Theme: Extracting and Writing The Theme
Theme: Extracting and Writing The Theme
Theme: Extracting and Writing The Theme
There was once a king who had three daughters, all lovely maidens, but
the youngest, Psyche, excelled her sisters so greatly that beside them
she seemed a very goddess consorting with mere mortals. The fame of
her surpassing beauty spread over the earth, and everywhere men
journeyed to gaze upon her with wonder and adoration and to do her
homage as though she were in truth one of the immortals. They would
even say that Venus herself could not equal this mortal.
The author believes that physical beauty is
not always an advantage that assures a
person’s happiness.
Textual Evidence:
Still more strange, no one fell in love with her. Men were content to look
and wonder and worship—and then pass on to marry someone else.
Both her sisters, inexpressibly inferior to her, were splendidly married,
each to a king. Psyche, the all-beautiful, sat sad and solitary, only
admired, never loved. It seemed that no man wanted her.
The author believes that physical
attraction sparks a romance, but trust
sustains a relationship.
Textual Evidence:
Textual Evidence: