Embedded Based Derailment Prevention System Throuh Wireless Sensor Networks

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Wireless sensor networks

Embedded system

 Some Problems are occurs on train wrecks often as a result of miscommunication,

so then only the advanced system are used in this project.

 This Project is motivated on the solution of the train wreck avoidance system. It is
an fully based on wireless sensor networks.

Train derailment is to be closely monitored and also pre-alert is the required one for
the safety of human mortality.

The existing works are utilizing only the train unit based on GPS.

The Global positioning system may be failed at the hill or ocean locations which may
lead to serious issues.

The system is required which is not depends GPS as well.


To implement the safety transportation by using sensor based wireless networks

To implement the Arduino based embedded control system


The train may be indulged with the derailment due to the presence of
obstacle, flood water, track discontinuity and track failure.

This work accommodates sensor based embedded system with wireless


The PIR (passive infrared sensor) is used for the detection of obstacle
(tree or animal) present on the track.

The Conductivity sensor is responsible for the detection of flood water



 These sensor arrangements are passing the data to the central Arduino control
system through RF communication module (RF CC2250).

 The detected signals can be processed and intimation is passed to twofold blocks:
1. Train unit
2. Station unit

This two data passing is also done by RF transmitter.

The intelligent parts such as Decoder, in the train unit is immediately trip off the
electric traction motor by activating the relay unit.

The Station unit is received the detail of the track status and the embedded system in
that unit may activate the alarm to intimate the current status to the officials. the same
time all track status updated in IoT server.
 A train wreck or train crash is a type of disaster involving one or more trains. Train
wrecks often occur as a result of miscommunication, as when a moving train meets
another train on the same track. This kind of collisions is the major reason for huge
amount of human mortality.

 In this embedded world, an advanced & intelligent system is in the need to defend the
human life from these disaster like train wreck.

 This project is proposed to provide a solution for the train wreck avoidance. The main
function of this work is to identify and alerting the trains which are approaching on a
same track. It is possible to identify the arrival of train with the help of sensors.

 The PIR (passive infrared sensor) is used for the detection of obstacle (tree or animal)
present on the track.
 The Conductivity sensor is responsible for the detection of flood water aggregation.

 The flex sensor is used for the detect the crack problem on the track unit.

 This project consists of three working module namely: Train unit, Track unit and Station unit. The
track unit consists of four sensor unit on different zone arrangements. The sensor signal can be
transmitted to the station unit through wireless sensor networks.

 Once the station unit receives the sensor signals on a same track, it can automatically alter the signal
as red and also it can communicate with the two trains through RF communication.

 The receiver at two trains is receiving the alert signal coming from the station unit and both can be
immediately stopped by understanding the risk of train wreck.
 Every time the track status is updated to the IoT server.

 Thus the system is very cost effective and also it can perform precise operation for saving human life.

 The derailment of a freight car may occur as the result of failure of the wheels or
axles, damaged rails, poorly maintained switches, and extraneous objects on the
tracks, and is one of the most common railway accidents.

 If such a derailment initially goes unnoticed by the train crew, because of the length
of the train and the high noise level, severe consequences may ensue.

 Indeed, a derailed car can damage kilometers of track, be an obstacle for a train
running in the opposite direction on the adjacent track, even lead to extremely
serious events.

 In particular, if dangerous goods are involved, such as in the derailments of liquid

propane gas (LPG) tank cars, the outcome may be extensive loss of property and
even of lives.

 So then the implement the safety transportation by using sensor based wireless
networks and Arduino based embedded control system.
 In this project to provide a solution for the train wreck avoidance system. The main function
of this work is to identify and alerting the trains which are approaching on a same track. It is
possible to identify the arrival of train with the help of sensors.

 The track unit consists of four sensors unit on different zone arrangements. The sensor signal
can be transmitted to the station unit through wireless sensor networks.

 Once the station unit receives the sensor signals on a same track, it can automatically alter the
signal as red and also it can communicate with the two trains through RF communication.

 The receiver at two trains is receiving the alert signal coming from the station unit and both
can be immediately stopped by understanding the risk of train wreck. Track will be
monitoring the IoT.
Power Supply

Arduino Zigbee

Flex sensor

Flex sensor
Power Supply

+5v GND




Relay Motor
Power Supply

+5v GND


Encoder Embedded Controller Driver


A 2x16 LCD is used for displaying the message. We are going to use 16x2
alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which means it can display Alphabets
along with numbers on 2 lines each are containing 16 characters.


Arduino refers to an open-source electronics platform or board and the software

used to program it. Arduino boards are able to read inputs on a sensor and turn it
into an output -publishing something online.

Relay & driver IC

 Relay Driver is used for drive the relay.

 ULN2003A IC is used as driver. Relays are switching devices. Switching devices

are the heart of industrial electronic systems. When a relay is energized or activated,
contacts are made or broken. They are used to control ac or dc power. Relays control
one electrical circuit by opening and closing contacts in another circuit. In relay
driver is a connected to Motor to be operated.
PIR Sensor

 In this project we are using PIR sensor. A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an
electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field
of view.

 The PIR (passive infrared sensor) is used for the detection of obstacle (tree or

Flex Sensor

 In this project we are using flex sensor. The flex sensor is used for the detect the
crack problem on the track unit.
Conductivity sensor

 In this project we are using conductivity sensor. The Conductivity sensor is

responsible for the detection of flood water aggregation. A conductivity sensor is a
measure the water level solution.

RF module

 An RF module (radio frequency module) is a (usually) small electronic device used

to transmit and/or receive radio signals between two devices. In an embedded
system it is often desirable to communicate with another device wirelessly.

Internet of Things (IOT)

 The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system the interconnection via the Internet of
computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and
receive data. That is provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data
over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer

• Arduino controller unit

• RF CC2250 module
• IoT
• Flex sensor
• Conductivity sensor
• Relay
• Alarm

• Arduino IDE 1.6.7

Circuit Diagram(Track Unit)
Circuit Diagram(Train unit)
Circuit Diagram (Station unit)
PIR Sensor
Conductivity Sensor
Flex Sensor
LCD – Liquid Crystal Display
ATmega328 Pin
• Zigbee is a low power spin off of WiFi. It is a specification for small, low
power radios based on IEEE 802.15.4 – 2003 Wireless Personal Area Networks
• Zigbee has been developed looking into the needs of communication of data
with simple structure like the data from the sensors.
• The technology defined by the ZigBee specification is intended to be simpler
and less expensive than other wireless personal area networks (WPANs), such
as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Applications include wireless light switches, electrical
meters with in-home-displays, traffic management systems, and other consumer
and industrial equipment that requires short-range low-rate wireless data
• HT12E is an encoder integrated circuit of 212 series of encoders. They are
paired with 212 series of decoders for use in remote control system

• It is mainly used in interfacing RF and infrared circuits. The chosen pair of

encoder/decoder should have same number of addresses and data format.

• HT12E converts the parallel inputs into serial output. It encodes the 12 bit
parallel data into serial for transmission through an RF transmitter. These
12 bits are divided into 8 address bits and 4 data bits.
• HT12E has a transmission enable pin which is active low. When a trigger
signal is received on TE pin, the programmed addresses/data are
transmitted together with the header bits via an RF or an infrared
transmission medium.

• HT12E begins a 4-word transmission cycle upon receipt of a transmission

enable. This cycle is repeated as long as TE is kept low. As soon as TE
returns to high, the encoder output completes its final cycle and then stops.
• HT12D is a decoder integrated circuit that belongs to 212 series of
decoders. This series of decoders are mainly used for remote control system
applications, like burglar alarm, car door controller, security system etc. It
is mainly provided to interface RF and infrared circuits. They are paired
with 212 series of encoders. The chosen pair of encoder/decoder should
have same number of addresses and data format.

• HT12D converts the serial input into parallel outputs. It decodes the serial
addresses and data received by, say, an RF receiver, into parallel data and
sends them to output data pins.
• The serial input data is compared with the local addresses three times
continuously. The input data code is decoded when no error or unmatched
codes are found. A valid transmission in indicated by a high signal at VT

• HT12D is capable of decoding 12 bits, of which 8 are address bits and 4 are
data bits. The data on 4 bit latch type output pins remain unchanged until
new is received.

 The application of IoT in extreme situations are still not tested

 (outer space, very hot or cold area)
 Standardization and Interoperability
 Legal instruments
 Technical limitation in some cases

• ULN2003 is a high voltage and high current Darlington array IC. It

contains seven open collector darlington pairs with common emitters. A
darlington pair is an arrangement of two bipolar transistors.

• ULN2003 is for 5V TTL, CMOS logic devices. These ICs are used when
driving a wide range of loads and are used as relay drivers, display drivers,
line drivers etc. ULN2003 is also commonly used while driving Stepper

• Each channel or darlington pair in ULN2003 is rated at 500mA and can

withstand peak current of 600mA.
• Relay is an electromagnetic device which is used to isolate two circuits
electrically and connect them magnetically. They are very useful devices
and allow one circuit to switch another one while they are completely

• They are often used to interface an electronic circuit (working at a low

voltage) to an electrical circuit which works at very high voltage. For
example, a relay can make a 5V DC battery circuit to switch a 230V AC
mains circuit. Thus a small sensor circuit can drive, say, a fan or an electric
• A relay switch can be divided into two parts: input and output. The input
section has a coil which generates magnetic field when a small voltage
from an electronic circuit is applied to it. This voltage is called the
operating voltage. Commonly used relays are available in different
configuration of operating voltages like 6V, 9V, 12V, 24V etc. The output
section consists of contactors which connect or disconnect mechanically.
DC Motor

• A motor is an electrical machine which converts electrical energy into

mechanical energy. The principle of working of a DC motor is that
"whenever a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it
experiences a mechanical force".
• In normal motoring mode, most electric motors operate through the
interaction between an electric motor's magnetic field and winding currents
to generate force within the motor. In certain applications, such as in the
transportation industry with traction motors, electric motors can operate in
both motoring and generating or breaking modes to also produce electrical
energy from mechanical energy.

M. Macucci∗, S. Di Pascoli∗, P. Marconcini∗, B. Tellini “Wireless sensor network for derailment

detection in freight trains powered from vibrations”

Block diagram
 A network of wireless ultra-low-power sensors with the main purpose of detecting
the derailment of a freight car and alerting the engineer in the cab of the leading

 Due to the lack of a power supply in freight cars, we plan to rely on energy
scavenging from vibrations.

 This implies that the energy requirements of the system must be minimized,
choosing ultra-low-power hardware and operating it in active mode only for a small
fraction of the time.

 A reasonable option that we envisage, which minimizes energy consumption and

which is at the same time compatible with proper operation of this type of sensor
network, is based on a careful time scheduling and synchronization of the active
phases of the different nodes.
 A possible sequence is represented in Fig. 1. Each node will wake up in the slot that it has
been assigned during the configuration phase, activate the accelerometer, and interpret its
 Then, it will turn on the receiver and wait for the transmission from its nearest upstream (with
reference to the communication flow along the train) neighbor and then operate a
transmission, which, in the case that the local accelerometer data indicate no derailment, will
just be a relaying of the data from the preceding node, otherwise will be a derailment alert.
Periodically, a communication in the opposite direction, from the locomotive to the tail of the
train, can also take place.


 It is detect in vibration signal only.

 Communication protocol is an step by step process.
 Output of the controller design is complicated.
Masamichi kato, kazushi terada Japan “Development of an Evolution Type Train Protection
System to Prevent Secondary Accidents”
 The new system can trigger the train protection radio automatically if the train derails,
overturns or intrudes with something.

 The most important device in the new system is a device that detects collision, derailment,
and overturn (Hereafter, it is called the detection device).

 The device detects the vibration of the rolling stock and the state of the inclination from the
acceleration data acquired with the acceleration sensor in this device.

 When the acquired acceleration exceeds a threshold, it detects abnormality. The detection
devices target four events, head-on collision, side collision, derailment, and overturn. The
device informs the crews which event is detected, and sends the train protection radio to other
trains automatically. (Figure 4).


 Time that it takes to acquire the acceleration data only.

 It is detect in acceleration sensor signal only.


[3] Rahimi, Arian, et al. "Fully self-powered electromagnetic energy harvesting

system with highly efficient dual rail output." IEEE Sensors Journal 12.6
(2012): 2287-2298.
[4] Huang-Chen Lee, Senior Member, IEEE, Yu-Chang Chang, and Yen-Shuo
Huang“A Reliable Wireless Sensor System for Monitoring Mechanical Wear-
Out of Parts”
[5] M. Macucci∗, S. Di Pascoli∗, P. Marconcini∗, B. Tellini “Wireless sensor
network for derailment detection in freight trains powered from vibrations”
[6] Arian Rahimi, Özge Zorlu, Member, IEEE, Ali Muhtaroˇglu, Senior member,
IEEE,and Haluk Külah, Member, IEEE “Fully Self-Powered Electromagnetic
EnergyHarvesting System With Highly Efficient Dual Rail Output”

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