Gestalt Psychology: Report Presented By: Angela Mercy C. Baro
Gestalt Psychology: Report Presented By: Angela Mercy C. Baro
Gestalt Psychology: Report Presented By: Angela Mercy C. Baro
For example, looking in the foreground
and not the background
Gestalt Principles
Law of Proximity Elements that are closer together will
be perceived as a coherent objects.
On the left, where appears to be
three columns, while on the right,
there appears to be three horizontal
When objects we are perceiving are
near each other, we perceive them as
belonging together.
Elements that look similar will be
perceived as part of the same form.
Law of There seems to be a triangle in the
Similarity square. We link similar elements
Law of
We tend to fill the gaps or “close” the
figures we perceive.
We enclose a space by completing a
contour and ignoring gaps in the figure.
Individuals have the tendency to continue
contours whenever the elements of the
pattern establish an implied direction.
Law of Good The stimulus will be organized into as good as
Fragnanz figure as possible.
In this example, good refers to symmetry,
simplicity, and regularity.
The figure is perceived as a square
overlapping a triangle, not a combination of
several complicated shapes.
Based on our experiences with perception, we
“expect” certain patterns and therefore
perceive that expected pattern.
Law of
Figure/Ground We tend to pay attention and perceive
things in the foreground first.
As stimulus will be perceived as separate
from its ground.
Gestalt psychology adheres to idea of
Insight learning taking place by discovery or insight.
First developed by Wolfgang Kohler
His theory suggested that learning could occur when the individual perceives the relationships of the
elements before him and reorganizes these elements and comes to a greater understanding or
This could occur without reinforcement, and once it occurs, no review, training, or investigation