OSI Model
OSI Model
OSI Model
Data Communication
• Exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission
5 components of DC
4. Medium
Two computers connected to each other with LAN Cable and
OSI Model defines and is used to understand how data
Connectors (RJ-45), sharing data with help of Network interface
is transferred from one computer to another in a
card(NIC) forms a computer network.
computer network
In order to accomplish successful communication between
the computers or network or different architecture- 7 layered
Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model was introduced
by ISO in1984.
If data units does not arrive the destination it is error , TL detects and corrects the error
1. UDP: Faster than TCP, it does not give
feedback ,weather the data is delivered or
2. TCP Provide feedback. Hence data lost is
3. UDP is used where full data delivery is not a
must eg: Movie streaming,
4. TCP is used where full data delivery is a
must eg: WWW, FTP, Emails…
• Transport layer passes the data segments to network layer
• Network layer works for the transmission of received data segment
from one network to another network
>> Data units in Network layer are called packets
>> It is a layer where router resides
The function of
• Logical Addressing: IP addressing is done in NL called logical
• Every computer in a network has unique IP address
• NL assigns sender and receiver IP address to each segment to form a
IP Packet
• Routing: is method to route data packet from src to dstn. It is based
on logical address [IP + Mask].
• Path Determination: Computer can be connected to internet server or other
computer in number of ways. Choosing the best possible path for data delivery
from source to destination is called path determination