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Mineral Additives
 They are naturally obtained materials that can be
added to concrete to enhance its properties.
 These materials include:
 Siliceousor siliceous-aluminous materials, with little or no
cementitious value and in its finely divided form and in the
presence of moisture, chemically react with calcium
hydroxide liberated on hydration, at ordinary temperature,
to form compounds, possessing cementitious properties.
 They are also known as POZZOLANIC materials
 Improves many qualities of concrete, such as:

 Lower the heat of hydration and thermal shrinkage;

 Increase the water tightness;
 Reduce the alkali-aggregate reaction;
 Improve resistance to attack by sulphate soils and sea water;
 Improve extensibility;
 Lower susceptibility to dissolution and leaching;
 Improve workability; and
 Lowers overall costs.

Natural Pozzolans Artificial Pozzolans

• Clay and Shales • Fly ash
• Opalinc Cherts • Blast Furnace Slag
• Diatomaceous Earth • Silica Fume
• Volcanic Tuffs and Pumicites • Rice Husk ash
• Metakaoline
• Surkhi
 Fly ash is finely divided residue
resulting from the combustion of
powdered coal and transported
by the flue gases and collected
 Electrostatic

 Precipitator

 Fly ash is the most widely used

pozzolanic material all over the
 Class F
 Fly
ash normally produced by burning anthracite or bituminous
coal, usually has less than 5% CaO.
 Class F fly ash has pozzolanic properties only.

 Class C
 Fly
ash normally produced by burning lignite or sub-bituminous
 Some class C fly ash may have CaO content in excess of 10%.
 Inaddition to pozzolanic properties, class C fly ash also possesses
cementitious properties.
FLY ASH: Effects
 Amount used
 Up to 35% by mass of cement &
minimum shall not be less than 15%.
 Results - effects
 Reduction of water demand for
desired slump.
 With the reduction of unit water
content, bleeding and drying
shrinkage will also be reduced.
 Flyash is not highly reactive, the
heat of hydration can be reduced
through replacement of part of the
cement with fly ash.
Effects of Fly Ash on
Hardened Concrete
 Contributes to the strength of concrete due to its
pozzolanic reactivity.
 Continued pozzolanic reactivity concrete
develops greater strength at later age not at initial
 Contributes to making the texture of concrete
dense, resulting in decrease of water permeability
and gas permeability.

 Used at
 Many high-rise buildings
 Industrial structures
 Water front structures
 Concrete roads
 Roller compacted concrete dams.
 Itis a product resulting from reduction of high
purity quartz with coal in an electric arc furnace in
the manufacture of silicon or ferrosilicon alloy.
 Micro silica is initially produced as an ultrafine
undensified powder
 At least 85% SiO2 content
 Mean particle size between 0.1 and 0.2 micron
 Minimum specific surface area is 15,000 m2/kg
 Spherical particle shape
 Micro silica is available in the following forms:
 Undensified forms with bulk density of 200–300 kg/m3
 Densified forms with bulk density of 500–600 kg/m3
 Micro-pelletised forms with bulk density of 600–800 kg/m3
 Slurry forms with density 1400 kg/m3
 Admixtures and Construction Chemicals.
 Slurry is produced by mixing undensified micro silica powder and water
in equal proportions by weight. Slurry is the easiest and most practical
way to introduce micro silica into the concrete mix.
 Surface area 15–20 m2/g.
 Standard grade slurry pH value 4.7, specific gravity 1.3 to 1.4, dry
content of micro silica 48 to 52%.
Effect on fresh concrete
 Theincrease in water demand of concrete containing
microsilica will be about 1% for every 1% of cement substituted.
 lead to lower slump but more cohesive mix.
 make the fresh concrete sticky in nature and hard to handle.
 large
reduction in bleeding and concrete with micro-silica could
be handled and transported without segregation.
 to
plastic shrinkage cracking and, therefore, sheet or mat curing
should be considered.
 produces more heat of hydration at the initial stage of
 the
total generation of heat will be less than that of reference
 Effect on hardened concrete:
 Modulus of elasticity of micro-silica concrete is less.
 Improvement in durability of concrete.
 Resistance against frost damage.
 Addition of silica fume in small quantities actually increases the
 Used for:
 Conserve cement
 Produce ultra high strength concrete of the order of 70 to 120 Mpa.
 Increase early strength of fly concrete.
 Control alkali-aggregate reaction.
 Reduce sulfate attack & chloride associated corrosion.
 Rice husk ash is obtained by
 Burning rice husk in a controlled manner without causing environmental
 Material of future as mineral additives.
 Amount used
 10% by weight of cement.
 It greatly enhances the workability and impermeability of concrete.
 Contains
 Amorphous silica (90% SiO2) in very high proportion when burnt in controlled
 5% carbon.
 2% K2O.
 Effects
 Reduces susceptible to acid attack and improves resistance to
chloride penetration.
 Reduceslarge pores and porosity resulting very low
 Reduces the free lime present in the cement paste.
 Decreases the permeability of the system.
 Improves overall resistance to CO2 attack.
 Enhances resistance to corrosion of steel in concrete.
 Reducing micro cracking and improving freeze-thaw resistance.
 Improves capillary suction and accelerated chloride diffusivity.
 Blast-furnace slag is a nonmetallic product consisting essentially of
silicates and aluminates of calcium and other bases.
 The molten slag is rapidly chilled by quenching in water to form a glassy
sand like granulated material.
 The granulated material when further ground to less than 45 micron will
have specific surface of about 400 to 600 m2/ kg (Blaine).
 Effects on fresh concrete
• Reduces the unit water content necessary to obtain the
same slump.
• Water used for mixing is not immediately lost, as the surface
hydration of slag is slightly slower than that of cement.
• Reduction of bleeding.
 Effects on hardened concrete
 Reduced heat of hydration
 Refinement of pore structures
 Reduced permeability to the external agencies
 Increased resistance to chemical attack.
 Highly reactive metakaolin is made by water processing to remove
unreactive impurities to make100% reactive pozzolan.
 Such a product, white or cream in colour, purified, thermally
activated is called High Reactive Metakaolin (HRM).

 Use of Metakaolin
 The high reactive metakaolin is having the potential to compete with silica
 Effects of Metakaolin
 High reactive metakaolin shows high pozzolanic reactivity and reduction in
Ca(OH)2 even as early as one day.
 The cement paste undergoes distinct densification.
 Densification includes an increase in strength and decrease in permeability.
 Admixtures are chemically produced materials, other than
 • Cement
 • Water
 • Aggregates
 which are used as an ingredient of concrete and is intentionally
added to batch immediately before or during mixing.
 The major reasons for using admixtures are:
 To reduce the cost of concrete construction.
 To achieve certain properties in concrete more effectively than by other means.
 To maintain the quality of concrete during the stages of mixing, transporting,
placing, and curing in ad-verse weather conditions.
 To overcome certain emergencies during concreting operations
 Plasticizers
 Super plasticizers
 Retarders and Retarding Plasticizers
 Accelerators and Accelerating Plasticizers
 Air-entraining Admixtures
 Damp-proofing and Waterproofing Admixtures
 Fungicidal, Germicidal, Insecticidal Admixtures
 The organic substances or combinations of organic and
inorganic substances, which allow a reduction in water
content for the given workability, or give a higher
workability at the same water content, are termed as
plasticizing admixtures.
 The basic products constituting plasticizers are as follows:
 Anionic surfactants such as lignosulphonates and their
modifications and derivatives, salts of sulphonates
 Non ionic surfactants, such as polyglycol esters, acid of
hydroxylated carboxylic acids and their modifications and
 Other products, such as carbohydrates etc.
 Amount used:
 Plasticizers are used in the amount of 0.1% to 0.4% by weight of cement.
 Limitations
 A good plasticizer is one which does not cause air-entrainment in
concrete more than 1 or 2%.
 Results - effects
 At constant workability – The reduction in mixing water is expected to be
of the order of 5% to 15%. Naturally increases the strength.
 At constant w/c ratio – Increased workability. Slump of 30mm to 150 mm.
 Used at where high degree of workability is required
 Thin walls of water retaining structures with high percentage
of steel reinforcement
 Deep beams, column and beam junctions
 Tremie concreting
 Pumping of concrete
 Hot weather concreting
 Concrete to be conveyed for considerable distance and in
ready mixed concrete industries.
 Superplasticizers constitute a relatively new category
and improved version of plasticizer, the use of which was
developed in Japan and Germany during 1960 and 1970
 They are chemically different from normal plasticisers.
 Classification of Superplasticizers:
 Sulphonated malanie-formaldehyde condensates (SMF)
 Sulphonated naphthalene-formaldehyde condensates (SNF)
 Modified lignosulphonates (MLS)
 Other types
 Amount used
 Based on various types of superplasticizers different amount is used.
 Lignosulphonates – not more than 0.25%
 Carboxylic acids – 0.1%
 Sulphonated malanie-formaldehyde condensates (SMF) – 0.5 to 3%
 Sulphonated naphthalene-formaldehyde condensates (SNF) – 05 to 3%
 Results – benefits
 Permits reduction of water content about 30% without reducing the
 It is possible to use w/c ratio as low as 0.25 or even lower and yet to make
flowing concrete to obtain strength of order 120 Mpa or more.
 Superplasticizer is Used for
 Production of flowing, self levelling, self compacting concrete
 Production of high strength and high performance concrete.

 A retarder is an admixture that slows down the chemical process of

 hydration so that concrete remains plastic and workable for a
longer time than concrete without the retarder.
 Retarders are used to overcome the accelerating effect of high temperature
on setting properties of concrete in hot weather concreting.
 Very useful when concrete has to be place in very difficult conditions and
delay may occur in transporting and placing.
 Gypsum and Calcium Sulphate are well known retarders.
 Other examples are: starches, cellulose products, sugars, acids or salts of acids
 Limitations
 Retarders should be used in proper amount. Access amount will cause
indefinite setting time.
 At normal temperatures addition of sugar 0.05 to 0.10 per cent have little
effect on the rate of hydration, but if the quantity is increased to 0.2 percent,
hydration can be retarded to such an extent that final set may not take
place for 72 hours or more.
 Used at
 Casting and consolidating large number of pours without the formation of
cold joints.
 Grouting oil wells, where temperature is about 200 °C, at a depth of 6000
 Accelerating admixtures are added to concrete to
increase the rate of early strength development
 Why accelerators?
 Permit earlier removal of formwork
 Reduce the required period of curing
 Advance the time that a structure can be placed in service
 Partially compensate for the retarding effect of low temperature
during cold weather concreting
 In the emergency repair work.
 Commonly used materials as an accelerator:
• Calcium chloride (Not used now)
• Some of the soluble carbonates
• Silicates fluosilicates (Expensive)
• Some of the organic compounds such as triethenolamine (Expensive)
 Benefits of Accelerators
 Accelerators are so powerful that it is possible to make the
cement set into stone hard in a matter of five minutes are less.
 Withthe availability of such powerful accelerator, the under
water concreting has become easy.
 Similarly,
the repair work that would be carried out to the
waterfront structures in the region of tidal variations has become
 Theuse of such powerful accelerators have facilitated, the
basement waterproofing operations.
 One of the important advancements made in concrete technology was the
discovery of air entrained concrete.
 In the United States and Canada, due to the recognition of the merits of air
entrained concrete, about 85% of concrete manufactured in America contains
one or the other type of air entraining agent.
 By mixing a small quantity of air entraining agent or by using air entraining
 Minute spherical bubbles of size ranging from 5 microns to 80 microns distributed
evenly in the entire mass of concrete.
 These incorporated millions of non-coalescing air bubbles, which will act as
flexible ball bearings and will modify the properties of plastic concrete regarding
workability, segregation, bleeding and finishing quality of concrete.
 It also modifies the properties of hardened concrete regarding its resistance to
frost action and permeability.
 The following types of air entraining agents are used for making air
entrained concrete.
 Natural wood resins
 Animal and vegetable fats and oils, such as tallow, olive oil and their fatty
acids such as stearic and oleic acids.
 Various wetting agents such as alkali salts or sulphated and sulphonated
organic compounds.
 Water soluble soaps of resin acids, and animal and vegetable fatty acids.
 Miscellaneous materials such as the sodium salts of petroleum sulphonic acids,
hydrogen peroxide and aluminium powder, etc.
 Vinsol resin and Darex are the most important air-entraining agents.
 The Effect of Air Entrainment on the Properties of Concrete include;
 Increased resistance to freezing and thawing.
 Improvement in workability.
 Reduction in strength.
 Reduces the tendencies of segregation.
 Reduces the bleeding and laitance.
 Decreases the permeability.
 Increases the resistance to chemical attack.
 Permits reduction in sand content.
 Improves place ability, and early finishing.
 Reduces the cement content, cost, and heat of hydration.
 Reduces the unit weight.
 Permits reduction in water content.
 Reduces the alkali-aggregate reaction.
 Reduces the modulus of elasticity.
 In practice one of the most important requirements of concrete is
that it must be impervious to water under two conditions;
 Firstly, when subjected to pressure of water on one side.
 Secondly, to the absorption of surface water by capillary action.
 Waterproofing admixtures are available in powder, paste or liquid
form and may consist of pore filling or water repellent materials.
 Chemically active pore filling materials: silicate of soda, aluminium/zinc
sulphates and aluminium/calcium chloride.
 Chemically inactive filling material: chalk, fullers earth and talc.
 Amount used
 Depends upon various damp-proofing and water proofing admixtures.
 Limitations
 Use of admixture should in no case be considered as a substitute for bad
materials, bad design or workmanship.
 In no case can an admixture be expected to compensate for cracks or large
voids in concrete causing permeability.
 Results - effects
 Chemically active pore fillers accelerates the setting of concrete and thus render
the concrete more impervious at early age.
 Chemically inactive pore fillers improve the workability and to facilitate the
reduction of water for given workability and to make dense concrete which is
basically impervious.
 Water repelling materials like soda, potash soaps, calcium soaps, waxes, fats,
vegetable oils repel water and make the concrete impervious
 Certain materials may either be ground into the cement or
added as admixtures to impart fungicidal, germicidal or
insecticidal properties to hardened cement pastes, mortars
or concretes.

 Such material are:

 Polyhalogenated phenols
 Dieldren emulsion
 Copper compounds
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