution
Customers have differing expectations of process performance.
Three sigma is the normally accepted standard across industries. Most observations fall within three sigma using such a
standard. A normal distribution curve has 99.74% of all outcomes falling within three sigma to the right or left of the mean.
Three sigma applied to a continuous and high-volume process still adds up to a lot of failed expectations
Sixsigma is a philosophy as much as it is a methodology and a quality metric. Implementing a philosophy means affecting
culture and ways of thinking about quality that pervade an organisation.
Develop strategies for participation
Consider your:
Life-cycle Lean
analysis Manufacturing
Closed-loop ISO
product design Standards
Peter Wells in Business models for sustainability identifies several principles for sustainable business models:
resource efficiency
social relevance
localisation and engagement
ethical sourcing
work enrichment.
Following the above principles allows organisations to factor sustainability into the development of overall business models and
strategies. It is useful to point out that organisations do not necessarily value sustainability at the expense of financial gain.
Integrating sustainability principles into business models may, in fact, generate substantial value for environmentally and socially
engaged customers and investors.
It is easy to see how implementing continuous improvement methods can achieve a range of sustainability related sources of
increased value, including increased revenue or lower wastage costs.
Develop training, coaching and
mentoring processes
Input KPIs measure the activities that are designed to facilitate improvements in performance results. These activities
include management actions to implement performance management and achieve organisational goals such as holding
performance review meetings, coaching or providing training.
Process KPIs measure the efficiency of processes, for example, the number of times stock is sold or used over a period of
time (inventory turnover or stock turn). Another example, more geared towards the measurement of individual performance
might be contribution to the improvement of team processes or the support of co-workers to do the same.
Finally, output KPIs measure the results of inputs and processes. These could include productivity levels or number of sales
per month for example.
Process mapping and VSM
• Process mapping
Process mapping is completed at different levels of detail. The highest level map, a ‘Level 0’ map, contains the inputs and outputs
with the process designated in one box.
A ‘Level 1’ process map has more detail showing the relationships of the output of one sub-process as the input of another sub-
Most process maps do not go below ‘Level 4’ maps, which are more like work instructions due to the level of detail.
An example of a ‘Level 1’ process map for the DMAIC process in Six Sigma is shown here on the left.
Value stream mapping is a tool to assist teams to visualise all the value-creating steps, and sources of waste, which occur from
the procurement of inputs to delivery to the customer and all the information flows which support the process. The ultimate
objective is to reduce waste, defined as steps or activities associated with the process that do not add to value to the customer.
Solution to maintaining successful process
Know quality
Provide Training Investigate efforts
improvement tools
Develop corrective Determine process Project
Controls measurement Define process
action system capability improvement
The histogram evolved to meet the need for evaluating data that occurs at a certain frequency.
This is possible because the histogram allows for a concise portrayal of information in a bar graph
Because frequency distributions of process variables typically have bell-shaped histograms, which
taper slowly down from a central mean, this kind of distribution is called ‘normal’.
Note that, however, while quantitative analysis of frequency distributions and histograms can supply an
answer to the question of whether a process is performing optimally and is amenable to statistical analysis
and control, it can provide only limited answers as to what to do to improve quality. Moreover, you might ask
yourself whether an ‘improvement’ really makes any difference to your business, say to cost control,
wastage expense, competitiveness, or how much your customer is willing to pay for more certainty. Recall
that, according to Joseph Juran, quality means only meeting customer expectations. Anything done over and
above this represents waste. To answer qualitative questions such as these, you will need to supplement
quantitative analysis with the use qualitative tools such as Value Stream Mapping or brainstorming.
Control charts
A control chart measures the variation of a measure over time. The measure has control limits around an average
target figure. See the example below of the proportion of defects per day.
Control charts:
Demonstrate how consistently a process is performing, and whether an attempt should be made to adjust it
Compare the process performance to the customers’ requirements
Facilitate quick evaluation of the results of quality initiatives designed to improve process consistency.
Control limits are generally set at 3 standard deviations above and below the mean. Therefore, for example, if an organisation is
using Six Sigma methodology to define a defect as occurring six standard deviations from the mean. This practice provides a margin
in which a process that appears to be crossing control limits can be brought under control before actual wastage occurs.
Scatter diagrams
Scatter diagrams make the relationship between two continuous variables stand out visually on the page in a way that the raw data,
presented in a table, for example, cannot. Scatter diagrams may be used in examining a cause-and-effect relationship between
variables, such as cost and quantity
There are a number of dangers inherent in confusing correlation, either calculated or apparent in scatter charts,
with causation.
In interpreting causality for the purpose of improving operations, you will need to be careful not to make unwarranted or invalid
assumptions. It is important to know how your business works, bringing your common sense, technical expertise, and experience
to bear on quality problems. Qualitative techniques, discussed previously, are useful for determining valid root causes and sources
of value. In general, quantitative statistical techniques improve reliability of mathematical inferences and are more effective and
reliable with more data; qualitative techniques, on the other hand, can help establish the validity of fundamental claims and
relationships between factors and elements of business processes.
Adjust and communicate strategies
Corrective actions
and tactics as needed
interim action When communicating changes, consider:
adaptive action organisational goals (how does
corrective action your communication of
preventative action adjustments advance these?)
contingency action. pre-existing communication
policies, processes and
stakeholder needs and
efficient KM.
As a result of monitoring and improvement activities, it may become necessary to adjust strategies and tactics
and communicate changes to various stakeholders. Overall, your process improvement approach may not be
aligned to strategic objectives. For example, you may have chosen the wrong continuous improvement
methodology or tools to address the particular performance issues that exist within your organisation. Ineffective
implementation of the right approach may also be the problem. You will need to identify a range of strategic
issues, consider a range of tactics to correct performance issues, and communicate changes in accordance with
organisational requirements.
Establish communications processes
• Strategies: • Procedures:
high level approach to designed to effect the
communicating about implementation of your
CI and specific communication strategy and
improvements to KM practices
processes approaches include:
high level approach to written,step-by-step
KM processes
Written procedures, as discussed in Section 1, are a form of hard knowledge management. In the capture-codify-
store model, procedures and processes are developed by teams of experts, cross-functional teams, or workers with
experience in carrying out the processes. Information is gathered, sometimes using a variety of the tools discussed
in Section 2, the procedure is written down, and then stored appropriately for distribution to those that need to
follow the procedure to complete their work.
Record and report on team
Reporting options include:
management reports
sustainability and triple bottom line reporting
strategy on a page
balanced scorecards
A3 reporting
progress reports
dashboard reports
defect checklists.
A3 reporting
Defect checklist
Finally, a defect check sheet is a form for collecting and analysing data. It is a generic tool that can be adapted for a wide variety of
purposes, including continuous improvement.
To create a defect check sheet, follow these steps.
1. Determine what problem will be observed. There may be multiple problems. You may want to brainstorm the problems with
the team doing the work being observed.
2. Determine when and how long to collect data for.
3. Design the form – see a generic form below for measuring on each day. The form may be designed to collect data
4. Label all the spaces on the form.
5. Test the check sheet to be sure it collects the test data you want.
6. Record the data whenever a problem occurs with a tick or cross and total the problems observed across shifts, days, people,
machines, sources of raw materials, etc.
Incorporate information
into future planning
To plan future improvements, you should:
The planning process itself should ensure this inclusion as well as including all areas of importance to
achieving strategic goals and practically embedding change within the organisation. In this way, planning
allows for strategies to stay aligned with organisational goals, and to evolve to meet future challenges.