Block Level Development Planning
Block Level Development Planning
Block Level Development Planning
History of decentralisation
Planning Process
• Decentralisation means devolution of central authority among local units close to the
areas served.
• The committee's recommendation of the committee by NDC in January 1958, and this
set the stage for the launching of Panchayati Raj Institutions throughout the country.
Zila parishad
Panchayat samiti
Gram panchayat
• The State of Madras tried this as a pilot project as early as 1957. Based on the
success in this State it was Rajasthan which became the pioneer to bring the whole
state under democratic decentralisation on Oct. 2, 1959.
• Planning is carried out at various levels beginning from a small local area to as
large area as the world planning is an integral part of human progress and area
• Block is group of several gram panchayats of rural area earmarked for
administration and development in India.
• The area is administered by a Block Development Officer
• Block planning, essentially, means planning for the development of the block
within a specified time frame – whether it is an annual, five year or even longer
• Block level planning have to be conformity with National Planning.
• The range of planning functions at the block level is determined by the size of its
• To demarcate the block-level planning canvass from that of the district and state level
• To improve it qualitatively in the sense of making it more responsive to the needs of the
• To understand more clearly the felt needs of the people and factors inhibiting the uplift
• Every district in the country which does not have any special programme.
• Blocks with more than 20 percent scheduled caste population should be covered first.
• Potentiality for development and organizational frame work that has been built up.
• The Annual Block Plan is linked to the annual district plan and indicates the priority
area, the schemes to be implemented (both new and ongoing schemes), the outlays,
and the targets.
• The horizontal and vertical linkages of programmes envisaged at the block level for
the year.
• Block planning exercises should involve non-officials, nongovernmental
organizations, professional groups and the people’s representatives.
• Schemes of the Central and State governments, which are received for
implementation in the block, should be assessed in the context of feasibility, local
needs and potentials and if some modifications are considered necessary, these should
be sought.
Annual action plans are meant for direct execution. An annual action plan is composed of
schemes identified in the annual plan. However, there are certain factors, which have to
be kept in view while doing this exercise.
The annual action plan is a shelf of schemes for implementation. There are certain
criteria, which have to be kept in view. These schemes, since they are selected from the
five year plan are, no doubt, feasible ones. However, their viability needs to be further
assessed. Besides feasibility and viability, we may have to give priority to certain
schemes, which are the felt need of the people and, therefore, need to be implemented
As the plan is meant for execution, the availability of required manpower has also to be
checked and, accordingly, the type of schemes and the number of units should be
adjusted. In certain cases, the availability of materials, such as cement, steel etc., are
also crucial, particularly in construction activities. This may decide the number of units
of different schemes of this nature, which can be taken up
Financial Component
For annual action plan, the financial implication has to be worked out; it has to be based
on the available finance from different sources like Government departments, financial
institutions, and any other external agency.
• Production programmes for the target groups in the area in the light of the resource
• Manpower planning and skill development in relation to the production programmes.
• A programme for the provision of basic minimum needs
• Provision of adequate institutional support for the removal of the socio-economic
constraints that hamper the implementation of the plan.
Zilla parishad
Panchayat samithi
Gram panchayat
Need of non-officials
They have better awareness of about local problems and potential resources.
Role of Non-officials
• Planning will be more practical and effective - to give quick, positive results.