RTC Shock
RTC Shock
RTC Shock
1. Define shock and apply to clinical situations
2. Recognize clinical presentations of shock
3. Learn the cellular mechanisms and sub-cellular
biochemistry of shock
4. Learn the degrees and grades of shock
5. Understand diagnostic tests used in patients with
6. Learn treatments for various types of shock
5? of Types of Shock
1. Hypovolemic shock
2. Cardiogenic shock
3. Distributive shock → ?
4. Obstructive shock
5. Endocrine shock
3? Stages of Shock
1. Pre-shock (warm shock or compensated shock): rapid
compensation for diminished tissue perfusion by
homeostatic mechanisms
% Blood
<15% 15-25% 25-40% >40%
∆ Blood
to none ↓ to none ↓↓ ↓↓ to
Pressure absent
∆ Heart Rate 100 - 120 -
<100 >140
beats/minute 120 140
∆ Pulse none to ↑ ↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ to
Pressure DBP absent
∆ CNS none to slightly mildly anxious to confused
anxious anxious confused to lethargic
1. Cardiac Tamponade
2. Tension Pneumothorax
3. Mediastinal Crushing Injury
(caval obstruction)
4. Aortic dissection (obstruction)
5. Mediastinal Torsion
6. Pulmonary Embolism
Diagnosis of Obstructive Shock
1. RECOGNIZE patient is in shock
2. Mechanism of Injury
3. Physical examination
4. Chest x-ray, FST, 2-D Echo
Distributive Shock
Neurogenic/Septic Shock
1. Low systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
2. Spinal chord trauma (neurogenic shock)
3. Gram negative sepsis
Treatment Distributive Shock
Neurogenic/Septic Shock
1. Control systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
2. Hemodynamic support
3. Source control (drain abscess, ∆ CVP lines)
4. Stabilize spinal chord (neurogenic shock)
5. Treat gram negative sepsis (broad
spectrum antibiotics)
Caridogenic Shock