Different Errors Committed in Social Media.: Common Filipino Fallacies
Different Errors Committed in Social Media.: Common Filipino Fallacies
Different Errors Committed in Social Media.: Common Filipino Fallacies
in social
Arguments and Fallacies
This lesson
introduces the
basic concept of
and fallacies.
Learning Outcomes
with false
Arguments and Fallacies
with true
Module 4:
1. Fallacies What
of Relevance mistake!!!
2. Fallacies of
4.0 What is a Fallacy?
A (logical) fallacy is an argument that contains a
mistake in reasoning.
Fallacies of Relevance
Arguments in which the premises are logically
irrelevant to the conclusion.
Fallacies of Insufficient Evidence
Arguments in which the premises, though
logically relevant to the conclusion, fail to provide
sufficient evidence for the conclusion.
“There is nothing so stupid as an educated man,
if you get him off the thing he was educated in”
- Will Rogers
4.1 Fallacies of Relevance
Personal Attack Appeal to Pity
Personal Attack
When an arguer rejects a person’s argument or claim
by attacking the person’s character rather than
examining the worth of the argument or claim itself.
Professor Doogie has argued for more emphasis on music in
our F2F classes to facilitate creativity. But Doogie is a
selfish bigheaded fool. I absolutely refuse to listen to him.
1. X is a bad person.
2. Therefore X's argument must be bad.
4.1.2 Attacking the Motive
Donald Trump has argued that we need to build a new campus. But Trump
is the owner of Trump’s Construction Company. He’ll make a fortune if
his company is picked to build the new campus. Obviously, Trump’s
argument is a lot of self-serving nonsense.
Doctor: You should quite smoking.
Patient: Look who’s talking! I’ll quit when you do, Dr. Smokestack!
1. “I don’t feel guilty about cheating on Zaid’s online quiz. Half the
class cheats on his quiz.”
Scare Tactics
When an arguer threatens harm to a reader or listener
and this threat is irrelevant to the truth of
the arguer’s conclusion.
Diplomat to diplomat: I’m sure you’ll agree that we are the rightful
rulers of the Iraq. It would be regrettable if we had to send armed
forces to demonstrate the validity of our claim.
Appeal to Pity
When an arguer attempts to evoke feelings of pity or
compassion, where such feelings, however understandable,
are not relevant to the truth of the arguer’s conclusion.
Student to Lecturer: I know I missed half your classes and failed all my quizzes
and assignments. First my cat died. Then my girlfriend told me she has found
someone else. With all I went through this semester, I don’t think I really deserve
an F. Any chance you might cut me some slack and change my grade to a C or a
All the really cool UNITAR students smoke cigarettes.
Therefore, you should, too.
Straw Man
When an arguer misrepresents another person’s
position to make it easier to attack.
Singh and Karen are arguing about cleaning out their closets:
Suzie: "We should clean out the closets. They are getting a bit messy.“
Singh: "Why, we just went through those closets last year. Do we have
to clean them out everyday?"
Suzie: "I never said anything about cleaning them out every day. You
just want too keep all your junk forever, which is just ridiculous."
Red Herring
When an arguer tries to sidetrack his audience by raising
an irrelevant issue, and then claims that the original
issue has been effectively settled by the
irrelevant diversion.
"I think there is great merit in making the requirements stricter for the
graduate students. I recommend that you support it, too. After all, we are
in a budget crisis and we do not want our salaries affected."
When an arguer uses a key word in an argument in two
(or more) different senses.
In the summer of 1940, Londoners were bombed almost very
night. To be bombed is to be intoxicated. Therefore, in the
summer of 1940, Londoners were intoxicated almost every
I am entitled to say whatever I choose because I have a right
to say whatever I please.
Which fallacy?
A) Loaded Question
B) Personal Attack
C) Bandwagon Argument
D) Scare Tactics
4.1 Mini Quiz – Question 2
Which fallacy?
A) Bandwagon Argument
B) Personal Attack
C) Straw Man
D) Scare Tactics
“The foolish and the dead alone
never change their opinion.”
- James Russell Lowell
4.2 Fallacies of Insufficient Evidence
Hasty Generalizations
4.2.1 Inappropriate Appeal to Authority
My dentist told me that aliens built the lost city of Atlantis. So,
it’s reasonable to believe that aliens did build the lost city of
Authority Assessment
1. Is the source an authority on the subject at issue?
2. Is the source biased?
3. Is the accuracy of the source observations questionable?
4. Is the source known to be generally unreliable?
5. Has the source been cited correctly?
6. Does the source’s claim conflict with expert opinion?
7. Can the source’s claim be settled by an appeal to expert opinion?
Tips 8. Is the claim highly improbable on its face?
4.2.2 Appeal to Ignorance
Appeal to Ignorance
Claiming that something is true because no one has
proven it false or vice versa.
Yoda must exist. No one has proved that he
doesn’t exist.
I do!
False Alternatives
Posing a false either/or choice.
The choice in this MPM election is clear: Either we elect
Zubaidah as our next president, or we watch our MPM unity
slide into anarchy and frustration. Clearly, we don’t want that
to happen. Therefore, we should elect Zubaidah as our next
Loaded Question
Posing a question that contains an unfair or unwarranted
Lee: Are you still friends with that loser Richard?
Ali: Yes.
Lee: Well, at least you admit he’s a total loser.
Questionable Cause
Claiming, without sufficient evidence, that one thing
is the cause of something else.
Sarah gets a chain letter that threatens her with dire consequences if she
breaks the chain. She laughs at it and throws it in the garbage. On her
way to work she slips and breaks his arm. When she gets back from the
hospital she sends out 200 copies of the chain letter, hoping to avoid
further accidents.
Hasty Generalization
Drawing a general conclusion from a sample that
is biased or too small.
Norwegians are lazy. I have two friends who are from there,
and both of them never prepare for class, or do their
Slippery Slope
Claiming, without sufficient evidence, that a seemingly
harmless action, if taken, will lead to a disastrous
“The Malaysian militarily shouldn't get involved in other countries. Once
the government sends in a few troops, it will then send in thousands to
Weak Analogy
Comparing things that aren’t really comparable.
Nobody would buy a car without first taking it for a test drive.
Why then shouldn’t two mature UNITAR students live
together before they decide whether to get married?
Asserting inconsistent or contradictory claims.
Note found in a Forest Service Suggestion box: Park visitors
need to know how important it is to keep this wilderness
area completely pristine and undisturbed. So why not put up
a few signs to remind people of this fact?
Which fallacy?
A) Questionable Cause
B) Hasty Generalization
C) Slippery Slope
D) Weak Analogy
4.2 Mini Quiz – Question 2
Which fallacy?
Which fallacy?
A) Loaded Question
B) Hasty Generalization
C) Slippery Slope
D) Weak Analogy
Group Activity
Break into groups of 4 - 6, and construct five (5) fallacious
Each group can choose any of the 20 fallacies discussed, but
must construct at least two fallacious arguments of each
category: Fallacies of Relevance & Fallacies of Insufficient
The constructed fallacious arguments must discuss the
topics specified in the template provided (Business,
Education, Information Technology, Environment, and
20 min Construct 5 fallacious arguments.
5 min Document constructed arguments into the template provided.
15 min Group presentation & discussion.
The Group leader must submit their findings in hard-copy or soft-copy format to the
lecturer before or during the next class.
Summary – 20 Common Fallacies
An argument that contains a mistake in reasoning.
Fallacies of Relevance Fallacies of Insufficient Evidence
Arguments in which the premises are Arguments in which the premises, though
logically irrelevant to the conclusion. logically relevant to the conclusion, fail to
provide sufficient evidence for the conclusion.
Online Resources
Fallacies (The Nizkor Project):
Cool Optical Illusions:
Contact Details