Dr Devinder K Mehta
Principal Scientist
Dept of Vegetable Science,
Dr YSPUHF Nauni Solan HP
Radish (Raphanus sativus L, 2n = 2x = 18), a root crop is an
important vegetable in many countries. Radish is grown
widely in India, Egypt, Japan, Europe and China.
• Radish probably originated in Europe and Asia. It
has been under extensive cultivation in Egypt since
long. It was introduced in England and France in
the beginning of 16th century. In 1806, it was
introduced in America.
• Radish does not exist in wild state; it is believed to
have originated from R. raphanistrum which is
widely distributed as weed in Europe.
According to temperature tolerance and seed
production varieties can be divided into two
• Temperate / European types- seed can be produced in
hill e.g. Pusa Himani, White Icicle, French Breakfast
• Tropical/ Asiatic types e.g. Pusa Reshmi, Pusa Chetki,
Japanese White (JW)- Seed can be produced in plains
but good quality seed especially of JW can be
produced in hills.
• Photoperiod affects root development which is
more in short days i.e. < 12 hours day light.
• Long days and high temperature results in
premature seed stalk formation.
• Temperature above 30OC is harmful for seed
The edible portion of radish develops
from the primary root and hypocotyl.
The inflorescence is a typical terminal
raceme of cruciferae. The flowers are
small, usually white in colour and
resemble those in cabbage and
cauliflower. Sepals (four) are erect and
petals (four) are clawed.
• Radish is cross-pollinated due to
sporophytic system of self-
incompatibility. It shows
considerable inbreeding depression
on selfing.
• It is entomophilous. Mainly
pollinated mainly by honey bees
and wild-flower flies. Stigma
receptivity is maintained up to four
days after anthesis.
• In crossing the same technique is used as in
bud-pollination except that in the crossing
buds of the female parent are emasculated a
day prior to opening and are pollinated by
pollen collected from the flowers of the male
parent which were also bagged before
• The artificial pollination is done by hand by
shaking the pollen over the stigma directly
from the freshly opened but previously
bagged buds of male parent.
• Selfing can be accomplished by bud-
• The flower buds are pollinated two days
prior to opening by their own pollen be
applying fresh pollen from previously
bagged flowers the same plant.
• Emasculation is not necessary in bud-
pollination. After pollination, the buds to be
protected from foreign pollen by enclosing
the particular branch bearing those buds in
muslin cloth bag.
• Early rooting
• High yield
• White, long/stump roots with thin tap root and non-branching
• Non pithy roots
• Pungency of roots as per consumers' preference
• Slow bolting habit
• Heat tolerance
• Drought resistance
• Wet tolerance
• Resistance to alternaria blight, white rust, radish mosaic virus
• Tolerance to aphids
Breeding Methods
Radish is highly cross-pollinated crop and shows a lot of
variability. Various breeding methods in radish are-
•Pusa Reshmi
It is also an Asiatic variety with roots 30-45 cm long,
white with green tinge on top. It is suitable for sowing in
September. It takes 50-60 days for maturity.
•Pusa Chetki
This variety was developed at IARI, New Delhi
from seeds collected from Denmark in 1966 by selfing
and massing to get desired type of roots with good
tolerance to high temperature and humid weather
conditions. Roots are white, smooth, medium long (12.5
cm in summer and 20.5 cm in rainy season) and almost
stumpy. It is an early maturing tropical type which takes
40-45 days for attaining harvest maturity. Period of
growing of this variety is fairly long from to April to early
September, the best season being from July to early
September. It yields 200-350 q/hac depending on the
• Japanese White
It is an introduction from Japan and
recommended by IARI Regional Station,
Katrain. Roots are 25-30 cm long, 5 cm in
diameter, cylindrical and blunt at the tip, skin is
pure white, smooth. Flesh is snow-white,
smooth, crisp, solid and mildly pungent. Top is
medium large with deeply cut leaves, It is
suitable for October to December sowing.
•Kalyanpur No. 1
It is selection from local material
released in 1982 in Uttar Pradesh. Stem
and foliage are green. Top is heavy, leaves
are long, broad and less lobed. Roots are
22-23 cm long, smooth, crispy, white with
green shoulder, thick and tapering.
•Pusa Himani
It is temperate variety developed by
hybridization between Black and Japanese White
at IARI Regional Station, Katrain. It is suitable for
December to February sowing in the plains when
no other variety can form such good roots. It is
the only variety which can be grown throughout
the year in the hills barring three winter months
(November to January). Roots are 30-35 cm long
semi-stumpy, pure white with whitish green shoulder,
mildly pungent, crispy and sweet flat Tops are short
with green cut semi erect leaves.