Marxist Criminology
Marxist Criminology
Marxist Criminology
influenced Marxist
political economist,
journalist, and activist,
and author of the
seminal works, "The
Communist Manifesto"
and "Das Kapital,"
influenced generations
of political leaders and
thinkers. Also known
as the Father of
What is Marxist criminology?
is one of the schools of criminology
which focuses on what produces stability
and continuity
it focuses on why things change,
identifying the disruptive forces in
industrialized societies, and describing how
society is divided by power, wealth,
prestige, and the perceptions of the world.
What is Marxist criminology?
It is concerned with the causal relationships
between society and crime, to establish a
critical understanding of how the immediate
and structural social environment gives rise
to crime and criminogenic conditions.
According to Karl Marx:
law is the mechanism by which one social
class, usually referred to as the "ruling
class", keeps all the other classes in a
disadvantaged position.
Marxist theory condemns Western capitalist
society as an unjust divide between two ruling
the ruling bourgeoisie who own the means
of production (the capitalists)
Bonger’s Criminality and Economic
Conditions (1916) contends that the
competition and profit motive emphasized
by capitalistic societies produces “egoistic
tendencies” and greed in the individuals
within those societies (Akers & Sellers, 2009;
244). However, because the bourgeoisie own
the means of production and control the law,
they can afford to be greedy and pursue their
egoistic desires
According to Bonger
it is the poor proletariat whose egoistic
actions are labeled as criminal because of
their lower position in capitalist societies
According to Bonger
Essentially, the proletariat is being set up to
fail by the bourgeoisie and punished by the
legal system when they do fail.
For Marxists
The cause of crime is dictated by social
forces, namely capitalism, and thus remains
beyond the control of individuals.