broiler Chicken
Zeeshan Abbas
M.Sc.(Hons.) Animal Nutrition
Institute of Animal and Dairy Sciences
Review of Literature
Starch is mainly energy source of diet comprising of 40% of feed.
(Svihus, 2011)
Several studies showed that starch from corn almost completely
(Abdollahi et al., 2013b)
Chicken also able to increase α-amylase secreation with increasing
amount of ingested starch.
(Moran, 1985)
(McDonald, 2002)
In poultry, saliva does not contain any α-amylase and pancreatic α-
amylase is the only starch degrading enzyme
(Wiseman, 2006)
There are several factors affecting starch
digestion in poultry.
Too short exposure time to α-amylase may be one of the reasons for
suboptimal starch digestion
(Svihus, 2011b)
Starch structure
Two distinct populations of starch exist.
Amylopectin consists of α-1–4 glucose chains with frequent branches
due to α-1–6 bonds,
whereas amylose is characterized by very few branches.
amylose has a molecular weight of around 100 kDa, amylopectin has
a much higher molecular weight in the order of 104 to 106 kDa
(Buléon et al., 1998).
Most starches contain between 200 to 250 g of amylose/kg
(Hetland, 2002)
Table 2. Starch digestibility in broilers given ground or whole wheat diets
(Sivihus, 2004)
Effect of wheat market class on starch digestibility in
small intestine in broiler chickens (d 21).