Global Marketing: DR Vishnu P Mishra
Global Marketing: DR Vishnu P Mishra
Global Marketing: DR Vishnu P Mishra
Dr Vishnu P Mishra
Standarization versus Adaptation
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The Faces of Coca-Cola Around the World
The Importance of
Going Global:Current Scenario
• For U.S. companies, 75% of total world market for
goods and services is outside the country
– Coca-Cola earns 75% of operating income and 2/3 of profit
outside of North America
• For Japanese companies, 85% of world market is
outside the country
• 94% of market potential is outside of Germany for its
The Fortune Global 500
Consumer/Industrial Markets
Product/Service Market Size (Billions)
Cigarettes $295
Luxury Goods 230
Cosmetics 200
Personal Computers 175
Bottled Water 100
Container Shipping 150
Construction Equip. 90
Crop Seeds 30
CRM Services 6
Transportation and Communication
• Time and cost barriers associated with distance
have fallen tremendously over the past 100 years.
• The jet airplane revolutionized communication by
making it possible for people to travel around the
world in less than 48 hours.
• The newest communication technologies, such as
e-mail, video teleconferencing, and Wi-Fi, means
that managers, executives, and customers can link
up electronically from virtually any part of the
globe without traveling at all.
World economic trends
– 2008 global crisis
– Growing middle class in China, India, Brazil, etc.
– Rapid growth in China pre-2008
– Movement to free markets worldwide
As in domestic markets, marketers must pay attention to local environmental