Khutba Hajjatul Wida Last Sermon of Holy Prophet Pbuh As Source of Human Rights

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About Hujaat-al-wida

 Fatah-e-Makkah 8th AH

 Hajj was made Obligatory 9th AH (6 March 632 AH)

 Hazrat Abu Bakkar RA first Ameer-e-Hajj

 Sura-e-Tuba/Barrt revelead after Fatah-e-Makkah

 This Hajj/Hajj-ul-Islam/hall Ul Bilagh was called Hajj-e-

Akbar(Surah Tuba Aya-3)

 Sermon Delivered on 9th Zulhajj in Arfat

Thematic Note

 Principles of Civilization and Social Life

 Human Rights
 Guidelines for International Peace
 Brotherhood
 Peaceful co-existance
 Social Justice and Social Equality
Khutba Hajjatul Wida

 It is considered as the first comprehensive charter of Human Rights

delivered by the Prophet (SAW) on the occasion of Last Pilgrimage
he performed.
 It is the essence of the teaching of the Quran and Sunnah and
provides essential foundations for establishment of an Islamic
Welfare State.
 Sections 2,3, 5,8,12,13,33,34,37,38,43, of this Khutba provide the
foundation of a Welfare State.
 The ingredients of the Khutba are scattered in Hadith and Seerah
 Prominent scholar of Islamic history, Professor Dr. Nisar Ahmad,
Ex-Dean of Arts, Karachi University, has compiled the whole Khutba
in his Urdu book ‘Khutba Hajjatul Wida’.
A complete Code

 Part A Introductory
 Part B Equality
 Part C Protection
 Part D Social and Economic Code
 Part E Women Rights and Rights to Slaves
 Part F Sources of Law
 Part G Faiths and Completion of Deen
6 A-Introductory
Introduction- Praise to Allah

All praise be to Allah, in whose deference do we pay homage and
from Whom we ask help and forgiveness. It is to Him that we turn
and ask for refuge from our carnal mischief and wrong doings.

Whomever Allah guides can never turn astray and one who is
mislead by Him can never be solicited or guided

And I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, the One, having
no partner with Him, in either image or symbols. And I Muhammad
am His Bondsman and His Messenger.
Ye People_huminity

 A. Ye people:

Listen to my words carefully and mark them, for who knows after
this year we may never meet at this place again.

 B. Ye People of God:

I don’t know whether another year will be vouchsafed to me after

this year to find myself amongst you.

 C. Ye People:

Observe silence, you might not be able to see me next year.


D. Ye People:

Behold! I want to explain with elaboration everything, as perhaps

after this year I might not be able to meet you ever.

E. People:

Learn every aspect pertaining to the rite of Hajj from me, for I may
not be vouchsafed another pilgrimage.

 F. May Allah nurture him with His Blessing, who listened to what I
said, and disseminated it to others, as at times one who listens may
not be wise, and the one to whom it is disseminated may be wiser.
10 B- equality
Equality-First Message

 Observe! Every one is equal.

 There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab and of a non-

Arab over an Arab. Neither a black over a white nor a white over a
black has any superiority and distinction over each other except on
the basis of piety and fear of God

 Section.1
 Equality
 You have one Lord and one father. You are all a
progeny of Adam and Adam was created from clay.
 Verily in the sight of Allah, the most honorable
amongst you is the one who is most God fearing
without doubt He knoweth all.
 Section.2
People of God.
 I will you to fear Allah and order you to yield and worship Him and
initiate my Address with this virtuous word.
All previous obligation were quashed

 Section.3
 Know that! Age of darkness and ignorance is quashed under my
 Now all signs of ignorance have been eliminated and made to halt

 1.Beware! Everything related to the people of ignorance is under

my (these two) feet
 2. Behold! All practices of the days of ignorance like blood
(revenges) illegally possessed property and other signs of days of
ignorance (familial and inheritable pride) lie quashed under my
heels till the Day of Judgment
Qasas and Diyat as Right

 Every claim of privilege whether that of blood or property, is under

my heels except that of the custody of the Ka’ba and supplying of
water to the pilgrims
 Qatle Amad or murder would be avenged. Under the definition
of Qatle Amad would fall murders committed by a staff or a stone
and the Diyat or compensation is hundred camels. (camel today
 Anyone who asks for more in compensation he would be
included amongst the ignorant
 Abolishing Riba
 And every type of interest from this day here in is declared wiped
out and prohibited, although you have a right to get back your
principal sum, so that neither you nor the borrower is in deficit.
Allah has decided against interest.
Qasas and Riba

 5. And all interest based on business are made to be evil

– (And as far as Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib is concerned,
his relation to interest is frozen)

6.And the blood revenges of the days of ignorance

are extinguished and prohibited from now – (and with
this I forgive the first blood revenge of my family that of
Rabaita’s (Bin Al Haris bin Abdul Mutalib) child who was
murdered by Banu Hazil knowingly.
Thus I as a pioneer volunteer to forgive the blood split
during the days of ignorance
Halal Haram by Allah

 7.Ye people!
 a) Without doubt ‘Nasai’ (tempering with months)
envisages disbelief and Kufr and the disbelievers are
lead astray due to this
 For one month (due to personal interest or psychological
interest) they proclaim a month as Halal & when the interest
subsides, they cause the same month next year as Haram, so
that the number of Haram months proclaimed by Allah are
fulfilled superficially. Thus this is how they temper with Allah’s
proclaimed Halal months and turn them into Haram and
violate the sacred months
Halal and Haram by Allah

b) Now the time has completed its cycle and has come a square
round from the day the universe started from its creation.
 To Allah there are twelve months, four are sacred and
inviolable, three of which follow consecutively:
 (Zil Qad, Zil Hajj and Muharram)) and one occurs singularly
and separately (i.e. Rajab) which is also known as Shahr Mazr;
and which occurs between Jamadiul Sani and Shaban.
 And the month may consist of 29 or of 30 days. Say if you
have understood me.
 To which the crowd affirmed in positive.
 And then the Holy Prophet (SAW) exclaimed God as his
18 C- Protection
Protection of Life, Property Honor

c) Listen; Hajj / pilgrimage would remain associated with the month of

Zil Hajj till the Day of Judgment

 People! Do you know on which day, of which month, of which place
/city you are assembled. Every one replied: on sacred day, at
sacred city and on sacred month. To which the Holy Prophet (SAW)
assured verily your blood are sacred and inviolable on each
 Section.5
 And your property and possession

 Section.6
 And your honor
 Section.7
 And your flesh (skin, body) including is sacred and inviolable on
each other, until you appear before your Lord, as the sacred
inviolability of this day of yours this month of yours, and this town
of yours
 Verily you will meet your Lord and you will be held answerable
for your actions
21 D- Social And Economic Codes
No transgression of unjust treatment-Peaceful
Social Life

 Section.8
 Peaceful Social Life
 Listen to me and you will attain real Life, but conditional
upon the following:
 Beware! Do not transgress upon each other

 Observe! Do not misbehave or be unjust with each

 Understand it for sure!Do not commit misbehavior
upon each other
Brotherhood and Social linkage

 People of God! Listen to me and understand verily every
Muslim is the brother of the other Muslim and all the
Muslims form one brotherhood
 Beware ! Every Muslim is honorable and sacred for the
other Muslim
And every believer is sacred upon the other believer
(like this day which also has a sanctity):
Social Code

(i) His flesh is sacred upon the other;

(ii) And backbiting, thus would amount to eating the flesh of the other;
(iii) And one’s honor is sacred and cannot be violated;
(iv) And one’s face is sacred for another and cannot be physically
(v) And to cause pain is forbidden;
(vi) And this too is forbidden that in order to cause one pain, he is
(vii) And this too is prohibited upon one Muslim to disregard the blood
of another as Halal;
(viii) Nothing of his brother is lawful for a Muslim except what he
himself gives willingly.So do not wrong yourself; (And should I tell
you who is a real Muslim?)
Definition of Muslim and Believer

 Section.12

Muslim is one from whose hands and tongue the others are protected


And believer is in fact one from whom the life and property of
others is secure


And migrant in essence is one who has excluded or divested

himself from sins and wrong doings
Economic Codes-Repayment of Debts

 Section.15

And ‘Mujahid’ is one who for the grace of God, fights and struggles
within against his carnal desires

 Section.16

It is incumbent upon a borrower that ‘All borrowed property’ must be


 Section.17

All debts must be repaid

Socio-Economic Codes


All borrowed items must be returned.


Donations/Trusts must be returned.


Guarantor must be responsible for the guaranteed sum or

Personal Responsibility of all deeds


Observe! No one committing crime is responsible for it but



Neither the child is responsible for the crime of his father,

nor the father is responsible for the crime of his child
E- Women Rights and Rights of
Women Rights

Have the fear of God in respect of women (Piety)
I command you to treat women well (since they are your
helpers) because they are like captives in your houses,
possessing nothing for themselves and unable to manage
their affairs themselves
Oh Ye People! Verily there are rights in favor of your women
which are incumbent upon you and there are rights in favor of
you which are incumbent upon them (As to what is
incumbent upon them in your regard is)
Women Rights-Directions to them

And it is incumbent upon women :

 To abstain from impropriety, If they don’t then you have

no right to treat them harshly

 It is not permissible for a woman to give anything

from the wealth of her husband to anyone but with his

 Know that! A boy will be associated with the name of his

father. (Identity to human)
Social Recognition to Every Human/Slaves

Anyone who associates his name with anyone other

than his father or if any slave associates himself to
anyone other than his master, the fie of all humanity and
angels would befall on him, and on the Day of Judgment
no compensation would be accepted from him
Rights of Subordinates

a. See that you feed them with such food as you eat
b. And clothe them with clothes that you yourselves wear;
c. And if they commit a wrong deed which you cannot
forgive them O people of God! Sell them off but:
d. Do not punish them harshly
e. And treat your slave-girls properly, and thus feed them
and clothe them as yourself
Haqooq Allah and Haqooq Al-Ebad

Oh People! Verily I was ordained to fight and instill in people the
message of Allah (La-illaha-ill-Allah) and once when they yield in
actual succeeded in securing their life and properties.Rest be it
Allah’s responsibility.
Do not equate anything or a partner with Allah.
And neither take away anyone’s life unjustly
Neither commit turpitude
Neither commit theft
Khatam e Nabuwat


O People!

No prophet would be raised after me and no new

Ummat (would be formed after) you.

While referring no Messih Aldajjal time and again He

(SAW) said: There has been no prophet before me, who
has not forewarned his people about Dajjal

 Behold! Worship your Lord; offer prayers five times a
day; observe fast in the month of Ramzan; pay readily
the zakat on your property and: perform pilgrimage to
the House of God (ibadat)

 and obey your rulers and surely you will be admitted

to the paradise of your Lord
Obedience of Rulers and Fairness in Business

 And obey your rulers and surely you will be admitted to

the paradise of your Lord

 Section.34
 Fear God and do not temper with the scales and
weigh rightly and do not act seditious in your country
Obeying Hadood-u-Allah

And beware of transgressing the limits set in the matters
of religion, for it is transgression of the (proper bounds
of) religion that brought destruction to (many people
before you)
Verily the Satan is disappointed at ever being
worshipped in this land of yours, but if obedience in
anything (short of worship is expected that is); he will be
pleased in matters you may be disposed to think
insignificant; so beware of him in your matters of religion
Inheritance/ Charity

 Allah has ordained every one his due share (of
 Hence there is no need (of special) testament / will for
an heir thus no amount exceeding 1/3rd of total can be
willed to anyone
 Section.38

 Give charity for I know not perhaps you may not see
me again.
 Section.39

 Do not swear in the name of Allah (wrongly).For if

anyone swears (wrongfully) in the name of Allah, his
lie would be laid bare by Allah.
Shahadat (Evidence)

 Section.39

 Do not swear in the name of Allah (wrongly).For if

anyone swears (wrongfully) in the name of Allah, his
lie would be laid bare by Allah
Importance of Knowledge- Knowledge as Human


(i) Oh People ! Gather whatever knowledge ye can before

this knowledge is denied to you and narrowed to

(ii) One form of ending all sorts of knowledge is that those

who know are taken away from amongst you
Social Relations

 There are three things whereby a believer’s

heart remain purified from ill-will:

 While performing with good-will in the way of Allah
 For the good-will and benefaction of (Muslim) Rulers

 While communicating and being among the company

of Muslims, as their prayers ward off ill-will and
surround him
43 F- Sources of Law
Sources of Law

1. Mark my words as I have transmitted every thing to
1. Verily I have left amongst you that which will never lead you
astray, the Book of Allah, which if you hold fast, you shall
never go astray.

2. And I have left amongst you that which will never lead you
astray, the enlightened Book of Allah, and the Sunnah of His
Sources of Law- Research and Reference

 The Book and Sunnah

 Imam Malik, Mota Imam Malik) hadiz No.1395
 Musnad-e-Ahmed

 The Book
 Imam Muslim
 The Book and Alh-e-Bayat
 Imam Trimazi (Jam-e-Tirmazi)
 Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal

 Imam Tibrani
46 Faiths and Completion of Deen
Obedience of Rulers
Obedience of Rulers/Khatm-e-Nabuwat


O People! Listen and obey, though a mangled Abyssinian slave

is appointed your Amir, provided he executes (the ordinances
of) the Book of Allah among you


Know that! Each Prophet’s invitation to his message has

elapsed except mine for my message has been vaulted with
the Almighty forever and is going to sustain for all times to
Faiths and Akhrat

1. After this the Prophets would feel proud of the numbers

but remember do not let me down with your bad / evil
doings. I will await you at the Hauz-e-Kausar.
2. Beware! I will reach the Hauz-e-Kausar before you and
will feel proud at your numbers in comparison to other
nations.So do not become a source of my
3. Behold!
 I will help in emancipating some of the people (from Hell), yet
some will part from me and when I would ask Allah that are
they not my nation / followers? To which Allah would reply ‘
You do not know what evil they did after you

 Take heed not to go astray after me and strike

one another’s necks

 And listen again! When you would meet your
Lord, He surely will inquire about your deeds;

 Thus the only one who would be given heart’s

gratification, and before his eyes generous boons
would befall, and the world itself would yield under his
 But the one who endears this transitional world as
permanent end, Allah will create chaos and division in
his affairs, and that man would see and witness
poverty and suffering in this world
 And he would only receive his due share that is
already fated upon him
Bidaat (Innovations) prohibited

Observe! Now you have both seen me and listened to
every thing I had to say. Very soon you would be asked
about me and when it is time, do not witness falsehood
upon me, if you do Hell will be your abode
Observe! All those who are present here disseminated
what I said to those who are absent; for many people to
whom the message is conveyed may be more mindful of
it than the audience
Completion of Deen

 Then the Holy Prophet (SAW) said:

 Oh Allah! Have I conveyed your message to them or not?(Then
asked the audience) “And have I not delivered Allah’s message
effectively? ‘Listen have I not imparted the rightful just

 They all answered unanimously:

 “Surely / Verily! (Then the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: Oh God
be my witness (how clearly and un-hesitantly do they profess
it). Oh God be my witness (no what they say), Oh God be my
witness. And if you were asked about me, what would you say?

 They answered:
 “We bear witness that you have conveyed the trust (of
religion) and discharged your ministry of apostle hood and
looked to our welfare

 Thereupon, Allah’s Messenger (SAW) lifted his fore-finger

towards the sky and then pointing towards the people said:
“Oh Lord! Bear thou witness unto it. O Lord! Bear thou
witness unto it

 Equality
 Main underlying value of human rights
 Holy Prophet stressed equality, strongly
 All human beings are equal without the distinction of race, color,
class or gender and age,One God , one Father no discrimination
on , Color, Nationality
 Social justice:
 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person
 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude
 No torture cruelity, inhuman or degrading treatment or

 Recognition
 Everyone has the right to recognition
 Subject of law
 Sources defined
 Protected by religion
 Dignity and Gender Equality
 This Sermon gives more rights to women

 Freedom
 From slavery

 Protection
 Respect, Honor, Flesh, property, Life, Possessions

 Obedience of Rulers
 Principles of Social Relations
 No back biting, fairness in Business, personal responsibility of all
deeds, brotherhood,
 Explains Economic Codes
 No Usury, Riba, protecting Trusteeship
As Charter

 Provides Philosophy of Human Rights

 Enlists important Human Rights
 Gives a workable system of Human Rights
 Defines Obligations and Rights
 Provides a system of two fold Accountability
 Elucidates Sources of Law
 Explains applicability of the laws
 Provides legitimacy through religion (cant be repealed)

 First ever Charter of Human Rights

 Gives Rights to Women, Slaves/Subordinates
 Address Humanity ( O-People)
 Relates Human/Women Rights with Piety
 Provides legitimacy through religion (cant be repealed)
 Obedience of Ruler as a teaching
Rights to Slaves

 First ever in the History of Human Rights

 Examples
 Hazrat Bilal RA, Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris (mentioned in Quran),
Mosa Bin Naseer, Tariq Bin Ziad
 Salve Ruled
 1248-1517 Egypt (Zahir0u-Din Bires)
 1206-1290 Sub-Continent
 Mothers of 37 Abbasid Rulers were Kaniz (the
famous; Abu Jafar, Haroon Rasheed, Mamoon o
Rasheed, Mutasim Billah)
Time Line of Human Rights in West

 Magna Carta,15 June 1215 by King First UK

 Agreement b/w 25 Aristocrats and King
 Passed in 1355 by Parliament
 Hobos corpus Law 1640
 Human Rights and Freedom Bill 1689
 10 Amendments in US Constitutions for HR 1789
 Human Right Bill France 1789
 UN Declaration of Human Rights 10-12-1948

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