Plato's Philosophy of Arithmetic PEDE CASING
Plato's Philosophy of Arithmetic PEDE CASING
Plato's Philosophy of Arithmetic PEDE CASING
• The Philosophy of
• Aristotle’s Analysis of
Plato’s Philosophy of
• Number in Dialogues
Presented by:
PEDE I. CASING, PhD MS – Math Ed Student
What is Philosophy of Mathematics?
Let’s begin…
What is Arithmetic?
Arithmetic is derived from the Greek word “arithmos”
which means “number”.
It is a branch of mathematics in which numbers,
relations among numbers and observations on numbers are
studied and used to solve problems.
Propositions I -VII
I. Two kinds of arithmetic
II. Two kinds of Ideal Arithmetical entities
III. The Mathematical Numbers are “Intermediates”
IV. Plato’s reasons for believing in the intermediate
Mathematical Numbers
V. Philosophical Arithmetic
VI. Philosophical Arithmetic is a deductive science
VII Dialectic
I. Two kinds of arithmetic
Ideal Numbers
Perfect Imperfect
exemplification exemplification
1. Arithmetic is true
2. The truth of arithmetic presupposes the existence of
object which truly participate in the Ideas of Oneness,
twoness, and so on , i.e., in the Ideal Numbers.
3. In the world of the senses, there are no perfect instances
of the Ideal Numbers.
4. Hence, Perfect instances of the Ideal Numbers exist
somewhere outside the world of the senses.
V. Philosophical Arithmetic
(1) They are Ideas, viz. the Ideas of Oneness, Twoness, Three-
ness, and so on.
We have already quoted a passage, where Aristotle states
that Plato (referred to as “some”) considers “that which has
before and after”, i.e., the Ideal Numbers, as identical with the
That the Ideas, which the Ideal Numbers are, are just the
Ideas of Oneness, Twoness, Three- ness, and so on, is shown,
e.g., by this passage, in which Aristotle takes a survey of various
possibilities of thought:
(2) As Ideas the Ideal Numbers are simple entities.
(3) In particular, they are not sets of units like the
Mathematical Numbers.
The authority for these items is Plato rather than Aristotle. When
analysing Plato’s statements on number in Appendix D we shall
find that Plato speaks of a kind of numbers that are Ideas and
that are not sets of units.
Assuming that these numbers are the Ideal Numbers the
postulation of which Aristotle imputes to Plato, I have in the
synopsis disregarded Aristotle’s contradictory statements.
(4) The notions of arithmetic are not defined for the Ideal