Common Diseases of The Elderly
Common Diseases of The Elderly
Common Diseases of The Elderly
By Amor Canlas
Definition: Inflammation of one or more of the joints.
Causes: Unknown.
Signs & Symptoms: Joint Pain, Stiffness, Swelling, Redness, Decreased range of motion
– all of which worsen with age.
Types: Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.
Osteoarthritis - cartilage break down.
Rheumatoid arthritis - autoimmune disorder
Caregiver Approach or Treatment: Range of motion exercises
Support sleep
Heart Disease
Definition: Conditions that affect the heart
Causes: Unknown
Signs & Symptoms: Memory loss, visual and spatial issues, impaired reasoning
and judgement
Types: Early onset and Late onset
Diagnosis and Caregiver Approach or Treatment: water, prop up, warm and cool patient,
optimize fluids, supplemental oxygen, promote rest, prevent further infection
Definition: a condition of intense sadness lasting for many days or weeks
Causes: stress, genetics, brain chemistry imbalance, female sex hormones, circadian
rhythm disturbance, poor nutrition, grief or loss
Signs & Symptoms: Feeling sad, anxious, or empty; Hopeless or pessimistic; Guilty,
worthless, or helpless; Not enjoying things; Loss of concentration, memory, or making
decisions; Sleeping too much or too little; Appetite changes, Gaining or losing weight; Feeling
restless or irritable; Thoughts of suicide or death
Types: Major Depression - interfere with ability to work, sleep, concentrate, eat, and
enjoy life.
Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) - less severe, last a long time (>2
Minor Depression - less severe, does not last long.
Causes: increased gum recession that exposes root surfaces and increased use of
medications that produce reduced saliva
Signs & Symptoms: cavities and tooth decay can lead to difficulty
maintaining a healthy diet, low self-esteem, and other health conditions