Cathode Ray Tube
Cathode Ray Tube
Cathode Ray Tube
Engineering &
Subject – Colloquium
Subject code – (NIT-456)
Submitted to Submitted by
Ajay Gupta Vijaymal Kushwaha
B-Tech – I.T. 2nd year
Roll no. - 1528213046
What is cathode ray tube?
The cathode ray tube (CRT) is a vacuum tube containing
an electron gun (a source of electrons) and a fluorescent
screen, with internal or external means to accelerate
and deflect the electron beam, used to create images in
the form of light emitted from the fluorescent screen.
The image may represent electrical waveforms (
oscilloscope), pictures (television, computer monitor),
radar targets and others.
Basic Cathode Ray Tube
The CRT uses an evacuated glass envelope which is
large, deep, heavy, and relatively fragile.
A cathode ray tube is a vacuum tube which consists of one or more
electron guns, possibly internal electrostatic deflection plates, and a
phosphor target. In television sets and computer monitors, the
entire front area of the tube is scanned repetitively and
systematically in a fixed pattern called a raster. An image is
produced by controlling the intensity of each of the three electron
beams, one for each additive primary color (red, green, and blue)
with a video signal as a reference. In all modern CRT monitors and
televisions, the beams are bent by magnetic deflection, a varying
magnetic field generated by coils and driven by electronic circuits
around the neck of the tube, although electrostatic deflection is
commonly used in oscilloscopes, a type of diagnostic instrument.
How CRTs work & display?
A CRT monitor contains millions of tiny red, green, and
blue phosphor dots that glow when struck by an electron
beam that travels across the screen to create a visible
image. In a CRT monitor tube, the cathode is a heated
filament. The heated filament is in a vacuum created
inside a glass tube. The electrons are negative and the
screen gives a positive charge so the screen glows.
Phosphor persistence
Various phosphors are available depending upon the
needs of the measurement or display application. The
brightness, color, and persistence of the illumination
depends upon the type of phosphor used on the CRT
screen. Phosphors are available with persistence's
ranging from less than one microsecond to several
seconds. For visual observation of brief transient events,
a long persistence phosphor may be desirable. For
events which are fast and repetitive, or high frequency, a
short-persistence phosphor is generally preferable.
Micro channel plate
When displaying fast one-shot events the electron beam
must deflect very quickly, with few electrons impinging on
the screen; leading to a faint or invisible display.
Oscilloscope CRTs designed for very fast signals can give
a brighter display by passing the electron beam through
a micro-channel plate just before it reaches the screen.
Through the phenomenon of secondary emission this
plate multiplies the number of electrons reaching the
phosphor screen, giving a significant improvement in
writing rate (brightness), and improved sensitivity and
spot size as well.
Color CRTs
The three beams in color CRTs would not strike the screen
at the same point without convergence calibration. Instead,
the set would need to be manually adjusted to converge
the three color beams together to maintain color accuracy.
Advantages of CRT
The cathode rayed tube can easily increase the monitor’s
brightness by reflecting the light.
They produce more colours
The Cathode Ray Tube monitors have lower price rate
than the LCD display or Plasma display.
The quality of the image displayed on a Cathode Ray
Tube is superior to the LCD and Plasma monitors.
The contrast features of the cathode ray tube monitor
are considered highly excellent.
Disadvantages of CRT
They have a big back and take up space on desk.
The electromagnetic fields emitted by CRT monitors constitute a
health hazard to the functioning of living cells.
CRTs emit a small amount of X-ray band radiation which can result
in a health hazard.
Constant refreshing of CRT monitors can result in headache.
CRTs operate at very high voltage which can overheat system or
result in an implosion
Within a CRT a strong vacuum exists in it and can also result in a
They are heavy to pick up and carry around
CRTs can be useful for displaying photos with high pixels per unit
area and correct color balance. LCDs, as currently the most
common flat screen technology, have generally inferior color
rendition (despite having greater overall brightness) due to
the fluorescent lights commonly used as a backlight.
CRTs are still popular in the printing and broadcasting industries as
well as in the professional video, photography, and graphics fields
due to their greater color fidelity, contrast and better viewing from
off-axis (wider viewing angle). CRTs also still find adherents
in video gaming because of their higher resolution per initial cost,
fast response time, and multiple native resolutions.