Baculovirus: A Viral Bioagent For Biological Control
Baculovirus: A Viral Bioagent For Biological Control
Baculovirus: A Viral Bioagent For Biological Control
Major Guide
Dr. R.N. Pandey
Prashant C. Arade
Minor Guide
Ph.D. 4th Sem.
Dr. P. K.Borad
of Baculoviruses as Biopesticides
There are at least 12 viral families associated with insects and other
arthropods (Erlandson, 2008).
They are valuable natural control agents, but their utility in many
agricultural applications has been limited by their slow speed of kill and
narrow host specificity.
Dipteral 27
Trichoptera 1
Thysanoptera 1
Sphanoptera 1
Table 2: Current use of Baculoviruses as biological insecticides
NPV pellet
Evening spray
General considerations for field application of BVs
1 Method of application Foliar spray
2. Stage of pest Early instars are highly susceptible.
Water 0a 0
Untreated NPV 96.00±1.63b 3.51 (3.29-3.72)
0.005% SDS 95.00±1.66b 3.45 (3.24-3.66)
0.01% SDS 92.00±2.91b 3.71 (3.50-3.92)
0.10% SDS 72.00±4.67c 4.14 (3.93-4.35)
0.20% SDS 68.00±5.33c 4.34 (4.13-4.54)
*Means with the same letters indicate no significant difference at P<0.05 (Tukey’s test).
**Estimates of LT50 (days) calculated from means of 10 replicates with 10 larvae per treatment. No mortality was recorded
from negative control (water).
Insect rearing conditions: * glass vessels (10 l); ** cages (168 l). Examined stage L4
Numbers followed by the different letter differ statistically
WW] = [Nz]/[Ni] x [PIBc]/[PIBi] where [PIBi] = 9 x 109
Mortality (%)*
Treatment LT50 Slope
Exposed virus 0d - -
Virus+riboflavin 29.17±1.60b - -
Virus+palm oil 0d - -
Control 0d - -
*Means with the same letters indicate no significant difference at Pb0.05 (Tukey's test).
** Estimates of LT50 (days) calculated from means of four replicates with 30 larvae/
replicate. No mortality was recorded from all controls.
CV (%) 13.5
** Significant at 1% and the values with same alphabet is not significantly different.
CV (%) 7.4
** Significant at 1% and the values with same alphabet is not significantly different.
Pest Control India, Pvt Limited, 9.5X105 4.70 –15.03 Y= -3.094+0.817X 1.71
Bangalore (PCI)
Project Directorate of Biological 11.42X106 6.08 – 21.60 Y= -4.497+0.595X 0.26
Control, Hebbal, Bangalore (PDBC)
Margo Bio Pesticides, Bangalore 9.5X105 4.80 – 19.41 Y= -3.031+0.49X 1.44
Biopest Management Services, 15.6X105 7.50 – 33.75 Y= -4.063+0.528X 1.09
ZARS, Gulbarga (ZARS-G) 3.12X104 2.35 – 11.17 Y= -1.711+0.387X 1.15
Host-specificity of baculoviruses
Large-scale production of baculoviruses
Lack of low-cost, serum-free media and suitable cell lines and virus
Need to scale up production of highly active virus with high titers per
ml of medium
Slow speed in stopping pest damage and killing the hosts
Are baculoviruses safe?
Only found in insect (mainly lepidopteran species)
Narrow host range, high selectivity
No production of metabolites or toxins
Cause no hazards to human health
Adopted for wide-scale use
Commercial formulations used in India & Shrilanka
It is very likely that the growing awareness of the
benefits of the environment-friendly pesticides will result
in the reevaluation of the prospects for biological
protection with baculovirus preparations. However, until
today, baculovirus insecticides have not met their full
potential to control pest insects worldwide. The expansion
of baculovirus use, in the following years, would depend on
new developments in the areas of recombinant
baculoviruses and in the in vitro commercial production of
these agents. Future development of baculovirus pesticides
will probably depend on the attitude towards genetically
modified organisms.
Future Prospects
There should be modification of proteins and peptides
for enhanced stability in vivo may improve all of the
recombinant baculoviruses especially those that show
minimal increases in speed of kill.
The improvements will be at the level of diagnostics of
infection, development of the in vitro cultures and
changes in the formulations of the biopesticide.
There should be improved efficiency of production,
better performance in the field and an increased
demand for environmentally safe, host specific
microbial pest control products may lead to greater
degree of commercialization and use of baculoviruses
in pest control agents.
Thank you