1 Prolog

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• Text Book: PROLOG programming for AI By Ivan Bratko,
P.Ed. Publication, 3rd Edition
Optional books for further reading:
• The Art of Prolog, Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro, 2nd
Edition, MIT Press, 1994.
• W. F. Clocksin, C. S. Mellish, Programming in
Prolog:Using the Iso Standard, 5th edition, Springer-
• Prolog : A Relational language and its Applications, John
Malpas, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1987.
• “Programming in Prolog”, by Clocksin & Mellish, Narosa
Publishing House.
Prolog Interpreter/Compiler
• Most common free Prolog implementation is
– You can download freely EasyProlog compiler by Strawberry also.
– SWI Prolog is Very nice,
– though faster ones are for sale (e.g., SICSTUS Prolog).
– SICStus Prolog is a commercial s/w used in a wide range of
domains from medicine research to data mining of financial data.

• Prolog has grown from a simple stand-alone interpreter

into a full compiler-based technology with
– links to external databases, GUIs, and other languages such as
C,C# and Java, and in so doing has effectively made the transition
from academic-theorem prover to a complete general-purpose
programming language.
– E.g. SICStus Prolog (commercial sw)
SWI Prolog Program
• Write the program in simple text editor &
save it as .pl
• On the terminal, type gprolog.
• To load a file, consult ‘[filename]’
Using Prolog
1. First, write your program (away from computer!) or using SWI Prolog
2. Then, type it into a file, with a .pl extension.
• Any text editor will do, but Emacs is recommended.
3. Then, type:
4. You will be presented with the Prolog prompt
5. Then, `consult' your file (omitting the .pl):
|?- consult(yourfilename). or
|?- [yourfilename]. or [‘folder/filename’].

6. The entire content of your file is then stored in the memory of the Prolog
– You can see what is consulted by typing | ?- listing.
7. Then you can ask questions of your database.
Using Prolog (2)
• If you edit your program file (e.g. to correct something), be sure to
consult it again afterwards!
• To exit from Prolog, type
|?- halt.
or press
• The Prolog comment characters:

– Single line comments: %

% This is a comment
This not a comment, but an error

– Multiple line comments: /*

/* This is a multi-line comment
which must be closed with a */
Prolog Demo
The original declarative programming language
• It was developed in the 1970’s by
– Robert Kowalski and Maarten Van Emden (Edinburgh)
– Alain Colmerauer (Marseille)
• Prolog is declarative language.
• Types of programming languages
– (imperative, functional, object-oriented, declarative)
• Alain Colmeraeur & Philippe Roussel, 1971-1973
– With help from theorem proving folks such as Robert Kowalski
– Original project: Type in French statements & questions
• Computer needed NLP and deductive reasoning
– Efficiency by David Warren, 1977 (compiler, virtual machine)
– Colmerauer & Roussel wrote 20 years later:
“Prolog is so simple that one has the sense that sooner or later
someone had to discover it … that period of our lives remains
one of the happiest in our memories.
– “We have had the pleasure of recalling it for this paper over
almonds accompanied by a dry martini.”
An example Prolog Program

Shows path with mode of conveyance from city

C1 to city C2
byCar(auckland, hamilton).
byCar(valmont, saarbruecken).
byCar(valmont, metz).
byTrain(saarbruecken, frankfurt).
byTrain(metz, paris).
byTrain(saarbruecken, paris).
byPlane(frankfurt, bangkok).
byPlane(frankfurt, singapore).
byPlane(paris, losAngeles).
byPlane(bangkok, auckland).
byPlane(losAngeles, auckland).
go(C1,C2) :- travel(C1,C2,L), show_path(L).
travel(C1,C2,L) :- direct_path(C1,C2,L).
travel(C1,C2,L) :-direct_path(C1,C3,L1), travel(C3,C2,L2),append(L1,L2,L).
direct_path(C1,C2,[C1,C2,' by car']):- byCar(C1,C2).
direct_path(C1,C2,[C1,C2,' by train']):- byTrain(C1,C2).
direct_path(C1,C2,[C1,C2,' by plane']):- byPlane(write(C1), write(' to_'),
write(C2), write(Me(C1,C2).
show_path([C1,C2,M|T]) :- nl, show_path(T).
/* output
4 ?- consult('G:/AI2009/lecture programs/best_fs.pl').
% G:/AI2009/lecture programs/best_fs.pl compiled 0.02 sec, 24 bytes true.

5 ?- go(saarbruecken, auckland).
saarbruecken to_frankfurt by train
frankfurt to_bangkok by plane
bangkok to_auckland by plane
saarbruecken to_paris by train
paris to_losAngeles by plane
losAngeles to_auckland by plane

6 ?- go(auckland,craglan).

7 ?- go(auckland,raglan).
auckland to_hamilton by car
hamilton to_raglan by car
false. */
Imperative vs Declarative
• Programming in imperative programming (e.g.
Java, Pascal, C++), you tell the computer HOW to
solve the problem, i.e. do this, then do that.

• In declarative programming (e.g. Prolog),you

declare WHAT the problem is, and leave it to the
compiler/interpreter to use built-in reasoning to
solve the problem.
Logic Programming
• Systems should be constructed by expressing
knowledge in a formal language and that problems
should be solved by running inference processes
on that knowledge.
• Robert Kowalski’s equation
– Problem Solving =Problem Description + Logical Deductions

– How do we build in the ability to do the deductions?

– Ideally we would like to be able to tell the computer
‘what’ we want it to do and not ‘how’ we want it to do it.
• Prolog is based on first order logic.
• When you write a Prolog program, you are writing down
your knowledge of the problem – you are modelling the
• Prolog is declarative (as opposed to imperative):
– You specify what the problem is rather than how to solve
– A Prolog program consists of a set of clauses
– Each clause is either a fact or a rule
Applications of Prolog
• Prolog is very useful in some areas (AI, natural
language processing, Solving puzzles and Games,
theorem proving, expert systems), but less useful in
others (numerical algorithms/computations).

• Prolog is no longer confined to research laboratories, but

is now considered to be a powerful tool for the
development of commercial applications
– e.g. some banks and insurance companies use it to evaluate
loan applications, make profitability calculations etc.
– Similar applications in finance, defence, telecommunications,
law, medicine, agriculture, engineering, manufacturing, and
Introducing Prolog
• Prolog was the first attempt to design a purely
declarative programming language.
• It is short for ‘Programmation en Logique’.
• It was efficiently implemented by DavidWarren.
• It is used primarily as a rapid – prototyping
language and for symbol manipulation tasks
such as writing compilers and parsing natural
• Many expert systems have been written in
prolog for legal, medical, financial, and other
What is Prolog used for?
• Good at
– Grammars and Language processing,
– Knowledge representation and reasoning,
– Unification,
– Pattern matching,
– Planning and Search.
• i.e. Prolog is good at Symbolic AI.
• Poor at:
– Repetitive number crunching,
– Representing complex data structures,
– Input/Output (interfaces).
Logic Programming
• A program in logic is a definition (declaration) of the world -
the entities and the relations between them.
• Logic programs establishing a theorem (goal) and asks the
system to prove it.
• Satisfying the goal:
– yes, prove the goal using the information from the
knowledge base
– no:
• cannot prove the truth of the goal using the information
from the knowledge base
• the goal is false according to available information
• Prolog programs are knowledge bases.
• Programs process data.
• PROLOG data objects :

structures simple objects

variables literal constants

numbers atoms
Prolog Data Objects (Terms)
Simple objects Structured Objects

Constants Variables Structures Lists

X date(4,10,04) []
A_var person(bob,48) [a,b,g]
Atoms Integers _Var [[a],[b]]
-6 [bit(a,d),a,’Bob’]

Symbols Signs
a Strings <--->
bob ‘a’ ==>
l8r_2day ‘Bob’ …
‘L8r 2day’
(1) Strings of letters, digits, and “_”, starting with
lowercase letter:

x x15 x_15 aBC_CBa7

alpha_beta_algorithm taxi_35

peter missJones miss_Jones2

(2) Strings of special characters

---> <==> <<

. < > + ++ ! .. .::.

::= []
(3) Strings in single quotes

‘X_35’ ‘Peter’ ‘Britney Spears’

• Integers

1 1313 0 -55

• Real numbers (floating point)

3.14 -0.0045 1.34E-21 1.34e-

• PROLOG allows both integer and floating point
• Integer :
– e.g. 23, 10243, -23.
• Floats :
– e.g. 0.23, 1.0234, -12.23.
• Floats using exponential notation :
– e.g. 12.3e34, -11.2e-45, 1.0e45.
• PROLOG suffers from the usual problems with
floating point rounding errors.
• PROLOG is terrible at numeric computation.
Data Objects
• PROLOG data objects are called terms.
• PROLOG distinguishes between terms
according to their syntactic structure.
– Structures look different from simple objects.
• PROLOG is a typeless Language.
– All it checks is that arithmetic operations are done
with numbers and I/O is done with ASCII characters.
– Checks are done at run time.
• PROLOG fans claim that typelessness gives
great flexibility.
Features of PROLOG
• Logical variables
• Pattern matching facility
• Backtracking strategy to search for proofs
Structure of PROLOG Programs
• Data Objects
– Facts
– Rules
– Query
• Variables: must begin with an upper case
• Constants: must begin with lowercase
letter, or enclosed in single quotes
• Fact is a statement that affirms or denies
• Often a proposition like “It is sunny”
• represented as ‘It is sunny’ or sunny but
not Sunny.
• Strings of letters, digits, and underscores, starting with
uppercase letter
– Valid variables: X Results Object2B Participant_list
_x35 _335
• Lexical scope of variable names is one clause
• Underscore stands for an anonymous variable.
• Each appearance of underscore: another anon. var.
• Always begin with a capital letter
– ?- likes (john,X).
– ?- likes (john, Something).
• But not
– ?- likes (john,something)
Example of usage of variable
?- likes(john,X)
X=flowers and wait
• Scope rule:
– Two uses of an identical name for a logical variable only
refer to the same object if the uses are within a single
happy(Person) :- healthy(Person). % same person
wise(Person) :- old(Person).
/* may refer to other person than in above clause. */

• Two commenting styles!

• a Prolog variable does not represent a location that
contains a modifiable value; it behaves more like a
mathematical variable (and has the same scope)

• Functor name chosen by user

• Syntax for functors: atoms

• Functor defined by name and arity

• To create a single data element from a collection of related
terms we use a structure.
• A structure is constructed from a functor (a constant
symbol) and one offunctor
more components.


• The components can be of any type: atoms, integers,

variables, or structures.
• As functors are treated as data objects just like constants
they can be unified with variables

|?- X = date(04,10,04).
X = date(04,10,04)?

Often, structures are pictured as trees

date( 17, june, 2006)


17 june 2006
• Therefore all structured objects in Prolog can be viewed
as trees

• This is the only way of building structured objects in

Structures - Exercise
• Description:
• point in the 2D space
• triangle
• a country
• has a name
• is located in a continent at a certain position
• has population
• has capital city which has a certain population
• has area

P2 = (2,3) (6,4)


P1=(1,1) (7,1)

P1 = point( 1, 1) P2 = point( 2, 3)
S = seg( P1, P2) = seg( point(1,1), point(2,3))
T = triangle( point(4,2), point(5,4), point(7,1))

S = seg( point(1,1), point(2,3))

S = seg

point point

1 1 2 3
• For example: (a + b) * (c - 5)

• Written as term with functors:

*( +( a, b), -( c, 5))

+ -
a b c 5
A Particular Structure
• How can we represent the courses a student takes?
courses(csi2111, csi2114, csi2165)
courses(csi2114, csi2115, csi2165, mat2343)
courses(adm2302, csi2111, csi2114, csi2115, csi2165)
• Three different structures.
• In general, how do we represent a variable number of
arguments with a single structure?
Naming tips
• Use real English when naming predicates,
constants, and variables.
e.g. “John wants to help Somebody.”
Could be: wants(john,to_help,Somebody).
Not: x87g(j,_789).
• Use a Verb Subject Object structure:
• BUT do not assume Prolog Understands the
meaning of your chosen names!
• You create meaning by specifying the body (i.e.
preconditions) of a clause.
• In Prolog, rules (and facts) are called clauses.
• A clause always ends with ‘.’
– Clause: <head> :- <body>.
• you can conclude that <head> is true, if you canprove that
<body> is true
– Facts - clauses with an empty body: <head>.
• you can conclude that <head> is true
– Rules - normal clauses (or more clauses)
– Queries - clauses with an empty head: ?- <body>.
• Try to prove that <body> is true
• The goal represented as a question.
• Once we have a Prolog program we can use it to answer a
?- parent(philip, anne).
?- border(wales, scotland).
• The Prolog interpreter responds ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
• Note that all queries must end with a dot.
• A query may contain variables:
• ?- parent(philip, Who).
• The Prolog interpreter will respond with the values for the
variables which make the query true (if any).
• Otherwise it will respond with a ‘no’.
• Questions based on facts
• Answered by matching
Two facts match if their predicates are same
(spelt the same way) and the arguments
each are same.

• If matched, prolog answers yes, else no.

• No does not mean falsity.
Prolog does theorem proving
• When a question is asked, prolog tries to
match transitively.
• When no match is found, answer is no.
• This means not provable from the given
• Consider:
P :- Q, R.

• Declarative readings of this:

• P is true if Q and R are true.
• From Q and R follows P.

• Procedural readings:
• To solve problem P, first solve subproblem Q and then R.
• To satisfy P, first satisfy Q and then R.
• Use ‘,’ and pronounce it as and.
• Example
• Facts:
• likes(mary,food).
• likes(mary,tea).
• likes(john,tea).
• likes(john,mary)
• ?- likes(mary,X),likes(john,X).
• Meaning is anything liked by Mary also liked by John?
• X = tea
Backtracking (an inherent property of prolog

?- likes(mary,X) , likes(john,X)


1. First goal succeeds. X=food

2. Satisfy likes(john,food)
Backtracking (continued)

Returning to a marked place and trying to resatisfy is called



1. Second goal fails

2. Return to marked place
and try to resatisfy the first goal
Backtracking (continued)



1. First goal succeeds again, X=tea

2. Attempt to satisfy the likes(john,tea)
Backtracking (continued)



1. Second goal also suceeds

2. Prolog notifies success and waits for a reply

• The symbol ; is read as OR operator.

?- likes(mary,X) ; likes(john,X).
• X = food ;
• X = tea ;
• X = tea ;
• X = mary.
• Statements about objects and their relationships
• Expess
– If-then conditions
• I use an umbrella if there is a rain
• use(i, umbrella) :- occur(rain).
– Generalizations
• All men are mortal
• mortal(X) :- man(X).
– Definitions
• An animal is a bird if it has feathers
• bird(X) :- animal(X), has_feather(X).
• Rules state information that is conditionally true of
the domain of interest.
• The general form of these properties
– p is true if (p1 is true, and p2 is true, … and pn is true)
• Horn clause
– p :- p1, p2, …, pn.
• Interpretation (Prolog) :
– in order to prove that p is true, the interpreter will
provethat each of p1, p2, …, pn is true
– p - the head of the rule
– p1, p2, …, pn - the body of the rule (subgoals)
Rules and Disjunctions
• Someone is happy if he/she is healthy,
wealthy or wise.
• In Prolog:
• More exactly:
– Someone is happy if they are healthy OR
– Someone is happy if they are wealthy OR
– Someone is happy if they are wise.
happy(Person) :- healthy(Person).
happy(Person) :- wealthy(Person).
happy(Person) :- wise(Person).
Both Disjunctions and Conjunctions
• A woman is happy if she is healthy or wealthy
or wise.
• In Prolog:
happy(P) :- healthy(P), woman(P).
happy(P) :- wealthy(P), woman(P).
happy(P) :- wise(P), woman(P).
Anonymous variables
• a variable that stands in for some unknown object
• stands for some objects about which we don’t care
• several anonymous variables in the same clause
• need not be given consistent interpretation
• written as _ in Prolog
?- birth_date( _ , X , _ ). //for birth_date( day , month , year ).
X = October;
X = April;

• We are interested in the names of months but not
their day and year of birth date.

• Matching is operation on terms (structures)

• Given two terms, they match if:

(1) They are identical, or

(2) They can be made identical by properly
instantiating the variables in both terms
Matching / Unification of 2 goals
• Matching two dates:
date( D1, M1, 2006) = date( D2, june, Y2)

• This causes the variables to be instantiated as:

D1 = D2
M1 = june
Y2 = 2006
• This is the most general instantiation
• A less general instantiation would be: D1=D2=17, ...
• When two terms match we say that they unify.
• Their structures and arguments are compatible.
• This can be checked using =/2
|?- loves(john,X) = loves(Y,mary).
X = mary,  unification leads to instantiation
Y = john? 
Terms that unify Outcome
fred = fred. yes.
‘Hey you’ = ‘Hey you’. yes
Terms that don’t unify fred=X. X=fred.
fred = jim. X=Y. Y = X.
foo(X) = foo(bar). X=bar.
‘Hey you’ = ‘Hey me’. foo(N,N) = foo(bar,X). N=bar, X=bar.
frou(frou) = f(frou). foo(foo(bar)) = foo(X) X = foo(bar)
foo(bar) = foo(bar,bar).
foo(N,N) = foo(bar,rab).
• In Prolog, matching always results in most general

• This commits the variables to the least possible extent,

leaving flexibility for further instantiation if required

• For example:
?- date( D1, M1, 2006) = date( D2, june, Y2),
date( D1, M1, 2006) = date( 17, M3, Y3).

D1 = 17, D2 = 17, M1 = june, M3 = june,

Y2 = 2006, Y3 = 2006
• Matching succeeds or fails; if succeeds then it results in
the most general instantiation

• To decide whether terms S and T match:

(1) If S and T are constants then they match only if they
are identical
(2) If S is a variable then matching succeeds, S is
instantiated to T; analogously if T is a variable
(3) If S and T are structures then they match only if
(a) they both have the same principal functor, and
(b) all their corresponding arguments match

• Unification known in predicate logic

• Unification = Matching + Occurs check

• What happens when we ask Prolog:

?- X = f(X).

Matching succeeds, unification fails


% Definition of vertical and horizontal segments

vertical( seg( point( X1,Y1), point( X1, Y2))).
horizontal( seg( point( X1,Y1), point( X2, Y1))).
?- vertical( seg( point( 1,1), point( 1, 3))).
?- vertical( seg( point( 1,1), point( 2, Y))).
?- vertical( seg( point( 2,3), P)).
P = point( 2, _173).

• Is there a segment that is both vertical and horizontal?

?- vertical( S), horizontal( S).

S = seg( point( X,Y), point(X,Y))

• Note, Prolog may display this with new variables names

as for example:

S = seg( point( _13,_14), point( _13, _14))

Example 2: A Family
parent( pam, bob).
parent( tom, bob).
parent( tom, liz).
parent( bob, ann).
parent( bob, pat).
parent( pat, jim).

?- parent(Y, jim), parent(X,Y).

?- parent(tom, X), parent(X,Y).
?- parent(pam, X), parent(X,Y), parent(Y, jim).
Recursive Rule
Recursive Rules
Recursive Rules

• Rules:
predecessor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y).
predecessor(X,Y) :- parent(X, Z), predecessor (Z, Y).
Recursive Definition
• Rules:
predecessor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y).
predecessor(X,Y) :- parent(X, Z), predecessor (Z, Y).

?-predecessor(pam, Y), write(Y).

Using predicate definitions
• Command line programming is tedious
e.g. | ?- write(‘What is your name?’), nl, read(X),
write(‘Hello ‘), write(X).

• We can define predicates to automate commands:

greetings:- ?- greetings.
write(‘What is your name?’), What is your name?
nl, |: tim.
Hello tim
X = tim ?
write(‘Hello ‘), yes
Prolog Code Terminal
• greetings is a predicate with no arguments.
• The number of arguments a predicate has is called its
– The arity of greetings is zero = greetings/0
• The behaviour of predicates can be made more specific by
including more arguments.
– greetings(hamish) = greetings/1

• The predicate can then behave differently depending on

the arguments passed to it.
Using multiple clauses
• Different clauses can be used to deal with
different arguments.
write(‘How are you doin, pal?’).
write(‘Awfully nice to see you!’).

= “Greet Hamish or Amelia” = a disjunction of goals.

| ?- greet(hamish). | ?- greet(amelia).
How are you doin, pal? Awfully nice to see you!
yes yes

• Clauses are tried in order from the top of the file.

• The first clause to match succeeds (= yes).
Variables in Questions
• We can call greet/1 with a variable in the question.
• A variable will match any head of greet/1.
| ?- greet(Anybody).
How are you doin, pal?
Anybody = hamish?

• The question first matches the clause closest to the top of

the file.
• The variable is instantiated (i.e. bound) to the value
• As the variable was in the question it is passed back to the
terminal (Anybody = hamish?).
Re-trying Goals
• When a question is asked with a variable as an
argument (e.g. greet(Anybody).) we can ask the Prolog
interpreter for multiple answers using: ;
| ?- greet(Anybody).
How are you doin, pal?
Anybody = hamish? ;  “Redo that match.”
Anybody = amelia? ;  “Redo that match.”
no  “Fail as no more matches.”
Variable clause head.
• If greet/1 is called with a constant other than hamish or
amelia it will fail (return no).
• We can create a default case that always succeeds by
writing a clause with a variable as the head argument.
greet(Anybody):- |?- greet(bob).
write(‘Hullo ‘), Hullo bob.
write(Anybody). yes

• Any call to greet/1 will unify (i.e. match)

• Once the terms unify the variable is instantiated to the value
of the argument (e.g. bob).
Ordering of clauses
• The order of multiple clauses is important.
write('Hullo '), write(Anybody).
write('How are you doin, pal?').

write('Awfully nice to see you!').

| ?- greet(hamish).
Hullo hamish?

• The most specific clause should always be at the top.

• General clauses (containing variables) at the bottom.
Ordering of clauses
• The order of multiple clauses is important.
| ?- greet(hamish).
How are you doin,
greet(hamish):- yes
write('How are you doin, pal?').

write('Awfully nice to see you!').

write('Hullo '), write(Anybody).

• The most specific clause should always be at the top.

• General clauses (containing variables) at the bottom.
Arithmetic Operators
• + addition
• - subtraction
• * multiplication
• / real division
• // integer division
• mod modulus
• ** power

• ?- X is 3*4.
X = 12
Logical Operators
• a :- b. % a if b
• a :- b,c. % a if b and c.
• a :- b;c. % a if b or c.
• a :- \++ b. % a if b is not provable
• a :- not b. % a if b fails
• not(S) :- S, ! , fail ; true.
• a :- b -> c ; d. % a if (if b then c else d)
4 ?- consult('G:/AI lecture ppts july 2009/lecture
%SWI program programs/OR_demo.pl').
not(S) :- S, ! , fail ; true. % G:/AI lecture ppts july 2009/lecture
programs/OR_demo.pl compiled 0.00 sec, 0 bytes
b. true.
5 ?- a.
c. true.
6 ?- p.
d. true.
e. 7 ?- q.
true ;
a :- b. % a if b ;
p :- b,c. % p if b and c. 8 ?- | r.
q :- b;d. % q if b or d. false.
9 ?- m.
%k :- \++ b. % k if b is not true.

provable 10 ?- n.
true ;
r :- not(b). % a if b fails ;
r :- \+ b. % r if b is not true true ;
m :- b -> c ; d. % m if (if b then c true.
11 ?- j.
else d) true ;
n:-b; c, d; e. ;
true ;
j:-b; c; d; e. ;
true ;
 built-in predicates for input and output work as follows:

- input predicate: proof is interrupted and user is asked for

input is unified with the argument of the input, proof is

- output predicate: argument shown on display, proof is


 No backtracking!
=> take into account procedural behavior

 built-in predicates for reading resp. writing Prolog terms:

read/1 write/1

 built-in predicates for reading resp. writing characters:

get0/1 put/1 nl/0 tab/1
Success and failure
true: always successful

fact(a,b,c) :- true.

fail: always fails

Use of fail: compute all solutions for a given

Arithmetic expressions
 For computing numeric values without unification, Prolog provides
arithmetic operators:

+, -, *, /, //, mod, /\, \/, ...

and the evaluation operator is.

 X is Y is true if Y is an arithmetic expression, where all variables are

instantiated to numbers and X is unified with the result of evaluating

 X < Y holds if the evaluation of X gives a value smaller than the

evaluation of Y.

 Analogously, X =< Y, X > Y, X >= Y, X =:= Y, X =\= Y

 The arguments have to be fully instantiated with arithmetic

expressions (so that they can be evaluated).
?-X is 5+7-3. ?-X= 5+7-3.
X = 9 X = 5+7-3
?-9 is 5+7-3. ?-9 = 5+7-3.
Yes No
?-9 is X+7-3.
Error in arithmetic expression
?-X is 5*3+7/2.
X = 18.5 ?-9 = X+7-3.
- No
+ 3
-(+(5,7),3) ?-X = Y+7-3.
5 7 X = _947+7-3
Y = _947
Prolog arithmetic vs.unification
• A Prolog program consists of predicate definitions.
• A predicate denotes a property or relationship between objects.
• Definitions consist of clauses.
• A clause has a head and a body (Rule) or just a head (Fact).
• A head consists of a predicate name and arguments.
• A clause body consists of a conjunction of terms.
• Terms can be constants, variables, or compound terms.
• We can set our program goals by typing a command that unifies with
a clause head.
• A goal unifies with clause heads in order (top down).
• Unification leads to the instantiation of variables to values.
• If any variables in the initial goal become instantiated this is reported
back to the user.

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