Overview: This storyboard presents the flow of activities for three 82 minute classes (246
min total) of film analysis training. The unit includes: presentation; demonstration; practice;
assessment; debrief.
Expected outcomes:
1) Students will be able to identify basic film composition elements and analytical film terms.
2) Students will be able to identify cinematic elements in the frames of a film.
3) Students will be able to explain the meanings created by the composition of elements in
the frame.
4) Students will be able to explain how the director manipulates cinematography for various
purposes (e.g. to characterize characters in the film, to evoke emotions in the viewers)
Resources: Presentation DVD, loose leaf paper, pens, and DVDs, 3 flashlights,
guided worksheet, chromebooks
Facilities: Classroom, Smartboard/projector, DVD player
Stakeholders: Facilitator-teacher; Audience-students
Title: Film in the English Classroom Estimated Time: 246 min
Purpose: Learning to close read text for meaning
Flow of
Essential Question/Attentional Hook
15 Min
Problem-Posing and Demonstration
Active Engagement 94 Min
Screen Moonrise Practice
Kingdom 25 Min
Youtube Videos on Assessment (60 Min)
Frame Composition 30 Min and Debrief (22 Min)
Scene Analysis
60 Min-Assessment
20 Min-Debrief
Share Out
Course title: Film in the English Classroom
Activity Title: Essential Question and Attentional Hook Estimated Time: 15 min
Instructional Activity Description:
The teacher will then have students roll up a sheet of
paper to use as a viewing lens, and have them look at
things at various angles (seated, standing on chairs, etc),
and with close-ups and long shots by adjusting the paper.
Meanings associated with each ‘camera’ angle will be
discussed. The teacher will turn off the lights and use
flashlights to show side, back, and key lighting
techniques, and discuss the meanings of each.
Activity Deliverables/Outcomes:
Resources Required:
Activity Deliverables/Outcomes:
Student notes on video presentations.
Resources Required:
Computer, Smartboard/Projector, internet connection
Activity Deliverables/Outcomes:
Verbal analysis of cinematic techniques and their
attendant meanings from the scenes cued from the movie.
Resources Required:
Resources Required:
Chromebooks, DVDs
Activity Deliverables/Outcomes:
Informal presentation of PWPT project analyzing the
cinematic elements and the meanings they create.
Resources Required: