Biology 185: Fall 2017 Chapter 5: Tissue Organization (Histology)
Biology 185: Fall 2017 Chapter 5: Tissue Organization (Histology)
Biology 185: Fall 2017 Chapter 5: Tissue Organization (Histology)
I. General Information
A. – the study of
B. Tissue- a collection of
assembled for a certain purpose.
C. & of the tissues is closely
D. 4 basic tissue types – , Connective,
II. Epithelial Tissue
A. General – found & its
1. Functions- protection, ,
diffusion, , excretion,
secretion, reception
2. Structure –
a. Cells close together
b. 2 distinct regions ( ):
surface/free surface
surface/basement membrane
anchor cells to other tissues
c. , but
d. Healthy epithelium easily
B. Classifications (types):
-Simple epithelial have a on
basement membrane
-3 basic cell shapes:
1. Simple squamous epi- 1 layer flattened
cells on basement membrane,
Functions: , , secretion
Locations: , , lining B.V.
Single layer of thin, flat cells resembling irregular floor
tiles; the single nucleus of each cell bulges at its center
Rapid diffusion, filtration, and some secretion in serous
Air sacs in lungs (alveoli); lining of lumen of lymph vessels
and blood vessels (endothelium); serous membranes of
body cavities (mesothelium)
2. Simple Cuboidal epi. – 1 layer of
shaped cells on a basement
membrane, nucleus, may
have or
Functions: secretion,
Locations: , thyroid ducts,
ovarian surface,
Multiple cell layers; basal cells are cuboidal or
polyhedral, whereas apical cells are squamous; apical
cells are dead and filled with the protein keratin
Protection of underlying tissue from abrasion
Epidermis of skin
3. junctions
(communicating junctions)
Hollow protein tubes
connect cells & allow
intercellular communication
Fig. 4.2
Fig. 4.33
D. Epithelial Tissue Glands
1. What? A gland is one or more cell/cells
2. Endocrine glands are glands
that secrete directly into
the blood
3. glands have ducts & release a
secretion onto an epithelial surface
( , , saliva)
• Exocrine Gland Types
a. Merocrine – (Ex. salivary glands)
b. – fragments of cell & secretion
(Ex. glands)
c. – entire cell ruptures (Ex.
sebaceous glands)
Fig. 4.4
III. Connective Tissue
A. General Info.- Arises from and
has 3 main parts…
1. Matrix: that
surrounds the cells. It includes ground
substance (water, ,&
proteins) and…
2. Fibers: Fibrous protein structures that
& support connective tissue.
3 fibers: , elastic,
3. Cells: -blast, -cyte, -clast. vs
cells (WBC’s)
4. Gen. Funct.: , supports, protects,
insulates, transports,
B. Classifications (Types)
1. Loose connective – less &
a. Areolar – fibroblasts & cells,
, , & reticular fibers
fluid ground substance
Functions: wraps & protects
, regulates tissue fluid
Location: , subcutaneous
b. Adipose – mostly
Functions: storage, cushioning,
Location: , around
organs, yellow bone marrow
c. Reticular –
, lymphocytes,
reticular fibers
Functions: provides
Location: ,
lymph nodes, bone
Table 5.5
2. Dense connective- fibroblasts & many fibers
a. Dense regular – collagen fibers ,
fibroblasts in (train cars & track),
poorly &
Function: provides strong attachments
Location: &
b. Dense irregular – fibers
arranged, fibroblasts,
vascularized & innervated
Function: provides strength
Locations: , joint capsules, fasciae
c. Elastic Con. – elastic
fibers, some collagen, fibroblasts
Functions: provides to
Locations: large , vocal folds,
ligaments between
3. Supporting connective tissue: cells, fibers, to
a. Bone ( tissue)- compact & spongy
in lacunae, matrix layers called
(hydroxyapatite), fibers,
innervated & vascularized
Functions: , protection, mineral
storage, cell production, allow for
Location: you know… Structure
Calcified extracellular matrix containing osteocytes
trapped in lacunae; compact bone arranged in osteons
(concentric lamellae arranged around a central canal);
spongy bone (not shown) is a meshwork that has a
different organization from compact bone
Provides levers for body movement, supports soft
structures, protects organs, stores calcium and
phosphorus; spongy bone contains hemopoietic tissue
and is the site for hemopoiesis
Bones of the body
b. Cartilage – in lacunae,
sulfate matrix, collagen & elastic
fibers, or vascularized
-3 types/location
1) : bone ends,
skeleton, rings in
2) : intervertebral disc,
of knee, pubic symphysis
3) cartilage: external , epiglottis
Functions: Structure, , support,
4. Fluid Connective tissue
a. Blood – connective tissue
- (RBC), (WBC),
(liquid matrix)
Functions: , protection
Location: in the
IV. Muscle
A. General Info:
1. cells =
2. Properties of muscle tissue:
- -elastic
-contractile -
B. Types
1. Skeletal (striated): cells are ,
, ,
Location: skeletal muscles
Functions: moves bone &/or skin
2. Cardiac Muscle:
-cells are , uninucleate, striated,
involuntary, discs
Location: the of the heart
Function: contract
3. Smooth Muscle: cells shaped,
, no striations,
Location: wall of tract,
urinary bladder
Functions: changes the size & shape of
organs, subst. thru
V. Nervous Tissue
A. General Info.
1. Cells: = nerve cell, glial or support
2. Functions: & nerve
3. Locations: , spinal cord,
• Vocabulary • Resident cells • Hypertophy
• Histology • Wandering cells • Hyperplasia
• Tissues • Mast cells • Atrophy
• Polarity • Fibroblast • stem cells
• Apical surface • Adipocyte • Pluripotent
• Basal surface • Ground substance • Multipotent
• Basement Membrane • Marfan syndrome • Dysplasia
• Avascular • Chondrocyte • fibrosis
• goblet cells • Osteocyte • cancer
• Desmosomes (4.6d) • Lacunae • tumor
• tight junctions (4.6d) • Osteon • Neoplasia/neplasm
• Hemidesmosomes (4.6d) • hemopoietic • benign
• gap junctions (4.6d) • tendons • malignant
• gland • ligaments • metastasis
• secretion • extracellular matrix • Cancer
• endocrine gland • Mesenchyme • Necrosis
• exocrine gland • Formed elements • gangrene
• merocrine gland • plasma
• holocrine gland • intercalated discs
• apocrine gland • Germ layers