TKI153102 Teknik Pengambilan Keputusan
TKI153102 Teknik Pengambilan Keputusan
TKI153102 Teknik Pengambilan Keputusan
Teknik Pengambilan
(Konsep dan metodologi pengambilan keputusan)
Classical Decision Model
• An approach to decision making
that tells managers how they
should make decisions.
• Approach assumes that managers
are logical and rational.
• Approach assumes that managers’
decisions will be in the best
interests of the organization.
• Conditions suggested in this
approach rarely, if ever, exist.
The Classical Model of
Decision Making
2) Identifying alternatives
a) Managers must realize that their alternatives may
be limited by legal, moral and ethical norms,
authority constraints, available technology,
economic considerations and unofficial social
Rational Decision Making. . . (continued)
3) Evaluating alternatives
4) Selecting an alternative
a) Choosing the best alternative is the real test of
decision making.
b) Optimization is the goal because a decision is likely
to affect several individuals or departments.
c) Finding multiple acceptable alternatives may be
possible; selecting one and rejecting the others
may not be necessary.
Rational Decision Making. . . (continued)