2 Place Solution: Instacart Market Basket Analysis
2 Place Solution: Instacart Market Basket Analysis
2 Place Solution: Instacart Market Basket Analysis
• Bachelor of Economics
*Clipped by 500
Problem Overview
• Evaluation metric is mean F1 score
• Reorder Prediction
Main Approach
user_id label
• None Prediction
Main Approach
Main Approach
Feature Engineering
• I made 4 types of features
1. User
• What this user like
2. Item
• What this item like
3. User x Item
• How do the user feel about the item
4. Datetime
• What this day and hour like
*For None model, I can’t use above features except user and datetime. So I convert those to
stats(min, mean, max, sum, std…).
Feature Importance for reorder
Feature Importance for None
Important Findings for reorder - 1
• Let’s think about the reordering problem. Common sense
tells us that an item purchased many times in the past has a
high probability of being reordered. However, there may be a
pattern for when the item is not reordered. We can try to
figure out this pattern and understand when a user doesn’t
repurchase an item.
• Also, useritem_order_days_max is a feature belong to user and item. This means max
span(day) of order
starting from the highest probability items, and then adding items
(e.g., [A], then [A, B], then [A, B, C], etc) until the F1 score
like A, B, AB…