04 File

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Lesson No.


Week No.

Lesson Name
 Use:-General work shop tools used to remove excess
material from a work piece. It is having slanting teeth,
this portion is hardened and tempered
 Material:- High carbon steel.
Parts of File:-
1. Tip / Point:- The end opposite to
Tip /
Point 2. Side:- The broad part of the file
with teeth cut on its surface.
Side 3. Edge:- The thin part of the file
with a single row of parallel
4. Heel:- The portion of the broad
Tip / PointLength

part without teeth.
Heel 5. Shoulder:- The curved part of a
Edge file separating tang from the
9. Length:- Length of 6. Tang:- The narrow and thin part
file is measured of a file which fits into the
from Tip to the end handle.
of Shoulder. 7. Handle:- The part fitted to the
tang for holding the file.
For normal work: 100 to200 mm 8. Ferrule:- a protective metal ring
Heavy work: 200 to 400 mm to prevent cracking of the file.

Single cut file:- It has rows of

teeth cut in one direction across its
face. The teeth are at an angle of 60º
to the centre line.
Use:- for filing soft metals like
brass, aluminium, bronze and
Rasp cut file:- It has individual,
sharp, pointed teeth in a line. These
files are available only in half round
Use:- for filing soft materials like
wood, leather, etc.
Double cut file:- It has two rows of
teeth cut diagonal to each other. The
first row of teeth is known as “over
cut” and they are cut at an angle of
60º. The other cut, made diagonal to
this is known as “up cut” and is at
an angle of 75 to80º.
Use:- to remove stock faster than
the single cut files.
Rasp cut file:- It has individual,
sharp, pointed teeth in a line. These
files are available only in half round
Use:- for filing soft materials like
wood, leather, etc.
Curved cut file:- These files have
deeper cutting action. These files
are available only in a flat shape.
Use:- for filing soft material like
aluminium, tin, copper, plastic, etc.
Rough file:- It is used for removing
rapidly a larger quantity of metal. It
is mostly used for trimming the
rough of soft metal castings.

Bastard file:- It is used in cases

where there is a heavy reduction of
Second cut file:- It is used to give a
good finish on metals. It is excellent
to file hard metals. It is used for
bringing the job close to the
finishing size.
Smooth file:- It is used to remove
small quantity of material and to
give a good finish.

Dead Smooth file:- It is used to

bring to accurate size with a high
degree of finish.
Super smooth file:- It is also used
to bring to accurate size with a high
degree of finish.
Cuts of a File
Shapes of a File
Flat file:- .These files are used for general purpose work.
These are tapered in width and thickness, double cut on the
face and single cut on. They are useful for filing and finishing
external and internal surfaces.

 Hand file:-These are parallel in width, tapered in thickness,

double cut teeth and has one safe edge They are useful for
filing surfaces which are at right angle to surfaces already

 Square file:-These are double cut, tapered towards the point

They are used for filling square angles, enlarging the square
slots, making keyways and splines.
 Round file:- These are available in both single and
double cut, tapered towards the point. They are used for
filing curved surfaces, enlarging the holes and making

 Triangular file:- These are double cut and

tapered towards the point. They are used for filing
angles which are smaller than 90º. They are also used
to repair the teeth of saw.
 Half round file:- The shape is not exactly semi
circular it is one third of a circle. They are used for
filing concave surfaces like bearings and bushings.
 Knife edge file:- These are tapered in width and
thickness.They are used for filing narrow slots and
grooves. They are also used to repair the teeth of saw.
Filling: Filling is an operation of
removing the excess material from
the work piece by using the tool
 Straight filing:- In this method of
filing file is run at an angle of 90º to
the work piece edge. In return
stroke, the file is carried slightly up
to prevent the teeth to become
blunt. Those jobs whose width is
smaller than the width of file are
filed by this method.
 Cross filing:- In this method of
filing, the file is run across the job,
which is from left to right or right
to left. Thus filing is done
diagonally. In this method, curves
in work pieces can be minimized.
Maximum material can be removed
due to the cross marks of files. The
whole surface of job is covered in a
 Draw filing:- In this method of
filing, files are handled by both
hands on the blade of file. File is
placed at right angle to the surface
of work piece. This method doesn’t
remove material faster but gives
better finish than straight or cross
Pinning of file: Due to continuous use of file the teeth
will be clogged by the chips , this reduces the rate of
metal removal this is called as the pinning of file.
The files should be frequently cleaned with a wire brush.
• Scraping means shaving or paring off thin slices or
flakes of metal to make a fine, smooth surface.
• Old files make excellent scrapers. The teeth of thefile
must be grounded off on all sides.
• Since a scraper removes very thin chips, the scraping
allowance should be small.
• The scrapers are made in a variety of lengths from
100 to 500 mm and in many shapes.
Lesson No.

Week No.
Lesson Name
 Use:- Hammer is used for striking purpose while; -
Punching, bending, straightening, chipping, forging, riveting.

 Material:- Drop forged Carbon steel, Wood, Nylon Lead.

Ball Peen Hammer

Face The face is the striking portion. Slight convexity is
given to it to avoid digging of the edge.


Peen:- The peen is the other end of the end. It is

used for shaping and forming work like riveting and
bending. The pein is of different shapes like ball pein,
cross pein or straight pein.
Cheek:- The cheek is the middle portion of the
hammer-head. The weight of the hammer is stamped
here. This portion of the hammer head is left soft.
Eye hole



.Eye hole:- A eye hole is meant for fixing the handle. It

is a shaped to fit the handle rigidly. The wedges fix the
handle in the eye hole.

Handle:- A handle is meant for giving leverage during

striking. It is made of wood.
Ball Peen:- This hammer head
is used most commonly for
general striking purpose. It is
used for forming rivet head and
for forging purpose. Shape of
its head is ball hence it is
called ball pein hammer. It is
available in 0.11 to 0.91 Kg.
Cross Pein:- This hammer
head is formed at 90º to the
direction of its handle. It is
used for making channel, ‘V’
groove, to make inside
corner of the jobs and
expanding metal sheets. It is
available in 0.22 to 0.91 Kg.
Straight Peen:- This
hammer head is formed in
straight line to the direction
of its handle. It is also used
for making channel, ‘V’
groove, to make inside
corner of the jobs and
expanding metal sheets. It
is available in 0.11 to 0.91
Soft hammers

• Soft hammers or mallets are used for striking with the

minimum damage to the surface.
• These are generally made of
• Leather
• Hard rubber
• Nylon
• Wood

• Student should be learn types, parts, Uses & Material

of Hammer.

The method of work holding chosen for

milling operations depends on the
shape and size of the component and also
the quantity to be machined.
Whatever the method chosen, the
requirement of all work holding devices is
that, all work to be milled must be securely
held to resist the considerable
forces exerted by the cutting tools.
• Of equal importance is that, if the work is
to be accurately produced, it mustbe
presented either square or at right angles
to the cutter, and this is directly
• dependent on the correct setting up of the
work holding device.
• Whatever work holding method is used,
cleanliness is the most important rule.
• This means ensuring that all the locating
areas are clean, with all swarf
• removed, and faces and edges of the
component are clean and burr free.
• Let's consider the main parts of the milling
machine vice.
• Fixed Jaw Ideally the cutting forces should
be directed towards this
• jaw because being in a fixed position it is more
• than the moving jaw. For the same reason this
jaw is
• used to set the vice parallel or at right angles to
the cutter.
• Moving Jaw This jaw moves along a
slide to close onto and hold the
• workpiece. Because of the jaws clearance
with the slide it
• is less stable than the fixed jaw.
• Clamping Slots The vice is clamped to
the work table by two tee bolts in
• these slots which have sufficient clearance
to allow
• alignment of the vice with the cutter.
• Tenon Slot A tenon block may be fitted into
this slot. These blocks
• also form a close fit in the tee slots in the
milling table
• and allow for the quick alignment of the vice
jaws at right
• angles to the milling machine table.
• Parallel Packing These are parallel bars that
are available in pairs,
• hardened and ground to identical sizes. The
variety of
• bar sizes available, used either
individually or in
• combinations, allow the workpiece to
be raised to almost
• any desired level parallel to the datum
surface of the
• workholding device.
Use:- For holding work pieces during filing, sawing,
threading, drilling and other such operations.

Fixed jaw  Bench vice:- Bench vice is made

Jaw Plate
of Cast iron or Cast steel. The size
Handle of vice is stated by the width of
jaw. To hold a finished work use
soft jaw (Vice clamp) made of
Aluminium over the regular hard
jaw. This will protect the work
jaw surface from damage. This vice is
fitted directly on a work bench. So
it is known as Bench vice.
 Pipe vice:- A Pipe vice is used for
Holding round section of metal,
tubes and pipes. In this vice, the
screw is vertical and movable. The
Spindle jaw works vertically.
The pipe vice grips the work
Upper jaw at four points on its surface. The
parts of pipe vice are Upper jaw,
Lower jaw, Spindle, Handle and
Lower jaw
Hand vice:- Hand vice are used
for gripping screws, rivets, keys,
small drills and other similar
objects which are too small to be
conveniently held in the bench
vice. A hand vice is made in
various shape and size. The length
varies from 125 to 150mm. and the
Wing Nut jaw width from 40 to 44mm. The
jaw can be opened and closed
using the wing nut on the screw
that is fastened to one leg and
passes through other.
is made of Mild steel. Toolmaker’s
vice is accurately machined
Toolmaker’s vice:- The toolmaker’s
vice is used for holding small work
which requires filing or drilling and for
making of small jobs on the surface
plate. This vice.

Pin vice:- The Pin vice is used for

Collet chuck
holding small diameter jobs. It consists
of handle and a small collet chuck at
one end. The chuck carries a set of jaws
which are operated by turning the
• This vice is designed to hold the work
• so that compound angles may be
• machined. It comprises of a swivel
• base, on which is mounted a second
• base able to swivel in the vertical plain.
• The vice is mounted on this second
• base and in some designs may also be
• able to swivel. These facilities give the
• vice the capability of turning work
• through three planes making it a truly
• universal holding device.

Thus, we learnt about type of vice, parts

material & it’s uses.
Lesson No.

Week No.
Lesson Name
Hacksaw Frame & Blade

 Types:-
1. Solid Hacksaw frame:- Only a particular standard
length of blade can be fitted to this frame.

 Use:- To cut the material like rod, pipes, plates, sheets

of various thickness
2. Adjustable Hacksaw frame (Flat):-
Different standard lengths of blades can be fitted to this frame.
3. Adjustable Hacksaw frame (Tubular):- This is the
commonly used type. It gives a better grip and control,
while sawing.

 Material:- Low alloy steel or High speed steel

 Types:-
1. All hard blades :- These blades are hardened to the
full length between the pin holes.
2. Flexible blades :- For these types of blades, only the
teeth are hardened. Because of their flexibility, these
blades are useful for cutting along curved lines.

 Pitch:- 1. Coarse – 1.8 mm 2. Medium – 1.4 to 1 mm.

3. Fine – 0.8 mm
 Pitch:-
1. Coarse (1.8 mm) :- For soft synthetic and plastic
2. Medium(1.4 to 1 mm) :- For tool steel, medium hard
steel, copper alloys.
3. Fine(0.8 mm) :- For thin work piece sections.
Specification:Length:250 to 300 mm
Width: 13 to 16 mm
Thickness:0.6 to 0.8mm
 Blade settings:-

1. Staggered set:- Alternate teeth or groups of teeth

are staggered. This arrangement helps for free
cutting, and provides for good chip clearance.
2. Wave set:- In this, the teeth of the blade are
arranged in a wave form. This type of setting is
done blades of fine grade and super fine grade.

1. Which type of Hacksaw frame are used in

workshop ?
2. Which material are used in Hacksaw
blade ?

Student will understand Types , Material & uses of

Hacksaw & Blade.
Layout Tools And

Session 2
Laying Out

• Process of scribing or marking center

points, circles, arcs, or straight lines
– Indicates shape of finished object
– Amount of material to be removed
– Position of holes to be drilled
• Layouts made from an established
• Layouts of two types: basic and
Shop Tools and Techniques 53
Layout Solutions
When accurate dimensional features
are to e marked , it is essential to have
a datum plane with a perfectly flat
suface. Marking datum surface which
are not perfectly flat will result in
dimensional inaccuracies. The most
widely used datum surface in machine
shop are the surface plates and
marking tables.
Shop Tools and Techniques 54
Surface Plates
• Work performed on surface plates
(Granite or Cast-iron)
• Granite considered better (Black, Pink,
– Do not become burred
– Do not rust
– Are not affected by temperature change
– Do not have internal stresses and therefore
will not warp or distort
– Are nonmagnetic
– Can be used for checking near grinding
– Are cheaper than similar-size cast-iron plate
Shop Tools and Techniques 55
Surface plate
• Surface plates are generally made of good
quality cast iron or granite to prevent from
distortion. The work surface is machined
and scraped. The under side is heavily
ribbed to provide rigidity. Surface plates
are specified by its length, breadth, grade
and Indian standard Number.
• Ex 2000x1000xGr1 I.S 2285
Care of Surface Plates
• Keep working surface clean
• Cover plate or table when it is not in use
• Carefully place work on surface plate
• Use parallels under workpiece whenever
• Never hammer or punch any layout on surface
• Remove burrs from cast-iron plates and protect
surfaces with thin film of oil when not in use
Shop Tools and Techniques 57
• Have hardened steel point(s) and on
some one end bent at angle for hard-to-
reach places
• Point must always be sharp
– Honed frequently on fine oilstone
• Knife-edge scribers used for extremely
fine lines

Shop Tools and Techniques 58

Dividers and Trammels
• Dividers used for scribing arcs and
circles on layout and transferring
• Spring divider most common
– Circles in sizes from 3 to 12 in
• Adjustable Trammel
– Consists of beam on which two
sliding or adjustable heads with
scriber points are mounted
– Can do larger circles
Shop Tools and Techniques 59
Hermaphrodite Calipers
• One curved leg and one straight leg with
scriber point
• Used for laying out
lines parallel to an
edge and locating
center round or
irregular-shaped stock
• For parallel lines hold
scriber at 90º to edge
Shop Tools and Techniques 60
• Used to lay out lines at right angles to
machined edge, test accuracy of
surfaces that must be square, and set
up work for machining
• Adjustable squares - for general work
• Solid square: beam and blade
– Used where greater accuracy required
• Master squares
– Used to check accuracy of other squares
Shop Tools and Techniques 61

Shop Tools and Techniques 62

The Combination Set
• Used extensively in layout work
• Consists of steel rule, square head,
bevel protractor and center head

Shop Tools and Techniques 63

Angle plates

Angle plates have two plane surfaces, machined perfectly flat and at right
angles to each other. Generally these are made of closely grained cast iron or
steel The edges and ends are also machined square.
Types of angle plate:
a) Plain solid Angle Plate
b) Slotted Type Angle Plate
c) Box Angle Plate
Angle plates are available in different sizes. The sizes are indicated by by
1 – length –125---Breadth 75—Height 100 mm

Angle plates are used to support the work piece during marking or layout

Shop Tools and Techniques 64

The Combination Set
• Steel rule fitted to other three parts
• Square head Used to lay out angles at
45º and 90º and parallel to edge lines
• Bevel protractor used to lay out and
check various angles (0º to 180º)
– Accuracy is ± 0.5º
• Center head forms center square when
mounted on rule
– Used for locating centers of ends of round ,
square, and octagonal stock
Shop Tools and Techniques 65
Surface Gage

Consists of base,
spindle, and scriber

Used on surface
plate to scribe
parallel lines

Some have a V-groove

machined in the base,
which allows them to be
used on cylindrical work

Shop Tools and Techniques 66

Shop Tools and Techniques 67
Prick Punches and Center Punches
• Punches are used in order to make certain dimensional features of
the layout permanent.
• Prick punch They have an included angle of 30 and 60 deg. These
are used for making light punch marks needed to position the
dividers. These punches are made of high carbon steel and the
points are hardened and tempered . Available in sizes 100,150,
• Center punch
ground to 90º
• Used to mark
location of centers of holes.
• The wide punch mark gives good
• seating for the starting of the drill

Shop Tools and Techniques 68

Layout Accessories
• Angle plate and toolmaker's clamp
– Used when lines are required on face of
– Possible to scribe intersecting 90º lines

Shop Tools and Techniques 69

Layout Accessories
• Parallels
– Used to raise work piece and maintain work
surface parallel to top of surface plate

Shop Tools and Techniques 70

Layout Accessories
• V-blocks
– Used to hold round work for layout and

Shop Tools and Techniques 71

Layout Accessories
• Keyseat rules and keyset clamps
– Used to draw lines parallel to axis of shaft

Shop Tools and Techniques 72


Use:- for linear measurement and

Material:- spring steel or stainless
Graduation:- in 10mm, 5mm, 1mm
and 0.5mm in metric system. The
reading accuracy of the steel rule is
Size:- available in 150mm, 300mm
& 600mm.
Use:- to check the squareness of
machined surface, flatness of
Blade surface, make lines at 90º to the edge
of work pieces & to set work piece at
right angle on work holding device.
Material:- hardened steel.
Size:- available in 100mm, 150mm
& 200mm.
Types:- 1. Fixed try square
Stock 2. Adjustable try square
CALIPER:- Calipers are simple measuring instrument
used to transfer measurement from steel rule to objects
and vice versa. They are made from toolsteel or high
carbon steel.
Outside Caliper
1. Firm joint caliper:- In the case of firm joint
caliper, both legs are pivoted at one end.
To take measurement of a work piece, the
caliper is opened roughly to the required
size. Fine setting is done by tapping the
caliper lightly on a wooden surface.
Spring 2. Spring joint caliper:- For this type of
caliper, the legs are assembled by means of
Pivot a pivot loaded with a spring. For opening
and closing the caliper legs, a screw and nut
are provided.
Spring joint caliper have the advantage
of quick setting. The setting made will not
change unless the nut is turned. The size of
caliper is specified by its length, which is
the distance between the pivot centre and
Adjusting the tip of the leg.

Inside Caliper

3. Inside Caliper:- This caliper is used to measure the inside

dimensions like the width of slots, diameter of holes, etc.
Legs of this caliper are bent in outward direction as shown
in figure beside.
4. Odd leg Caliper:- This caliper is also known as Jenny
caliper or Hermaphrodite caliper or leg and point
caliper.They are used for marking lines parallel to inside
and outside edges, locating the centre of round bars,
drawing parallel lines along outer edges, scribing lines
along curved edges.

Use:- for scribing circles, arcs and

transferring and stepping of
Material:- tool steel or high
carbon steel.
Size:- 50mm to 200mm.
• For the correct location and setting of the
divider legs, prick punch marks of 30º are
• Both the legs of the divider should always
be of equal length.
• Dividers are specified by the type of their
joints and length.
• The divider point should be kept sharp in
order to produce fine lines. Frequent
sharpening with an oil stone is better than
Firm Joint
sharpening by grinding. Sharpening by
grinding will make the points soft.
Use:- Punches are used in order to make certain
dimensional feature of the layout permanent.

Material:- They are made of high carbon steel.

Types:- 1. Centre punch(90º)

2. Dot punch(60º)
3. Prick punch(30º)
1. Centre Punch:- The angle of
the point is 90º. The punch
mark made by this is wide and
not very deep. This punch is
used for locating hole. The
wide punch mark gives a good
seating for starting the drill. Centre Punch

2. Dot Punch:- The angle of the

point is 60º. This punch is used
for marking witness marks.

Dot Punch
Prick Punch
3. Prick Punch:- The angle of the
point is 30º. The 30º point
punch is used for making light
punch marks needed to position
dividers. The divider leg will
get a proper seating in the
punch mark.
Use:- scribe lines to indicate the dimensions of the work
piece to be filed or machined.
Material:- They are made of high carbon steel.
Types:- 1. Single ended 2. Double ended
3. Knife edge 4. Off-set.
1. Single ended:- This scriber is also
known as Hand scriber. Point is
made on one side only. Knurling is
made on the body of this scriber. It
is used for general marking
Straight 2. Double ended:- This scriber has
one point each at both ends. One of
which is bent at 90º, another point
is kept straight. Centre portion of
body is knurled for better gripping.
Grip This scriber is used mainly in
accordance with scribing block.
3. Knife edge:- This scriber has one
point each at both ends. One of
which is knife edge, another point
is kept straight. Centre portion of
body is knurled for better gripping.
This scriber is used mainly for
plastic and wood working

4. Off-set:- Point of this scriber is made

offset to facilitate the marking of
minimum height and to set zero when
used with Vernier Height Gauge.

Use:- It is used for ; -

- Scribing lines parallel to a datum surface. -
- Setting job on machines parallel to a datum surface. -
Checking the height and parallelism of jobs, setting
jobs concentric to the machine spindle

1. Fixed scribing block
2. Universal scribing block.
Fixed Scribing Block

1. Fixed Scribing Block:- The
fixed type of surface gauges
Snug Nut
consists of a heavy flat base
and a spindle, fixed upright,
Spindle to which a scriber attached
with a snug and a clamp nut.

Universal Scribing Block
2. Universal Scribing Block:- This
surface gauge has the following Spindle Scriber
additional features;
- The spindle can be set to any
position. Nut
- Fine adjustments can be made Fine
quickly. adj.
- Can also be used on cylindrical
- Parallel lines can be scribed from Guide
Pin arm
any datum edge with the help of
guide pins.

Use:- To support the job and to provide a vertical or

angular plane for marking.

Material:- Angle plates are made from Cast iron or


1. Solid Angle plate
2. Adjustable Angle Plate
3. Box Angle plate.
Solid Angle Plate:- This angle
plate is most common. It has the
two plane surfaces perfectly
machined at 90º to each other.
Such angle plates are suitable for
supporting work pieces during
layout work. They are
comparatively smaller in size.
Slots are provided to clamp the
work piece and to reduce the
Adjustable Angle Plate:-
This angle plate is available to
support job in different angles.
Graduations are marked on it
to set the job at particular
angle. Slots are provided on it
to clamp the job by clamping
bolts. They are available in
Grade-I and Grade-II
Box Angle Plate:- They have
applications similar to those of
other angle plates. After setting,
the work can be turned over
with the box enabling further
marking out or machining. This
is a significant advantage. This
has all the faces machined
square to each other.

Use:- Surface plates are used most widely as a datum

surface in machine shop work.

Material:- Gray cast iron and Granite.

Specification:- Cast iron surface plates are designated by

their length, breadth, grade and the Indian Standard
number. i.e. C.I. Surface plate 2000 X 1000 Gr1. I.S.



3 Point suspension


Thus we get the knowledge of Calipers,

Trysquare, Punch, Scriber, Marking Block,
Surface plate, Angle plate.

1. List the types of Marking tools ?

2. What are the types of Calipers?
3. What is the use of Scriber ?
4. What is the use of Try square ?
Cold Chisels
• When using a cold chisel to cut cold metal, the
chisel must be harder than the metal it is
intended to cut. Cold chisels are used for cutting
and chipping away pieces of extra material.
These are made of high carbon steel and
chrome vanadium steel. These are usually
rectangular, hexagonal and octagonal in cross
section. They are forged to shape, roughly
ground and then hardened and tempered. The
cutting angle varies between 35 to 70 degree
depending upon the material.
Cold Chisels

• 1. Flat chisels are used for

chipping, removing metal from a
flat surface, and cutting sheet
• ..
Cold Chisels

• 2. Cape chisels are used for cutting narrow,

flat grooves and slots.
Cold Chisels

• 3. Round nose chisels are used to cut

concave grooves.
Cold Chisels

• 4. Diamond point
chisels are used
for cutting
narrow, flat
grooves and
Cold Chisels
• .
• 5. Web chisels:- These are used for
separating the piece after chain drilling.

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