Watershed Management Case Study
Watershed Management Case Study
Watershed Management Case Study
Water is a basic need for everyone.
Approximate cost of laying contour bund is
rs.1400 / ha.
Salient features
• It can be adopted on all soils
• It can be laid upto 6% slopes.
• It helps to retain moisture in the field.
It helps to bring sloping land into different level strips to enable cultivation.
General information
It consists of construction of step like fields along contours by half cutting and half filling. Original
slope is converted into level fields. The vertical & horizontal intervals are decided based on level
Approximate cost for laying the terrace is rs.5000 / ha.
Salient features
• Suitable for hilly regions.
• The benches may be inward sloping to drain off excess water.
• The outward sloping benches will help to reduce the existing steep slope to mild one.
• It is adopted in soils with slopes greater than 6%
• It is useful for insitu moisture conservation and erosion control for
tree crops.
Salient features
• Slope ranges from 2 –8%
• Soil type – light to moderate texture
• Insitu moisture conservation with staggered planting
• Suitable for dry land horticulture & agroforestry
• Bund height – 30 to 45 cm.
Check dam
Check dam
Salient features
• A low weir normally constructed across the gullies
• Constructed on small streams and long gullies formed by erosive
activity of flood water
• It cuts the velocity and reduces erosive activity
• The stored water improves soil moisture of the adjoining area and
allows percolation to recharge the aquifers
• Spacing between the check dams water spread of one should be
beyond the water spread of the other
• Height depends on the bank height, varies from a metre to 3 metre and
length varies from less than 3m to 10m
• Cost varies from Rs. 40000/- to Rs. 100000/- per unit
Percolation pond:
Percolation pond:
To augment the ground water recharge
Salient features
• Shallow depression created at lower portions in a natural or
diverted stream course
• Preferable under gentle sloping stream where narrow valley exists
• Located in soils of permeable nature
• Adaptable where 20-30 ground water wells for irrigation exist with
in the zone of influence about 800 – 900m
• Minimum capacity may be around 5000 m3 for the sack of
• Also act as silt detention reservoir
• Cost varies from Rs. 60000 to 150000 per unit
Stone Barriers
Thank You….
Water is a prime natural resource for human beings and hence a precious
national asset.
The easy and cheaply available groundwater is the most important resource for
domestic, industrial and agricultural uses etc.
In last 3-4 years due to inadequate rainfall, people are looking towards the
underground water as alternative source without regarding to its recharge
resulting in deepening of ground water table near about 100m below the
ground surface
Quantum GIS
To get contour map and stream line map of whole area.With the help of
this they get possible outlet and their location.
They got survey plot the location after meet outlet points.
To study the ground water level fluctuation of the study area, water levels in
different wells located in the study area have been observed for different period
for these 11 wells have been selected.
These pre and post monsoon water levels are plotted and are compared with
the overall fluctuation of average rainfall.
Measurement of ground water fluctuation
•To study the ground water level fluctuation of the study area, water levels in different wells
located in the study area have been observed for different period for these 11 wellshave
been selected.
•These pre and post monsoon water levels are plotted and are compared with the overall
fluctuation of average rainfall
Implementing Techniques
Following steps were followed
Selection of site for implementing watershed techniques.
To manage and utilize run-off water for useful purpose, the suitable
structures on water outlet points were suggested
Study Area
Study area lies in Phaltan tehsil, in the
Indian State of Maharashtra.
It is located at 14 km away from Phaltan
tehsil city.
It lies between North latitude 17056ˈ5" and
East longitude 740 32’33", covering an area
of 825.93 hector.
The average rainfall ranging is 337mm
Land use pattern Crop Pattern
Problems in selected area
Naikbomwadi were facing water shortage problems throughout the year,
especially in summer season
Even though the soil condition was good due to water shortage people
cultivated only one season crop during the rainy season.
On the hill top due to rain erosion of the soil is taking place is too high thus
reducing the soil cover on the hill surface.
The lack water availability has also resulted in low agriculture production.
Supply of water through tankers becomes essential.
Low income level with low living standard.
High percentage of barren, cultivable waste land.
The average rainfall is very less and also havinghigh fluctuation i.e. average annual
rainfall of 450mm.
Silting of existing water harvesting structures like percolation tank and Nala bunds
Demand and Supply Analysis
Total population= 722
Standard demand=135lit/day
For drought area water requirement per capita=70lit/day=70×722 =50540 lit/day
Annual water required for domestic = 50540×365 = 18447.1cu.m.
Plantation of ‘Madras Anjan’ grass on hilly slope, ‘Stylo’ grass on downstream of continuous contour
trenches and ‘Khus’ grass on bund constructed on pond.
Check Dams
Gully plugs, also called check dams, are
mainly built to prevent erosion and to
settle sediments and pollutants.
Furthermore, it is possible to keep soil
moisture due to infiltration. Depending
on the topography, amount of
precipitation, material and financial
resources available, there are several
methods to construct a gully plug.
They have to be inspected regularly and
any damages must be repaired.
Check dam
Design details
Available land slope = 0-15(%)
Horizontal interval (Spacing between two bunds)=depends on site conditions
Dimensions of the Check dam:
Top Width = 1.0 mBase
width = 2.0m
Height =3.0m above ground
Depth of foundation = 1.0m
Length of check dam = depends on site conditions
Free board = 0.50m
Water speed is slowed, which reduces erosion and prevents unwanted gully
formation during a flood
No trench design required, just uses existing gully drainage pattern
Can assist recharge of shallow wells
Can reduce salinity in groundwater
Allows groundwater recharge and sediment to settle out (reduces sediment
Cost effective – these dams can use locally available materials
•They can silt up and will need maintenance
•Levels of infiltration can be slow due to silt build-up
•Unclear land tenure can result in ownership of the structure
•If designed incorrectly, may block fish passage
•When only focussing on gully plug construction, the main cause of gully development is
Percolation Pond
Percolation ponds are small ponds located mostly in low lying areas of
poromboke lands and formed in order to store the run-off of rainwater and to
allow it to percolate downwards and sideways.
Deep ponds are preferred since evaporation of the stored water therein will be
It has been observed that the percolation ponds are effective up to a distance of
1000 metres on the downstream side and wells within this range are benefited
with more replenishment of water.
Percolation Pond
Side earthen bund details:
Top width = 0.9 m
Height = 1.0m
Side slope = 2:1
After the rainy season around month of February upto month may of each year
the water scarcity starts in the study area and water demand increases.
As large amount of ground water is drawn out from under ground, reduction of
ground water table which in turn reduces water level in wells.
To cater this problem of water storage in study area, the technique of watershed
management is best suited. By implementing this method the ground water table
is increased thus providing sufficient water to the farmers during drought season and
reducing the call of tankers.
This method is cheap and also provides employment to villagers.
Mr.Kalbhor Pravin S, Mr.Baravkar Amit B, Mr.Deokate Bhalerao S
3, Prof. Kasar Snehal
1,2,3 BE Civil SSPM COE Baramti 2BE Civil SVPM COE Baramati, Pune
Maharashtra.4 Professor Miss. Kasar Snehal , Dept. of Civil Engineering,
SSPM college, Maharashtra, India
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