E-Filing of Vat Return
E-Filing of Vat Return
E-Filing of Vat Return
In e-Fling
In e-Fling
Enter details for the section
In e-Fling
Enter details for the section
In e-Fling
Enter details for the section
In e-Fling
Enter details for the section
In e-Fling
Click the link View Form 10 to generate the Form 10 any time as per the
statutory format.
Download the Invoice Format from the e-Filing Home Page and save into the
local PC. This is purely an offline system and does not require internet
connectivity after the download process. Downloading is a one time activity
and the same sheet can be used multiple times unless there is no change in the
format prescribed.
Sales Format
Purchase Format
Fill / Populate the Invoice Format
The format provide is an excel sheet with an added macros (a software component). Please
note the following,
All types of invoices (i.e. local sales/ interstate / stock transfer etc) need to be Furnished.
TIN is mandatory for all transactions. For transactions with Unregistered Dealers, TIN
can be entered as 99999999999. Similarly for interstate transactions, TIN can be entered as
88888888888. However Name and Address are mandatory. In the case of local transactions,
only TIN is sufficient, Name and Address are not mandatory.
All 8 / 8E bill details need to be furnished individually. Only Consolidated figures to be
specified for 8B bills in a single row i.e. the sum of all 8B bills can be entered in a single
row where TIN can be entered as 99999999999 and Name & Address as “Retail
Show the Value of Goods and VAT paid separately. The total amount should be the sum
of Value of Goods, VAT paid and Cess paid / collected.
After completing the data entry / copying, press VALIDATE button in the excel sheet
(extreme right corner) to generate the text files (automatically created in the C:/ folder of
local PC).
Perform the above operations for both Sales and Purchase separately.
Upload the generated text file to KVATIS e-Filing Application.
Upload Sales / Purchase text files
Now again connect to internet and login to KVAT e-Fling Application. Select the link
Upload Sales or Upload Purchase.
Assessing Authority can reject the return on valid reasons, which can be viewed by
the dealer through “Print Return” link (having status as “Rejected”). Reasons can be
viewed through the link “Enter Return” by selecting respective month and further for
necessary modification.
For further queries on e-Filing, please send your valuable
feedbacks through the mail address itmc.taxes@gmail.com